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Exeter Flying Post



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Exeter Flying Post

Metropolitan Grand W

... restling. On Tuesday, a number. of wrestlers,. chiefly Devon- shire men, attended at the Golden Eagle, Mile end-road, for the purpose of contending for four prizes; that were to be the reward of players from any part of the United Kingdom who should most distinguish themselves. The single play of this match commenced about two o'clock in the afternoon; in the course of which, James Cann (the ...


... SPOfRTING INTELLIGENCE. WQINCHJESrmlt RACES- Wedne.sday.-The Great Prodiliep Stakes of 50 gs. eaclh: MR. ?? ?? .. walked over. SwVeepstLkes 5 bOVS. each, 2o addledl by C(oumy Members; and 5 sovs by the Stewitudls M:. hII.N's Crony by Cutias, Y ycals, (IPasis) . I Lord Ril merstos's hi *. by 'Waleoie ?? 2 Ills Maljesty's 1late f 1f00 guineas; heats fourtniiles:- Air. jeizee Radclifre's lolgage ...


... Mr. Kin Is Hounds meonl Friday the 7tb, cit j ?? Cottley Wood; Monday tire 10th on NMamiread-bili, 'HIaidon; Thursday the l3th at Ogwell-each day at 10 O'elock., ~ir A. Chichoster's' Hounds ineet onl Fridaynetxt, at CtBige, at JO o'clock. M Farilthatrson's liorunds -will meet to-morrow (Thursdary) at MNelcomnb Pa~i: ; ofi 'Frida~, at Hosok' an on Saturdiaya flrk.'0 TheS brset Fox Hounds meet ...


... SPORTtV. 'INTELLIGENCE. i BAeTlEaaI' f.'td OL' s. RA%118.-f'VheSe ?? s ciommenieied:' on' Vedriesdftk'Iasf,: when,'the wveather bei fine, tbe-attehd- 'ance 'djioriLr'Lhrdsd nrr 'was exti em6y numeroas. There was the usttal 'dis'olii'of: horsemen and: vehieles 't eall descritptions, aid we noticed armoliethan'cooritmon assemblageoftashion and beauty bothirithe grand stad aind' tlie nauirnouas ...


... ,SPORTING lNTELtTGGENCE. At Newmarket,. Monday, Lord WharneliLfe's Carthu- vairuer witlie 3-year-old Handicap Stakes. Lord Egreamot's Gaberinuzie won the 25 so8s. subscriptione beating Tippily- vitchiet, Dahlia, and Car thusia, Carctis declares he is willing to fight Randall, or any other man In the world, and give hatifa stone in weight, for fromn 2001. to ,S001., on or olral stage. Should ...


... HLANDFORD UR ACr S.-Fsrt Day, redneadeg.- The Sweelistakca, one mifle hnat, wns wvr by & .r. Dilly's Paudriuns, behti 1g Mr. F'Irrqrtlh;irtin's Wandilerer, Mr. Biggs' Sotolenskk.-Tlie Dor'setshiie Gold Cup of 100 sovereigns was %vOII byI Mr. larihi iii nalied Presentimen t, buatirig Mr. Dilly's Parnidirtin, Mr. Banikeg' cb. c., Mr. Far(quiarson's b. f., anid Lord Rivers na nd GaInelia. (This ...


... . F-MITING, Mcr. Kings Ifo it(1 mnoe on FPriay at: Oli101g0t Drifgen 5)!) 'nesdiay gb! the 4 cvs4444 l~riugo on the f(~lsi-~eaei dayrtat: tdjfio'loeI. g'qIg' rgo0 tl These lloqndg iqet at Duakinder on Ti qeaday,5flot flnding there, tpqtae4 aivuiy gp PI Yijrve G3ovo Qvep 4iuep Paaea4i, where a Fok Wv4s ig5urt)ty fowaybverlwtg gw in O tjne style (the HQuilils e4qe 4t his brush) tbvoqgl the N4fl ...


... SPORTING INTELLrGENCE. GRAND MATCH OF CRIC1;ipgr.-lbe most interesting m ateh of cricliet, ever behold, was played on the Rovyal Cricket ( rotinds, on Mend lNv, TuesdaIv, ?? Wedoiesday last, between eleven gentlemen of' Susex, anid elevej geotlemen selected from All England besides, for 1000 guineas. 'l'hc play conmciteced about eleven ; A11 FInglalnd going in rst, anlid, to the vexatioll and ...


... SPORTING IN' TELLIGENCE. l EPSori l;ACRs.-.Toeve It at e, onl Jusdo3 , Wednesday, and4 Fllursday, mere fully aUlendlId, nearly all ihe sporting eiitlemenol a( i ijltclon being preneul. The Craven Slahe. were won by It Mr. Foit.s b. f. by hlerp:fter lbe Sh(rley SIahes by Ibe I)uke cf ?? Slarch ; tile WonodI0 Slahe6 by Mlir. BartICS Broca, I; thie (;old Cup by AM. PetIl'. j b ch C. by 17Way ...


... SPORTING 12rINT.'ELLCENCE. T7U, Br'iytinl and Cl/ llton Riaces commenced upon Durmiham Down' m on ?? hlvit. Tmip ?? ci rig rx- ?? gl ti ',irlm e, the i(;st dlay's I aci!.s WVorl! me(Xllert. T'he B1'ir l StimiXtdns ot ?? Sovrmleigtns Oulc, Vvith tiventy-fi ei added, for homs es nit th n aoomli-bim d, vvre ?? by Mr. J. F,.Irimtou's4 h. h. Iilhrt'mn, bea-ilrg Blr. 1Vrcxi.r(nm h vy. h. g6 ...


... EXETER RfICES,-FSco-7NMDAY. A PURSE or ONE IIUNDRED SOVEREIGNS. Given by the inbtihitunts of Exeter, free for all horses, best et thl ee helts anrd a ditallne. lord Prmncrkton'i Lncloornqf,, aged . I ir. Porinalnes Proeodfl , nred . ?? .. Mi. AV. ley'er Clirnupit, hy Rospifay 4 years .. ?? .34 Mr. ?? Lawr.atcer, 4 Veird . 6 3 Mi, C. Yrelasowey's /'idladeen, d years dr *r. Joneo's 1ia Conquest, ...


... WRRSTLI NG. The mittch at.. T rhlorist, vommerrced on Mionday morning, and notwithsyannlingj the intervention of the Metro- prlitan anrl other matt hik,, presented a fitle field; the wrestlers mustering both stronzi Itt numbers and line condition; the Arralnlgements were equpl to those of arly preceding yrear, ard the play Avasotf the maost spirited and inarily description, many young sprigs ...