... FRENCII PAPERS. [FRtOM TTHE GAZETTE De FRANCE, DATED TPHtJSDAY, JAN. 31.] PARIS, JANVARY 30.-We extract the follorwing from the Augsburg Gazelte:- The Protocol of the Confere nces onthe questionof nter ventien between the Ministers of Russia, France,and England, was finally agreed upon on the 21st Dec., anid the uleasures were concerted which are to lie taken, to advance the work of ...

Published: Saturday 02 February 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1837 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... IKENCta P4PERS. [FROMS THE M-INITPEtU OF AIONDAV, FEB. 11 -OFFICIAL PART.1 ORDINANCES OF THE KING. CNARLES, &C. &C. C t'o Sloerinc tlie (rdinance of the 26th August, 1824, which areated a Milnisterial Derartment for Ecclesiastical Affairs and Public Istructlon; Cursidering Art. 2, of vur Ordinance of the 4' bJanuary last, decreeing that henceforth public instruction b61ll not form a part f ...

Published: Thursday 14 February 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 857 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... A: PASTORAL LETTER ; FROM THE SCOTCH PRESBYTERY IN LONDON, AD- id DRESSEDTO THE BAPTIZED OF THE SCOTTISH CHURCH RESIDING IN LONDON AND ITS VICI- Ic NITY AND IN THE SOUTHERN PARTS OF THE ISLAkD. .CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY'S PAt.ER] OUR BESETTING SIN AS A PEOPL&E d Of all the causes of this degeneracy, for which we desire to at- it set our s. ms before ourGod, that which seemeth to n, the princi- ...

Published: Saturday 26 January 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3949 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... ?y?4.\I'II L0?4 VI 1S'.?:i. ''tot -of XC i!ioat hd!xtrale1r ititiul 11 Witin- f, I , ! I --al 'n I t I''v arte I t i,:f.: t.,~ hail tin the1> Z i; , li;'. l. iit 'a1 leste f' tii F dlzi.leIi It eCii X~~~~~~~ u [I, ialiii' 0.. !',ci ax I lir II'sl.- C.l I If l sd) til it il ( I' C'ltii lt'ijnIX' 'lCB v h1 n tile xii ' . wX 1soci lx tii'ip1l (Mul lhiLi hoi ks avll I Mr. a A, x estzii raie. Me''. ...

Published: Wednesday 16 January 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 659 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of Tuesday, Feb. 19

... Frem tAe lONDON GAZETTE of Tuesday, Feb. 19. ST. JA MES'S PALACE, FEB 18. Tbte Kinir haK beeu pleased to aippo~int the Duke of Mnntrrtse, Lc~d Climu clarmsi of his hiajesty's Household, in the room el the Duke of Devonshire, resigned. WHITEHALL, FEBi. 18. The King hus Isfrn pleased to direct Letters Patent to be Passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, ...

Published: Wednesday 20 February 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2257 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MESSRS. HORACh' AND JAMES SMIlTl, AUTHOttS OF THE REJECTED ADDRESSES. (FROM LEIGlt HtJNT'S LORD BYRBON AlSa SOME OSF HIS CON- 7'EM I~. IA IlEs.] Of Jarnes Smith, a fair, stout, frasi-colortred mann with round features, I rec-Illect little., excopt that be u-ed t; read to ns trim veries. The besbt of his verses are in the Re lerd Ad dresses, alnd they are excellent. Isaac Hawkins Broawns, witni ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2181 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... GERMAN AND BRUSSELS PAPERs. The following extracts from the Flanders Papers, wi, reached us yesterday, give some new information on the pr. ceedings of the Greeks in Sr find on thee Continent- BRUssnEIs, MARCH 21-The following is the Repirt marO by Colonel Fahvier to the Greek Government, on a sAlly m-, by theTurks in the fort et Scio, aod of which a notice hisa ready been given in several ...

Published: Wednesday 26 March 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 679 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... GERMAN PIPERS. By the Hamburghi Mail which arrived yesterday, we have reckived accounts from St. Petersburgh of the 22d ult., and from Vienus of the 27tb. The former announce that the Treaty of Peace between RIussia and Persia was signed on the 21st of Fe- bemlary at ITurkilnanschai, near Miaua. Si. PC1ERSSURCG5, MARCit 22-The peace with Peesia was signed on the 218t of Feliruary 't midnight, ...

Published: Wednesday 09 April 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 568 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... (fROM THE GAZP.VFE DE FRANCE, DATED SATURDAY, MARCH 1.] TiatsIE, FeB. IS.-The day before yesttrsay a transport errire i here Nvith the baggatre of NI. Rihe~tiipiere, and the Rian frigate, witb tbe Ambassadnr himself on board, was seen oKf the coast; but in coosequence of orders from his Court, which were sent to him trom this pl ace, he has put back to C rfu. The Captain of a vessel which has ...

Published: Monday 03 March 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 339 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .FROM THl DUBLIN EVENING POsT]. S'rATE OF THE COUNTRY. -It tit not be disguised that the policy which it is judged 'etdient, for wise p orpose, perhaps, to pursue with regard to Irtl'abd, has produced Tesulti, which we really think will baffle * the'uisd', of tbose 'rho devised suc1 a scheme of Government for a Country so circunstanced. The ii pruetratlesecrecy with * ichitW Dudie of W ...

Published: Tuesday 21 October 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 7011 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... CAMBRIDGE, DEC. 19. ~The Norrisian prize was on Lucaday last aijuidged to the 11ev. J. H-. Pooley, M.A. Fellow of St. Jobo's Coileire, for his esray On the Nature and Use of l'araoles. as employed by J,sus Cb rist.-i'bere will tre Congregations on the following days of the Lent term -Saturday, Jan. 24 (Bachel ~rs' 6'om ), at ten; Wednesday, Feb. 11, at eleven; Friday, Feb. 2'7, at eleven; ...

Published: Friday 26 December 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 669 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... FRENCH PIPERS. [FROMz THE DSEssooER DES CI1AIIBRES, DATED oCr. 30.] PAR,5, 05. ZS.-I 5-txr froM Minerca, of the 1ltb (ltaA Eays :- It has been reported for some daya, that symptoms of contagion bad appeared in the village of Lietor. This news bad already spread alarm in the neighbouring districts. The Boards of Health immediately sent a physician to investigate the causes and the progress of ...

Published: Saturday 01 November 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 635 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News