... SOI.D BY PRIVATE CON TRACT. I*o BE LET, By Mr. Akgei.l, n. 4 Substantial well-built Brick CORN MILL ESTATE, with three run of Stones, and the Machinery in perfect order; to which are attached, two Cord Chambers, a MealCliamber,Granary and Drying Kiln, a Meal Room. Oiunling-house, Stable for three Horses, Csirl-house, and Pig-stye. Also adjoining, a most excellent and convenient Family DWELLING ...

n'tmujf tiser

... tiser. [Price 7d.—Vol. 42.—N0- 2277. •gaioit that part of for venU any peraw tnm nruo« for wlilie purcounthea. with gnni, w™ took pla« on the ■fo**. ; '**f” Mr. BiWirc hoped subject cim>pta»«e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZBIT2HS. On the 6th inst. the Lady of H. H. Birley, esq. of. daighter. Tire wife of a laboutrer, iaaned Heritage, of Tingletvick, Br rks, c a.s delivered lately of four children, all likely to towewi. MAURRIAGES. On the 9th inst. at tile Collegiate church, Mr. C. G. OBreln, to Slim Sarah Harper, both of this town. O trie Mi0th inst. at the saient place, iMr. Thomas Barltro, to 2liss Hanall ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Psi rr ris. On the 4th current, Si1ri BI-Irln lato;, ES, GCCere Street, of a daughter. At Aladeiri, on the 22d SlaV, the Lady of WEBSTER GOR- Do N, Esr. of a son. On [il tie 21tt ultimio, STrs Ro0n-cF ]iTPaz11eSTrit, of a ?? ter. On the 1st current, at No. 87. Great King Strect, the LIade oF A rEX. 2IAC;;ENzIE, Esq. ofa son. .At No. 5, Architiald Place, onl ?? siti ulltimo, Mrs Wir-. :LlANSON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MLONTIILjy MILITARY OBITUARY. Geneal Rss.Colonel of--the 59:h regiment, aill vernor of Fort'iGeorge, New IBrualwick, London. r LIEUTNANT CoL'oNE'Ls-Miltte, 19511 foot.; Wylly,95, i1 foot, Malta. : -M j R amsav, 47th foot, In(i lt 20th foot, Canterbttry; Worth. 541th fout.;-Poptsam, - foot. Cephalonia ; Kitto, Ist West India regitneit, o' 0 GoIrnad IutsMoore, royal ?? ae received at Nsv arinco ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h m134Rlis. At Melville House, onl the Sibt rurelt, tite Countess of LEVEN and 115I.1.11, sil a da*Il-htL-. a At N ilford. House, neir. Notinghamn; on the 6th current, the Lady LUcY' Smirit, Ofa dauhier. On the oth current, Mrs Ca.RLve LELrr, No. 7, Rovai Circus, of a daughter. At Bellaly, MIadras, on the 13tIh of February last, the Lady of WILLIAM BIREMNIER, Esq. Fort Adjutant, of a son. S At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MALR IED. On the 23rd ult. Lieut. Janmes O' Brien, to Maria Anne, youngest daughter of Edmund A.. Power., Esq of Clongbteen-Power, Waterford LLv At Edinburgh, M. P. Brown, E,,I. .dvocatet to Ilarii, second daughter of the Lite Rol(Ht dco etith. s of itooko I ; A TUO~d.~Y, V, St tee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AVEDNESD)AY, Aitgei t2o. lit ?? Fettercs'so Castle, on the 1 li list. .1t Tiit)nAs AUER CItatollY ivt't ., it t soIl. ,married, at Richnin ond llil, near Aher decn. *n thc -l0th ist. Sl i ti'eON )ua ii, Eiiq. M\Ierehant, Lontlon, to :\l oUGA1 : 1.; `lglinghLer of the late Thos. Mi Cotibie, Esl. tit' ,aster Ske ne. il1:tlrie(, at (onmcly PIank, in the 12th instalt, tle it evcetenl .1nt NXViso-. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEiTJJ OF RIGH7' RkV. DR. AIU/JUTHM'1 LORAD BISHOP t)F KIL~l4LoU'. iditOM TIIE L!MEtttCI CIIIOS'iCLLX.j W~e regret extremerly ti) bave to announice thr eleat; Right Rev. Alexander Arhluth not, D.D., Lerd Bishi!; alohe and K~ilfenaera, wvbich inllebnckioly evenut took p.-: tween founr and lire ro'clock, in the afternoon ot WSediie' ;- aet Ciarjsii-)d.ltauoe, in tlhe mlidst ..f bin asuti~ahe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the Ist inst., Mrs. Henry CApel, Little Tower-street, of a daughter. On Friday, the Ist inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Butt, of Al- fred-place, BlAckfiriars road, of a son. At Rome, the lady oif John Thomas Selwia, Esq., of Down Hail, Essex, of a daughter. On the Ist inst., at Herne Hill, Mrs. Ricbard Dutton, of a daughter. MARKIED. At St. Andrew's, Holborn, by the Rev. G. Beresford, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,7- qi?16f' U. C, li ? . ? TITlv SATURDAY, JUNE7, 1823. ?? the 3rd inst. at his Grace's houge in P lorLmrnti-cqlare, her tjraee the Decllmes of Rlchmona. o a Oltugliter.-on tionday last, at New Fisthbourne, Mrs. Onslow WItWakvfol, of .25011. E s 'lb. 1)1ea and Chhapter (f Chicilester are now F having the iron railing eflixed in the lbunt of the Ca- h ?? where the old ?? recently tsken duowt, ...