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... SPORTING INTELLrGENCE. GRAND MATCH OF CRIC1;ipgr.-lbe most interesting m ateh of cricliet, ever behold, was played on the Rovyal Cricket ( rotinds, on Mend lNv, TuesdaIv, ?? Wedoiesday last, between eleven gentlemen of' Susex, anid elevej geotlemen selected from All England besides, for 1000 guineas. 'l'hc play conmciteced about eleven ; A11 FInglalnd going in rst, anlid, to the vexatioll and ...


... I TATTERSALL'S. There was not any material alteration yesterday In the bet- titi, which was very languid till towards the close ; the prin- r Subscribers being either at B8righton, or on their way to York Races, which commence next Tuesd y. MIRmeluke, Granby, and Nonplus were m gst ia reqneit. Grarlby is report- ed to have been purchased by Mr. Gully. The odds closed as follow.- Thirty ...


... a. BRIGHTON RACES. Ie BRIGIHTON, T UESDAY AtTERNOON, 3 O'CLOCK. *r teveral fresh arrivals having taken place yesterday evening the town has assumed all the appearance of a race tite, aisef l all the bustle and animation produced by the assemblage of a Y large concourse in a small place. The itreets opposite Tuppen's and Lukin's were crowded this morning byl the Sporting visi- it tors, and much ...


... TATTERSALL'S. Y Nearly every Subscriber of nore beinp' 7sbsent at the York I- Auguit Races, there was scarcely an ~ tbing done yesterday. We are, therefore, unable to give any authentic qeotatiola kt YORK AUGUSg 'IXlErTING. it YORK, SUNDAY AFTENOO;S0..A auore than usual degree of !r initerst is excited 6y tir Nleeting, and its cornriencernent ou _ uesday nest is looked for with great anxiety ...


... Cowas, Aue. 2.-As we anticipated, our first Regatta has af~ forded a delightful treat to our aquatic amateurs. It com. menced on Monday morning with the review of the Pilot Ves- sels, under the inspection of Thomas Mastings, Esq., Admiral Lock, asd George Spurr, Esq. Sub-Commissiouers. It blew a strong breeze from the westward, and the masterly atyle in which the evolutions were performed is ...