Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... essel also On lIriday week, at Canon Hall, near Barnsley, the lady of J. Spencer f t the Stanhope, Esq. of a Eon and heir, a been OWARMAGI2VS. On Wednesday last, at Sculcoates church, kr. B. Lewis, cooper, to tliss -- Mary Skinn, both of this place. On Sunday weck, at Christ's Church, by the Rev. John King M A. tab- Mr. Robert Harrison, ofthe Blail, Lincoln, to Miss Johnsoolof thl Ladies' h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PWEDNESDAY, *atuq2 Bmn'rit.-At Inveclochy, on the '27tI ult. Mrs Celunel e Gomaone, of a sol. At Eslemont House, on the 2-lith ult. Mrs Go(A o of s II allhead, of a daLnghter. F IBirth.-At Alans1e of Aboyne, on the 8th ulIimtlo, 7Iths J I : of it daughter. Slarried, on the 200t December, at St. Dunstan's, London, IcAkEu.rL DE. (hAeIt;, Esq. of Marseilles, to . E ?? ?? youlingest thtluglitcr of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 31st ult., the Lady of Mr. .James P. Hill, surgeon, of, Wineooffice-court, Fleet-street, ef a daughter. a On thb 27th ult., at Teignmoutb, the Lady of Lieutenant a Goullett, R.N., of a son. On the 22d tilt., at Chelsea, the lady of Lieut.-Colonel * Skerrett, of a daueliter. I In Dablin, tbe Lady of Major Fogerty, 33d Regiment, of a Sona At Tyringham, Bucke, the Lady of James 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .ur. r orester and Mr. 'Wright. C Wt cdresday 1as-, at Klirlby M1alory, Leicestershire, the n L Vi~scount Arson, of a daughter. S On Snturday last, at Ali Saints Church by the Rev. C. S. Hope, Mlr. Anmcose0 Tharlh, ttoReII C.eS ,,lare. rose yr, to 2iias i1arthea Duesbury, both of this 0: Yesterday, at St. A'kmun(l's Church, in this town, by thie Rev. s' C i.Sj. ,He, Mr. retanin I'earson of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The Lady of Wilhim Crockett, Esq,,of thle ety, of a Gon. On Surduy last, the Lady of Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake, Esq. 11. P. isf daughter. At the Royail lotel, Plymouth, the Lady of Capt. Hawker, R. N. of IL. M. S. Ai~tunnia, of a son. At Hridpwnvater, oa Chitritita day,-the Lady of Jame Havilanlrt, Elsq. of a Son. D)ev. 25, at Camden-place, Bath, the Lady of Captrhi' EN. S. Cotgrave, t. N. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IRTH S. e At Fastncloich, on ihb -25t ultirno, the Lady of Joits e STEVWART, Esq. of F'asrincloich, of a daughter. . _ At Largtrean. in the stewartrv of Kirkcuribright, on the _ 0th) ultinro, the Ladi of G W. LAvRENcr. Esq. of a son. At Lierwitk, oitt the 24th, Mrs WILr.L.Iss GRAHAM e Cmtrt, of a daugti gler. At liRthesay, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs SastmrLE, of a i d;lighter. S ¶t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' .IRiT3ES. Oil the.Sthl ilt. at Sandon, Staffordshire, the scat of her father, the Earl of l:-arrowbv, lady (Qeorgiana, wif'e of the Honl. John Stuart Wortley, M. ?? (eldest son of Lord Wharnelifi3b) of a soi anlil heir.. Ofi tie 24th iult. at Bryngwyn, Montgomery.. sliir, the Lady (if ?? iWilliajis, Esq. ol a dantwliter. On the 24th nlt. at Beaunlaris, Mr. T. Ashurst, merchant, to llargaret, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t ,--MARRIED, e At Kirk Bride, Isle of Man, after a courtship of forty years, s Mr. Win. Goldsmith, to Miss Goldsmith, both of that parish. e Lately, in this town, the Rev. Charles Shaw Burslam, Vicar y of Little Budworth, Cheshire, to Mary Tabitha, only daughter of John Jones, Esq. Bream's-buildings, Chancery-lane, Lon- e don. f On Tuesday, the 18th ult. at Great Yarmouth, Mr. William d Hurry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Monday last, in Chapel-street, Grosvenor-square, the Hon. Mrs. Charles Boulton, of a son. Jan. 1, at Hampstead, the lady ef W. H. Stephenson, M.D., of a soa. Onl the 3d September, at the Mauritius, the wife of Assistant- Commissary General Spurrier, of8a daughter. Ou the 1st iust in the Regent's Park, the lhy of the Rer. John Peel, of a daughter. At Brussels, the Bareness de Knyffe, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH'S. On the 21 inst., at the Etst India College, the Lady of Cap tain Michael, of a son. On the 30th ult. at Largnean, N. B., the lady of G. W, La- I rence, Esq , of tite island of Jamaica, nf a son. MARRIED. On Thursday, at Kensington,, hb the Rev. William VAt1', David Gray, Esy, ot Bordeaux, to Emma Jane, fourth dalig1' ter of Jonathan B5ell, Esq. January 1, Henry William Mason, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Dover, the Rev. Thomas Deacon, of Stone, Kent, to, Miss Burgiss of Dover.-The Rev. Evan Price, Curate of Penkridge and. Dunstan, to Martha, daughter of the Rev. Joseph Ellerton, Vicar of Baswich, Staffordshire.-At Edmonton, by the father of the bride, the Rev. James Lloyd Wallace, B. A. of Trinity coll. Cambridge, to Magdalen, eldest daugthter of the Rev. Lancelot Sharpe, M. A. F. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DiT A I R I~ E D; JonAl SmIth An eldest dauh ster of ?? h. n Smith Esq. lm. P. JofhDae, useto anle, daughter of the late Ralph Win. Grsey, of Daleshl, Suss ikslix , to AnvildoryXq 3C1l ldaugted uh~r of Str uthe osq. of Blacvonth, Northumberland, and cldesilbught o C th Rev. Sir Samuel Ciarke iervoise,.B~art. of Idasvorth Park, Hants. ~At the Chapel of the 13ritish Ambassador, at P aris, JsDf, ...