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London, London, England

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... SPORTING INTELLIGENCL. g EGHAM RACES (CONCLUDED). There was an extraordinary fill attendance of visitors yester- F day, on the race ground, attracted by tle excellence of the two t first days' sport-tie weather was tbe reverse of favourable. Tbe Stewards for next year ?? Egreraont, H. De Burgh, Etq., and F. %. igh twick, E-q., and already have their exertions procured several sub'cribers to ...


... nt YORK AUGUST MEETING. !t, TUESDAY NIGHr.-Tlle races of to-day require little to be n. said in addition to what was contained in our last account.- le !Barelegs was the favourite for the Knavesnaire against Sirius, at be 6 to 4, and was heat cleverly. le The betting on the Yorkshire Stakes ran very high, at 5 to 4 to against the winrer, 7 to 4 against Jupiter, 5 to I Against Ros- W wt], and ...


... who EGHA M RACE8.F51VW6NESDAY. iday The number of spectators ona the Course t,,-day was more lw than usually numerous, owing, no doubt, as much to the anti- Je-cipated attendance of Rilyalty as to the superior quality ofi thle sport generally appointed for the second day at these Races. i His Royal Hichness the Lord High Admiral, accompanied by tile the Duchess and her Royal Highness the ...


... SPORTINO INTELLICENC.E I GOODWO;D RACE8. cliiC5IESrK*ft, TU5SIS, These races, which have it tle course of a fel Ylas , highly in public estimation as to place tbens Years Ascot, Epsom, and most of the great mnerting5 feti morrow ; and judging from the unusual SIR otni the rank of the visitors (as well here as at tre vs ortst within six miles of GodAwood), and the char,,, 018 tries, they cannot ...


... the ~YORK AUGUST MEETING. un- ?? AFTERLNOON, Foaul 0'CLOCE.1 The following it anl Accurate statement ot this day'4 runninlg: the The ?? Stakes of 100 stuva. each, hs. ft. for two year old colts, Sst. 71b., and fillies, 7st. 1lib. T.Y.C. Mr. Petre's Is. f. Emmnelirte by Blacklock I Lord Millton's br. f. Ballad-silnger . . 2 n Lord Kellutiriae's cl. f. by Viscount-Georgians 3 Bettng-l to4 aat ...


... SPORTING I-I YORK AUGUST MEETING1(Cu Ct V The following is the conclusion if Sntarday's , A Tse Silver Tureen, value 60 gaineas, for all ages. He mile and a half. Mr. Mason's ch f by Egresnont, 5 yr 1 4 Lord Sligo's b c Roswml, 3 yrs . 4 2 2 Mr. Edmoudsou's ch f Mystery, 3 Yrs . . 1 3 Col. Klng's ch mr Ultimra,5 yrs . . . - 3 dr Six to 4 on Ultimia; after the first beat ( to 4 aigst Mr. Ma- ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCEE. fle, kdo TAITf RSAL L'S. ,ci The attendance yester~lay wag both ntimerotus and respec:- ted able, and the betting tolerably heavy. Mameluke has become lli decidedly the first tavourite at 7 to 2, at which he left off, and IP, no takers. Granby closed at 4 to 1, which was offered freely. Ile Sancho, for some unknown clause (unless his having been beaten Ile last yeat be ...


... I -e ?? YORK AUGUST MEETING. a- Tuesday Afternoon, Half-past Three O'Clock. The expectations of good sport held 6nt fer to-day have in a great degree been disappointed, half the race sh bavlg beet Id whlred ever for. The shew of fashionnales on the Coure, and id in the Grand Sgand, was brilliant; but we do not think that the d company altogether was no numerous as on former occasions.- Tbe ...


... |) ?? * i. -Exit - It e m , 9 ;, I I - ?? - F ?? ,,anvukhe aleasu lR is ateplifaate an~tbe'phasure~~ ~l~ach ~gcul~e~a ~wpid~4I&~~e sord caumrluess Ear and ?? ~orye A. Chichuetu,L..,cLod'. tIltsd~W i1t#nou, L~ord Chare S.nai, l'o ShelleySrW.La. 'a, C6h1d1 Berkeeyj oa~M.C~aaCiA4I~ t551 Colonel' L~yxtteA,' Colonel LeastnpI~ fa, a~p 'bigbjeon 'ne Viite ?? .. - *2 'Th bnasked-for rpuls. O$.- t ...


... PORT'SMOUTHI REGATTA. _ _ The Port of Portsmouth Itegatta, an Tuesday, comnimenced with the Sailing WVherries, when, at 12, 45 p. mt., siX of this description of beats started for the prizes, and after a well-con- tested match, in which the men conducted the sailing of them with admirable skill (the wind blowing a strong breeze fromt ?? they came in in the following order ?? . Little, prize ...


... EGHAM RACES. els This, the last of the Metropolitan meetings, commenced yes- We. tefday, and fully answered our expectations. But a few seasons Ite bock they were of a very inferior description, tud they would im soon have dwindled into insignificance, bad not the leading ment en of the neighbourhood, and some of tbe higbest members of the to Tnrf, rome fwrward to sipport them. Of the latter, ...


... SI'fORTING INTELLIGENCE. TATTERSALL'S. There was a very numerous mnuster yesterday of the most respectable supporters of tbs Turf, and businees, particularly towargq the clese, wa! very bri-. Ilbs- only alteratious wortth r.aticing, ar tho-e fvhtch relanto lew o! thes middling &nl euiidv sHort. t'edlkr aod A stiope are rising; Transiawiout er beisg s. *ie opening a little 'lnder 20 1o I' fsll ...