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Exeter Flying Post


... SPORTING 12rINT.'ELLCENCE. T7U, Br'iytinl and Cl/ llton Riaces commenced upon Durmiham Down' m on ?? hlvit. Tmip ?? ci rig rx- ?? gl ti ',irlm e, the i(;st dlay's I aci!.s WVorl! me(Xllert. T'he B1'ir l StimiXtdns ot ?? Sovrmleigtns Oulc, Vvith tiventy-fi ei added, for homs es nit th n aoomli-bim d, vvre ?? by Mr. J. F,.Irimtou's4 h. h. Iilhrt'mn, bea-ilrg Blr. 1Vrcxi.r(nm h vy. h. g6 ...


... SPORTING INTELLrGENCE. GRAND MATCH OF CRIC1;ipgr.-lbe most interesting m ateh of cricliet, ever behold, was played on the Rovyal Cricket ( rotinds, on Mend lNv, TuesdaIv, ?? Wedoiesday last, between eleven gentlemen of' Susex, anid elevej geotlemen selected from All England besides, for 1000 guineas. 'l'hc play conmciteced about eleven ; A11 FInglalnd going in rst, anlid, to the vexatioll and ...


... HLANDFORD UR ACr S.-Fsrt Day, redneadeg.- The Sweelistakca, one mifle hnat, wns wvr by & .r. Dilly's Paudriuns, behti 1g Mr. F'Irrqrtlh;irtin's Wandilerer, Mr. Biggs' Sotolenskk.-Tlie Dor'setshiie Gold Cup of 100 sovereigns was %vOII byI Mr. larihi iii nalied Presentimen t, buatirig Mr. Dilly's Parnidirtin, Mr. Banikeg' cb. c., Mr. Far(quiarson's b. f., anid Lord Rivers na nd GaInelia. (This ...


... WRESTLI NOG. | Th!~ Paignalo~t~tnitl;r5; thioogh eonrnenced under rahtl3r I tinhtaipicitouii Cli'r'lil ult il'l01 Ia lt o it tioll povod onto of the highiest ot'derr At this spaeiI iif the ou froin the o-re t' oalalelpilettO ?? ifiaraictorise tile palst. week, miii t lie rinohinlg of iitffreiit. itateliS, tite Vi.gilitUlimiil, supli~ling it ainast,~~ iailpooviillt to ?? a soiilicle'i1 ?? of ...


... Tlhe DeVol) Fox-Junting Chb) will blhntto-morrow (Thuisdiay,) atlBighbicikrngton;F Frida1y, at East Worllr9gton; Saturday, at Meshasw 1UOr Gate; each (lay at 10 o'clock. Mv. Kingis Horitird will meet onl Tuesday the 27th, at Park-Hquse, BJovey,; andon Friday the 50th, at Ilsinggton Wood ; eah Ciay at l0 or ock. Mr. Far rinharson's hounds will meet to-morrow ,(Thursday)7 ?? Barn; aud on Friday, ...


... WRRSTLI NG. The mittch at.. T rhlorist, vommerrced on Mionday morning, and notwithsyannlingj the intervention of the Metro- prlitan anrl other matt hik,, presented a fitle field; the wrestlers mustering both stronzi Itt numbers and line condition; the Arralnlgements were equpl to those of arly preceding yrear, ard the play Avasotf the maost spirited and inarily description, many young sprigs ...


... SPOfRTING INTELLIGENCE. WQINCHJESrmlt RACES- Wedne.sday.-The Great Prodiliep Stakes of 50 gs. eaclh: MR. ?? ?? .. walked over. SwVeepstLkes 5 bOVS. each, 2o addledl by C(oumy Members; and 5 sovs by the Stewitudls M:. hII.N's Crony by Cutias, Y ycals, (IPasis) . I Lord Ril merstos's hi *. by 'Waleoie ?? 2 Ills Maljesty's 1late f 1f00 guineas; heats fourtniiles:- Air. jeizee Radclifre's lolgage ...


... SPORTING INTELLfGENCE. A match has been made for the Newmarket SprilD Meeting next year, which in likiely to create more interet in ?? Sporting World, thtan any other since the famous one between Mr. Houldsvrortl's Filbo da Pula and Mr. Neville's Sir Joshua. It is between the Hon. E. Petre's Matilda (winner of tie St. Leger) arl (Colonel Udln5's f., by Partilan, out of Donnta Clara, to ruu for ...


... METROPOLITAN WRESTLTNG DIATCH, Between CAAS;/ anud GAFFIVEY. Monday the great wrestling match wakidecidfr1 between Cauirn the cielebrated D)evonshire wrestler, and Gaffnoey, wliu hsbjnptforwvard as the Charmpion offir'lanil. There had beenl. sline~difficalty in briniging thesta comtpetitors together, Carin resolving to adhere to tbo- Devoushire sityle dt'wvre~stling for only fair back throws, ...


... SPORTIKG INTELLrGENCE. Nereinarket First October AIeeting.-These races commenced on Motiday.-The Trial Stakes weretwon by Pas- titne beating BeIzoni and Lamiplighter-a good race and won by a length; six otlibrs started but were not ?? Urand Duke Michael Stakes of 50 soVB. for 3-yeav-ohls was won by Lord G. Cavendisli's Partisan c. Espaginolle beating Mr. Wylndhain's Gaberlunzie, Lord Jersey's ...


... SPORTI[NG IN'TELLTGEATCE. Cheltenham RtceS tike place earlier this year thati usual, the Zdih or Jnne being lixed on ; 67 borses are nanted for the (;loucesteri Stakes, Bristol and Cliftoo Races commence on Thursday, 26th inqt. on DMirdliamidowi ; good sport expected. Moat sportsmen ugree in thinking that grouse are de- clining, while black cocks are increasiilg fa-t In ninbers. -Partridgem ...


... SPORT.TING INTELLIGEATCE. Crickeiing.-Oi WednesdayI a Cricket MXateb ivas played -at March, betwreen 7 members of the Hoop and 4 of the Union Clubs, agalnst II members of the INIirch Club, which was won byy the latter by 2Z ruls -the aumbers being, March. let Innings. 07, ?J, 50; Cainbridge, at jiDningS, 33, rd .5. Tihe return match will be played at Cauihrlgr,s, on ?? jtih of fuly. ...