Advertisements & Notices

... it% ~ea, lepb jtto, ~ol!r~ in the most-M Inrl maner from ILLTSTATINSof CeONCHOLOGY of GREAT IBRITAIN and IRtELAND. Dy 'captain TH'sOMAS BROWN, It F.11.S. ?? ?? &C. :f** Iti this work there are already upwards of 600 Shells, fIguI a the esie of 5.tlre, and accompanied with the generic and seii nams, ogeherwith the synonyms. `-Of the exquisite mranner in which the ihels are finished, we B feel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ie. eir th Psvanro WAes5 1X GooDS.-We have before us a statement offact' from A Poor rao's Friead, which induces us to ask our friends it Pfeecot whether one of the proprietors of a colliery in that neigh or bourbood does not keep a shop, In an obscure part of the toot, where the labourers of the concern are supplied, and lvhence thd accounts ofisuch supply are forwarded to the colliery, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~7P~ztSI~g aothdoler ASIATICG RARIIIT1S, of U.SP, )fPfO vSPLIENDOUR.J BYV BRANCH 4 SON, Njdynext, tbe.8th instant, andi four following days, at ~ VT) , ecletti precisely each dayj at the [Hanover Roomns, 1e fvc ercsfaing, and Ieighlds valuabile assemblage jX~ ~~eid SIATC RRITEScomprehending most an. ~g ad JU5A POCELIN, in Table and Dessert lie8 CllN~~0~pltiid IN ndariui Jars, 36 inches high, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * lnitcb E-tatcl. THE OLD LINE OF PACKETS FOR NEW YORK, S'euilon the Ist and 16t/i of everyllionth, via. ?? FLORI DA, TrecgrBA. ?? 540 torso 16th of Decei. T The CANADA, Root ?? 570 ?? Istloffan. 1 The BRITANNIX, MARSHALY,, -. ISO ?? idfh fJsan. A The NEW YORK, RBexNSTT,*. 560 ?? l,/t Feb. A The JANIFS CROPP12R, GsSiA ?? 16th of Fc-b. Thle ANivcnESTER. Lee ?? 510 ?? lst 'if ach Th The WM.FI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e The letter of Aiaiess sie ha ad put in typo, and withdrew it-an din e that our reporter states that h is authority for the paragraph II question, in presence of a witness, was the Craptain of the Dif e of Lancuasterhimse ilf. The para frapham nirmsnotlii-tts.teC, ie 2rndrstand.L AN.ouaCtio B3zaT ?? hanver neer bean in te habl t sf SD I nounelig births in the 3lercury, although Ive have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-COOn FaID Y.-Or next publicaticn wilt be put to press very e;rly, in order that it may be circulated as ?? as poss'ble before n or of church service. Our agents in the country will ?? s their parcels at the regular time. 'Meehants and others InLir pool who are usually supplied at their ?? Wil1 have the goodness to send for their papers before eleven o'efS Tt e earlier In the week we are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1a- I _ _ _ _ tin IVAKEJIFLV'S TRMIL. hie Inthepress, and will be puhlished Teiaurroa' Ulorning(Saturday) t, the 31st instant LCh At l/e the fercury Offle, Lord-street, O. he F IULL REPORT of the TRIAL of EDWARD GIBBON A WAIKEFIELD, with ?? documents connected with it, s be hitherto unpublishel. To which will ibe added, a Narrative of le se Wakefield's Elupement ?? his former Wife, Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO GLASS BOTTLE BLOWERS. UTANTED, by the DUBLIN GLASS BOTTLE I v CO.MPANY, a few good Workmen to whom great encouragement nvill be given, application to be made to IStAC STEWAIRT, Ecq. 12, Bachelor's Walk, Mr. SPLAP., 27, College. Green, or Mr. MALsEr, t5, Lower Sackville-Street, Dublin. For NEI YORK, The regular Trading Ship COSM50O 500 Tons,-Capt. Josx GILLBSPIS, This Ship is Coppered and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,le andl Gentlemen of Bristal, Clifton, and '1 *,nintieC, are most respectfully informed that, with t hbeir'1t ,7iisa of the Patcltsbe of the Theatre Royal, 'he'j e, tilthe celebrated ofalyr TS g S S r Zi :P 1 E N 5 12 ?? ANT)~ O ?? XORiMz;50NC *ed to perform here l IV E N I GH''S in the Easter Alren- MiONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, ilert ;r.Yland FRIDAY. I'lul- = . UNT, frog, the Thre Itoval, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Po Let or SOLDr), VOMMlS;ODIOUS PREMIRES, beins No .50, BROAD t QUAYXcoiSistingofa DWEI,LINU G HOUSEtheground- floor of whirh is fiued Un as a Countingi-House. Atttached are cxcellent and estensive Warehrlises ?? two good Offices. Apply to Alr. C. PAUL, Castle Batnk. To be Let, on moderate Tereis, wit/I immediate Possession, A Vary desirable RESIDENCE, with suitiable Offices8 a good Walled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be Sold by Auction, BY MS. FA RUS, On Morose, Nov. 19, I127. at the PULL MrOO IN'. NORTlH.ST'RE131', Bristol,at the hour of5 o'clock iI ila Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, THE following desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY: T Lot i.-AI1 that MESSUAGE or TENEMENTand P REiNISES, situate and being in Gloecester-Streel, in the Parish of St. Paul, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJ st rceeivei bv *j. o Matolh, 0, Qiay: W Bligirr 1 Norfton anid j. Ieid, Cird-Strveet;J. ftees, and E .i. Page, Woie-Street.; and by all other Boolsellerg. A SUPPLY of thatt Inestinafile 'Meditaine, Dr. SOW. 'A MON's CMLEltIlATED CORDIAI. BALM 'OF GILEAD, vhich is ptiliarlv efficrclous in all Inwaid fitst- ieoqt Loss of Appetite. Indigestiolt, Depression or Sliritts, Trernihling or Shaking, ...