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... had been the cause of his having forfeited warious engagements, and lie had littely lost an engagement of 201. a week at Drury- lane Theatre, In consequence of the misconduct of his wife. If be was to be engaged there, he said she would preseiit herself ...


... all hackney coach- men, were put to the bar, charged with having been engaged in a violent riot and assault, at the end of Drury-lane, on the 51b of August. It appeared from the testimony of several respectable Wit- neses, that about five o'clock on the ...


... At a late hour on Tuesday night she heard a loud knock- ing at the door of the house in which she lived,'in Eagle court, Drury lane. And on opening it the prisoner rushed in, caught her round the waist, and began to treat her in a very improper manner ...


... ledge, he missed his footing, and was precipitated into the yard. yle was conveved to the hospital ii a hopeless state. At Drury Lane theatre, during the performance of the pantomime on Monday night, a feat by Harlequin and the Clown was being exhibited- ...


... who had for a length of time led a muost abandoned life, purchased, on Sunday evening, at the shop of Mr Lane, chemist, in Drury lane, two pennyworth of arsenic, which he said was for killing rats; be infused the poison into some coffee, and swallowed it; ...


... for 30 years.-AMr. Yardley, of Surrey Theatre, blind in right eye for some years, owing to accident whilst performing at Drury- lane Theatre, recovered his sight at Waterloo bridge during recent thunder storm-a remarkably vivid flash of lightning ren- dered ...


... but the water canf tiiued to flow ill until the shaft was as full as it ever was before. A serious accident occurred at Drury lane Theatre on Tuesday night. Master Wieland, who plays the monkey in the afterpiece, has to climb tip the side scene at the ...


... the timber yard. The house and premises of Mr Findon' are reduced to a state of ruins. Several of the houses in Coal yard, Drury lane, the rear of which adjoin Mr Findon's manufactory. have suffered a good deal. The premises, furniture, and stock in trade ...


... actually bit off the end of the nose of his antagonist, Henry Bryan.- Gloucester Ilerald. Bfr Conway, the actor, formerly of Drury Lane theatre, died in a melancholy manner lately, on his passage from New York to Charleston. Tite captain of the vessel stames ...


... s of several other Theatres have offered free benefits for the same charitable objects. A Meeting is already called at Drury- lane Theatre for Tuesday. The labourers were reluctant to proceed in their work on Friday morning until they ined been paid for ...


... The prisoner was acquitted. GUrLDFoRD, JULY 30.-DtrUN v. D, ?? was an action brought by the plaintiff, the Treasurer of Drury lane Theatre, against the present Lessee of the Coburg Theatre, to recover two penalties, of 501. each, for having performed ...


... Whitechapel, belonging to Messrs Wyatt and Farrell. Mr LsPerj1 has offered a benefit at the Opera House.-On Tuesdaya llleet the Drury lane company took place in that theatre, when It WSllte nlt that all the performers would give one night's salary towards (theil ...