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Exeter Flying Post


... .4CCII).V7'Th oPiENC'wS, 4jo. On Mondaiy Nveek,- Ar. Osbaideston s bounds, met. at Delapre Abbey', thie seat of ?? Bvuverie, 1E3q., when they tried several cover's withoat finding, vhen .tbwards. the after- noon, the houtids then being neaur Mr. J. Bradshaw's, of ilardwick Lodge, Mr. l3risdlhaw toli Mt. Osbrildeston that he had a bag t'fx in his yard, which he had dug out of a drain a do'y or ...


... a CCIDBNS, OFFBENVES, to. - . I .. Per'os fleacent-of a Dalloon.-It. waspihlidy rnnounced at Warefield, diuriog:tbe' yast wetlc, thbit on Siait- day last Mr. Browvn would aseeiil its is. b;allooii from avvrcant piete oef g'etifl(l'. s ited in Wood-street, li tbuat town. An immensets aoiicoit'e of- persons:amsembled to vitness thle novel seene *thleie, to whom' It soon hberame knojvn, that in ...


... MURDER ATr GOSPOIt'.--he town of Gosport was thrown into the greatest consterination on Sunday morning, in consequence of its having being rumnoured that a seamall hal been murdered, under peculiarlyatrocious circumstallces, in the house otfa female ofbad character, on the preceding evening. It appeared, on in(litiry, that a person of the name of Alex. Stroud, a native of Bermuda, and a seamen ...


... ACCJDENA %, .OPFEBSj re. I . 1. . . - e Sir Henry Oakes, Lieut.-Co'. in the Hi.. E.C. S. plit a peridd tl iIS lire, on nedayby tili ifrdtp''b ?? headw in an on-bouse lpear :his residence at Mitciajn. He *vas 7 years o; age. Sogne nlhappy family ! di feoce appears to have: excited thle unfortfulate nman to eommit the rash ?? itnquest has been held on the body, verdict, Put a period to hsis ...


... ACCID9NIT1s, OFFENCES, 4e. Mr. M'Adam has had a serious accident, having ?? bis leg at the ankle joint; tult be i dolug well. MlELANCHOLY ACCID)ENT.-Onl FHday sc'nnight, as Benjamin Bunbury, Esq., of Marlstone-house, Newbury, Nvas taking atu airing in his pony-crdsehi, in' company wvitl his son5 who drove, the ouminal beecamle suddenly restive in a by- lane, about three miles trom Marlstont, ...


... ,NISCELLAIVEVIUS. Thje glnq's (2oear't.-_ i'iday, ris Majesty arrived at St. Jailes's, nrid 'hIelld t Court, winhll was veiy fally at- ?? by tile Cabijiet A.linisters. Ilis Minajesty hield all iln- ?? of the trrder of tire ilath, (at wir l his l oyal igl Iss th D l)ake Of Clareuice ?? ,j ohirr the Itigit 11orr. IFred. L amb Yas ioitrod ocaedv itb thL auitial eereinonies, arid kn1ightt'r by the ...


... AC;.:14CIILgNi.,'&OVF.-!FPA CR,; 4@. - The ION8nt3 darmaie icsfidd by tle fire-on Mllondayt at ?? iertialern Colive hoiil1 e.tiniated OlWN 2nz to S , 3011l No lss the81f4 urteeu ::puil,(6fl4iers ot tle E1xeise, ately tri~nsfeirred 1m thitl kigdo tnouretd. (purposely to preeent the ,syitemr. of bribery ?? between dealers and tiiis iclass of, ievenue `diilrs therte,) are now underf uspansinohfat ...


... ACCIDENTS, OrNCES, &e. On 'Stnrday last some melancholy thief broke into the premises of Mr..David Haddon, In Aqneducl-street, afid stole a'enoinj that was partly made, and wood enoogh toleomiplete it !- Manche'ter Gazettc. Ott Monday evening, at Knaresborough, a man of the nlame of Colton, a weaver; whiilst in a state of intoxicalioon, commnenced a'qnarre7. at his own house, with two of bis9 ...


... .ACCtIIefA'S, O7' PItNCES, fe. A trading vessel, having 5200 barrelds of gunpowder ou board, was disenvered on lire when oif Peel- Castle, on Ibe iancasibre coaAl, on Sunday; the crew immediately anan-; doned hlr. and In teu or lfteeu oitinttes after, wit bilew up. with such a tremendnos ex pto-doo, that folr 110 blyes along the coast it wat _npl? n6ed an earfiqnatie fllad ?? coflisderable ...


... LAW AND POLICE SUM!I7AUY. In the Prorovasilhe Court, Mr Frazer, tlhe adminig- fratar of the late Mr. Farqrrhlar of Ponthill, obtained a decree, calling oa all persuns iloterested ii, the property of the defunct, to appear and see the will propounded, in order to protect bittself fruntu moleslation in his posseesion of the proiperty. Otiver and Tulter v, Habart, Cltsrk.-This wras an appeal from ...


... ?? have good reason for statim, that the Sanrdiwell caus0, which ba9 ?? ro much irteresf in this coonty, will not come onil oour esriuing arsizeasexpected -srau. J. h'er Calendar of prisoners for trial at the ensuing Assize for Ihe county ort l'i)perary, enitnerates not less than 3lt;5 pris hlers, 85 of whoni are for murder. ?? t.UOl).-Phelpsi v. White.-Mr. Campbell said, the plainil'iff had ...


... LAW AND POLICFE SUMIMARY. In the Court of Chancery, on A1ouday, in the matter of the E.rl of l'orlsiloith, the Lord Chancellor directed that the rene mal of a lea'e of' a parsouiae, w icih, with [tie line and fee-, would cost £l1,00. should hie etTecled, and the expeaces paid ont (if the funds of his estate, as it Ihea cay become available to the creditors generalty, which were very nuturons. ...