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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... THE KING.-The Court CircN/ak an- nounces that HIs MAJESTY is, and has severe cold that His, lte i~i bta91 ^;ikst The Parfliament, pupn ?? reCOinmen- tion of the LORD CiIAXCELLOR, is pro- rogued till the 29th iftant. Doax MiGU ,RL.-H1is Roval Higbness has taken leave of His MAJESTY, previ- ous to his departure from E3 EnALAND. - DoctoR BLACK and ANNA BRODIR.- Doctor Black, last week, strongly ...


... cYour allies are endless in number and mighty in influence, But wye -have one ally worth the 'whole of them put toge- ther; namely, the DEBT! This is an ally, whom no ?? or rewards can seduce from us. She is a steady, unrelaxing, Ver, severing, incorruptible ally., An ally that :is proof against all blandishments, all in- trigues, all temptations, and all open at' tacks. She ...


... FOREIGN NEWSE . . FRENnI PAPFtrs.-T/lrd Letter of ihe 1 lth -Jeqfre the Ambassadors e6m barked, the Sultan caused a great coun? cil to be convoked, at which about three hundred IJlemas attended, and laid be- fore themn fbr consideration the denand of passports niade by the.Arnbassadors, andl the whole course of the later nego. tiations. Thv, moderation of the Porte before and lifter the battle ...


... a When the END shall be near, there will 4C be, as there was in France, everlasting choppings and cbaogings in the MinistryR cand, perhaps, at last, no man ill be found to touch the concern, unlessit be some one, actually destitute of a sufficiency of food and raiment.-REGSTIR, 9tiJon. 1819. !'THE END. Barn-Elm tarm, Surrmaj, 17th Jan. 1828. TEATnEND, of which I have so often spoken ...


... THE AEW S.-vf - _ Tmi Sne4pape'rs tell us dtialbet EM- Rot lssuha.s b --ished thie J -es riieflt:ii s ~ 1 I.=msi- &iiniX an t srn¢news-: A MEETNG of CIlkrSTIANS will be 'held miS'.',ZV~il' at the King' Head TaveiF, oulwtr,;at six- seoW otueh COmsi eraj t*e lRsriai1 Ukase, b ung the.jews. from tbe Iixtersior of, the - Russian -Emptreb.. ., .> . L seetigiwas.!to. be held,,and il Tlipse wa ...


... ' When the END shall be near, there will.! be, as there was in France, everlacting- choppings and cbangiugs in the Ministry; and, perhaps, at last, no man will be found- ...

Published: Saturday 12 January 1828
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8005 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | Tags: News 


... THE BUTCHERS and SIR HENRY I PARNELL. *A AMONGST the effects of that excessive hum anity and more than feminine delicacy, which naturally proceeds,. I suppose, from the march of mind; amongst the effects of that ddouce humanit6' of which ROBESPIRRRE talked more than any other man in the French Convention; amongst these efects, is,; I understand, a project for introducing into England the ...


... ; GnnnAN PAPEiS.-Jagsy, Dec. II.- (By Expres-s.)-This town and the en- virons 'vere yesterday thrown into the greatest alarin. A report- wascirca- late4Z tihat a body of 1,500 Turkish ca- valrty b~ ?? Danube at Tur- tuk, and miarcihed towards .Bacharest; ?? iwhich-iiessengers, were imiiedi- atel~pdispafhedi by ?? of this *tQli -tt tie Rbii. rntier; to an-t noaiice ibl~i ew. Upon. this ...


... . ' Peetatet d b Prolesta its: irekhand. ?? RAt ,,,Eoftew; s~id, fi at,;^a~f'ter.,all that. has been bellowedd about thenw crlty of catolc.s; *ftraU th t~hasbeeioit-l Pid. farth about BLOoPY QUfEl! 4,RYt w,. ,one zwtould, think, to hear,, 'these. sdibries,- must. have .been, one terriblg uirago eqiul ip braiw to ANNA BfseDjs herself; ater alfl the: ,readfhil stories about >the Inquisition, ...


... DON. MVIIGTEL, Regent of Portugal, arrived in ArlingtonI-street, Piccadilly, at theihouse of Lord Dudley', .Minister for Foreign Affairs, on Sunday' after- noon, the 39th December, esmorted by'a party ?? Guards. Never was so little interest manifested, as was mani- fested. on this occasion. No handlker- vchiefs waved,;.no applauses' whatever were given; the few-people that. verie assembled ...


... COBBETT3S EGOTISM. 1 I Mr. CSHIEL may talk about Lord FLUNKETT'S martyrdom as long as he pleases; but it is I who am the real martyr. Amongst all my sufferings, which have amounted to about half a dozen crucifixions, the one, I confess, that has not been of the reverse kind, has been inflicted upon me by the broad sheet, which, with singular injustice, far exceeding that h which has ever ...

Published: Saturday 26 January 1828
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6648 | Page: Page 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 | Tags: News 


... :SiB,-I take the liberty to give you a few hints, relative to the arrangement of the miscellaneous matter of future Re- yisters. You state yourintention to give a list of Bankrupts, which is certainly very desirable; but not less so is a record of the nnumber of unhappy Insolvent Debtors, wfo are applving weekly to be dis- charged under the Act. This, Sir, may be called the back door, by which ...