Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. ELLIs, (from the'York and Leeds Concerts,) .d and also of a YoUeNG LADYe',.Pupil to J. Watson, Esq. of Covent-Garden Theatre. Leader of the Band .. Mr. THIRLWALL. Id r Tickets, 3s. each,Ato he had-of Miss Bradbury, No. 8,' a- Charter-House-Lane ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for John Murray, AIbeh'marle-strect. cE ISC g til Df (1TIARLES WRIGHT, WINE MEIWMANT' TOTH 'roilAllyfS, :0 FASTIIv, King's Theatre, Opera Coloonnade, llaylnarketr, - hI Lorldon, hars now onl Sale, warranted, the fieet Genuine el ,S WINES and SPIRITS, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vols.; Encyclopieli, Londinenaer, rhornlon's Sporting Tour, tio Les LEatvrs, completes de Rousseau, i9 tom,0. avec grageors, Theatre de ina Corneilie, &c. In elegant bindings, the property ofas gentlemas, and re. moved from his residlence. 'hu Fotroltoore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lHlogqshwds, ceaper than tile above plicke$ ?? Private loxes; and Admissions for the King's, Covent Garden, and Drury Lane Theatr-es, by the Nigblt, Week, and SeasOn., N. V. No Orders will be attended to unliess accomnpanied with a Remittance, Rrnd 1'ostage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fifteen (dil s alliei for d e relnewal tlmercu ' will expirc. -iA'LS W I--T IVINP ~liE~iAERCIII the Ro l Y7A L FA H L ,Y King's Theatre, Opera ?? niade, llaymnarklet, ?? LO,T 0 X, -- AS w inI salee, wrlryanited, the finest genu- im~e WiNES alSPIndV1 ll'S, ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rttrher informeation apply at the Theatre; or at Me..Iiighley's Are- irary, adjoiniog the Theatre, Webb-street, blaid~pornd, or 174, treet.-Ilr. Highiley is atithorised to outer Gentlemen tothe above IN GS THEATRE.-.M. LAURENT, Manager ef thes Italian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TllE ADV.9.{;UARD; cu OR, TED NIOI FORtBATLS,. th 'The Sceneaiblr Illr. Harrison. The part of Eunice by Mrs, Pope, from the Theatres Royal Drury-- lane-and Bath, herflir~tappearance here. An in2idental Ballot, composed Sy Mr. Jones. - Prinellal performeYs; ...

Piano Forte Ware-Hou

... electing a Committee of Management and Officers' and transoting other business of importance. 352) Belfast, 31st Dec. 1827. THEATRE, BELFAST. By Permission of Sir Stephen May, Sovereign. LAST NIGHT EUT rIHREE OF TRtE ENGAGEMENT OF MRS. HUMBY. THIS EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ld- o street, Clare-street, and Pontack's-lane, in Liverpool, on which are to erected it dpacious CIRCUS, 'with Ring and Theatre, Stabling for ir82 Horses, large Shed for Carriages,Saddle-room and Hayloft, with L a sapcioius Stitble-yard, extensive Yard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING'S THEATRE.-The Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informned, that circumstances (unconnected with ile interiar arrangvments *cf the King's Theatre) compel the POSTPON.?- MENT of its OPENING till January 12, 12S, when will be perfurmoeil Mayerbeer'sMels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ilthretrniz tti edical Christttoty, by Mr. NWood.-Botatij, by Mr. Otifbert I'trtrrttl .,F fortiter prrtieulars inquire at the Theatre ;at the Haupitols or Diiopensaries at the Wiiest Endi nt Landon ;or at the real. deatttt. ot ithe tilterest Letuotrers. 1TEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Booksellers in the kingdom, the OVERTURE and MUSIC in this celebrated OPERA, now performing with the greatest applause at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, composed by BRAHAM and COOKE. Singers. Conpossers. s. d. Overture, - - - - Cooke 3 0 ?? and the Portrait ...