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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTHN On Tuesday, the 15th, at Knock Breda Giebe, the LAD of the Rev. John Kinahlan, of a son. -MARRIED At Nesvry, by the Rev. Wm. Carr, of Belfast, oit th 16th inst. )ENRYa BaOWN, Esq. of Donaghimore, near Dun gannon, to 3iss JAXE CAPR, second daughter of Dfr Thomas Carr, IHigh Street, Newry. On the 11 th sisstant, by thle Rev. Henry Simpson, Saint field, Mr. THOfmAs PATTERSOlf, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE DEATH ?? THE FIRST-BORN. 'Y A. A. WATTS. Fare thee well, thoa first anss1 Cirest! Fare thee well, Hot best and dearest! Burns. My sweet one, my e o4the tears were in my eyen When frst I clasp'd thee to j telirtt and heard thy feeble cries,- For I thought of all that I had bore, as I bent me down to kiss Thy cherry lip and sunny brow, my first-born bud of bliss! I turn'd to many a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 -.~MARRIED. le On the l4th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Carr, Mr- RICHARD `y BARNEYT, Dentist, to SARAH, third daughterof Mr. John se Milford, both of this town. Cr On the 14th inst. Mr. Joynst MooRE of Liaburn, to Aso, es daughter of Mr. Geo. Moore, of seime place. P- On the 6th instant, by the Rev. A. C. Macartney, Mr WlLLIAM ALLEN, to Miss CATHERINN AaszsmtsoN bath of 's this town. M On the Ist ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... July 7, in GI'oevenphplac, Led;tdrr the R~. GEORGE DAWSON, of * daTUbtee.O- r e OD the 2Stb ult. at Aunablit Paraoossge, tbe L,, i, Rev. William Brownlow Forde of a? a on. XSO ^ h On Tutedray, the i8th Inst. In St. Ainn'g h e iRev. T. filocks, Mr. Robert MONTGOMERY, Comber, to Miss Jane KIRKWOOD, Falls, near Belfast Conkeh, t, In St. Ann's Church, on Frtday, by tlhe Re . }'uk Mr. John GIBBS, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LATE UNFORTUNATE AFFRAY AT T[IE ROCK CHAPEL. 11 ,he jAtesw. -Leteof 29th tilt. we gave, on the lau- tilority ofa correspotndent, all aCcotult of a late fital af- fray at thl Itt R k ChIpel, which we have since learned wilth ifisiigitation, v: s grossly ex:lggeratetl, and even umitrile it] most of its Ilo ditg rctamnstamiceS. The i;- ilivimliial who forwarded to its tlhe statemnotit iil a 1tter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTHI On the 12th inst. in William-street, Derry, the LADY of the Rev. Charles Galwey, of a son. July 6, at the residence of the Hon. Hely Hutchinson. Henrietta-street, the Lady of John: HELY HUTCHINSON, M.P. P. Esq. of a daughter. ; MARRIED- MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIF.-At Kilmegan Church, on the 15th inst. by the Rev. John Robert Moore, the Right Hon. Earl ANNESLEY, to PRISCILLA CECILIA MOORE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a BIRTHS rt At Bangor, on the 23d inst. the LADY of Hill Wilson, i. Esq. of a daughter. ieDec. 19, at Pakenbam Hall, the Countess of Longford, l of a daughter, still-born. d ?? r On the 28th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Crolly, Mr. CHRIS- TOPHER NICHOLSON, Lisburn, to Miss CATHERINE MISKELLY, daughter of Mr. Daniel Miskelly, of this town. e On the 26th inst. first in Ballymacarrett Church, by the the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED. At Ballyculter Church, on 16th instant, by the Rev. A3r Wolsley, JoHiN WALMSLEY, Esq. of Kirkeel, to ELLEN, youngest daughter of Adam Seed, Esq. of Ballyculter- After the ceremony, thp happy pair set off for the bride. groom's seat at KirkeePo On the 17th ifistarkt; ,by the Rev. Arthur Neilson, Yr SAMUEL' CLARKE, of KlWlinehy Woods, to ISABELLA, daughter of Mr Arthur Cleland, Creevy. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? t2e 5thl alt. at Thornhill Lodge, the LADV of Capt. p Y. of a daughter. MARRIED. t£- (} ItdeIt lust, tat Ballymacarrett Church, by the Rev. fII;,wI;S, Mr JAMES DONNAN, to HELENA, Only dauighter s late Mr. William Dunlop, merchant, both of Belfast. ?? Alunt Churcil,, on Tulesday last, by the ERev. A. C. 8, ~I~ .Viewt, DANIEL McDONNELL, Esq. to SARAH, ~ daughter of the late Mathew Bellew, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BI RTH- Oil the 22d ult. at Edinburgh, the LAnY of James Ed- mund Leslie, Esq. of a son. On the 4th inst. at the residence of Mr. Cupples, Pros- pect, near Tandragee, the LADY of the Rev. John Corken, of a daughter. Friday, by the Rev. Alex, Clarke, Mr. JAMES PARKER, Carnanee, to Miss JANE ELIZABETH McNEICE, Bernice. At Larne, on the 25th ult. by the Rev. Dr. Ledlie, Lieut. HENRY J. LINN, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTEIS On Tuesday morning, at Ely Lodge, the Marchioness of ELY was safely delivered of a daughter, '-MARRIED- - On the Ist inst. by the Hon. and 1ev., Poleyn Htoward, JOHN CumiNG, Esq. Barrister at law, to Eue&arcrs, young- est daughter of Thomas Bligh, Esq. of Britinajn the Gau- ty of Meath, and niece to the Earl of Darnlesy. On the 22d ult. by the Rev. Robert Magill, of Antris,. Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -.BIRTH- Deu. S, at Bangor, the Lady of the Hon. F. C. Annesley, of a dautighter. Oill'euilny, of a still-born son, the Lady Of Thomas Legh, Esq. M. ?? of Lyme Park. (Mrs. Legh, it will be resnerob red, wsa the celebrated Miss Turner.) -MARRIED On the 12th ilist. by the Itev. John Orr, of Portaferry Mr. FRANCIS LITTLE, of Tullyinally, to MARY ANNE, daugh Sto of Mr. Samuel Wilson, of Mount Ross ...