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... that. Mr. MVhINSRUtLL: What, do you not know that if you do not speak the truth, when you are sworn, you can be indicted for perjury ? Ayilig: Certainly I may be, if I am sworn, and speak falsely; but I should not do so if I were to be sworo, and I shall ...


... which she addressed him as a charmini man. Miss Daniel . Well done, Captain Willoaklby. When you produ ce such letters as you speak of, I will give up the point; but you may be assured that betore I part with my infant, I will part with mny life. After some ...


... of tlinst, are well known about town, and little doubt is entertained but that very shortly they will beitn custody. THE SPEAKING FRENCH GRAMMAR, AT v. nOtiVILLIC, Professor of the French Language, 1. Soho-square, sed 2, Lawreace. lane, Cheapside, Londisa ...


... sailor, and appeared to have partaken some- what liberally of Deady's best, or some such exhilirating cordial ; for, to speak in his own language, he appeared ' half seas over. The prosecutor, when called upon by Mr. Marryat to state what he bad to ...


... was surrounded by a party of militia, con- sizinz of more than 100 men; they dragged me to a gaol, svvtiout allowing me to speak to my wife or any other person. As they were taking me there, the soldiers struck me with the butt-ends of their muskets, and ...


... enquired who the Master was, and ,spnn being informed that the costa were taxed by Sir Giffin Wilson, he intimated that he would speak to that officer on the subject. At present his Honour did not think that he could make any orderon the subject. TIIETRUSTRES ...


... was but a small uatity of smoke arising from the forge fire. TheJuzryr found for the plaintiff-Damages, Ose Shilling. THE SPEAKING FRENCH GRAMMAR, ST l. V. DOuVYLtx, Professor of the French Language. I, Soho-square. and 2, Lawrence. lane, Cheapsiade, London ...


... you ofCej0 hat you are bound to speak the truth ? -kuli g: I certainly dothi t would be binding; but not a jot more so thanif I had given myword ead honour to answer ?? MINs11ULL : Do you not knew that if sd do not speak the truth when you are Sworn, ...


... secution, And being told it was retareen 41. and 51. lie sentenced tire defetrdaut ts pay ai fine of 8/., with liberty to speak to tire prosecutriz. ?? also smal, the conduct of the prosecrtrix was so far proveking, that lie theught he was doing justice ...


... v. Evans, in the goods of ,,Zdward Evans, deceased. DrLE: I am coousel in this cause. SirJ,.NiczzoLL:'When the Court is speaking, do not give any inter- 4uption. ?? LEE: 'I have a motion to make on this subject. Sir J. NICNOLs said, that there was no ...


... being unable to speak French, could not bald conversation with her ; it was always difficult to get a reply from her, particularly if She was addressed in English, anid therefore not understanding French, witness thought it useless to speak to her ; when ...


... steads, which Davison and one of hisa companions said were to be tin- sent to the West Indies. He was told by Davison not to speak the at all except in French, white he made the bargain with Mr. don Thompson for the goods, m50 Mr. MINSHULL So you beard all ...