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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * ~~~~~~~BIRTHS. ~ be Isd On the 22d instant, in Nonrth-creScnt, Gower-stltrt of jeremiah Dick, Esq. of a dauebter. 'D.itItt) On the 28th instant, Mrs. Philip Goods, of How Fitgroy squiare, of a bon. be lady Of On the 18th instant, Lit Castle Ttgarty, Tippetary, h a!o James Lenigae, Esq., of a dauhttter. _ MARRIED. vidw of On the 29th, S. Cirtuwight, Esq., to irs. Parr,w the late. Dr. Parr, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the Ist inst., Mrs. Henry CApel, Little Tower-street, of a daughter. On Friday, the Ist inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Butt, of Al- fred-place, BlAckfiriars road, of a son. At Rome, the lady oif John Thomas Selwia, Esq., of Down Hail, Essex, of a daughter. On the Ist inst., at Herne Hill, Mrs. Ricbard Dutton, of a daughter. MARKIED. At St. Andrew's, Holborn, by the Rev. G. Beresford, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEiTJJ OF RIGH7' RkV. DR. AIU/JUTHM'1 LORAD BISHOP t)F KIL~l4LoU'. iditOM TIIE L!MEtttCI CIIIOS'iCLLX.j W~e regret extremerly ti) bave to announice thr eleat; Right Rev. Alexander Arhluth not, D.D., Lerd Bishi!; alohe and K~ilfenaera, wvbich inllebnckioly evenut took p.-: tween founr and lire ro'clock, in the afternoon ot WSediie' ;- aet Ciarjsii-)d.ltauoe, in tlhe mlidst ..f bin asuti~ahe ...


... F GLENGARRY. We regret to have to announce the death of Colonel Glen- gerry, which shppened under circumstances truly melancholy and distressi. On Wednesday lasw, Gleogarry, accompanied by his two daughters, embarked at lovergarry, the seat of the cbieftalo, on board the Ben Nevis steam boat, fur the son h. where it was intended the young ladies sbould spend the re- mainder of the winter. They ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI3RTHS. At T.ivetrpool, Mrs. A. W-. P', Ales, of a dhalrltltr. At Wallatngretn, tile Ltdy lf Oliver stoleu, F, daupgiter. !; At Astley Castle, Warwickshire, I-ady Barbaira Newdriva of a son. MA RKIEf. on the 28th ii 1% by the Rev. Dr. Fisepr, S of - -l)e ofl . the Rev. 'T. Halford,of 'ilccdlilly, a, id D C .ilr (, 1e ' bridge, to Miry, oily dauitiher ul J. B. treswell, Eq. of \' Cotlirt, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH'S. On the 21 inst., at the Etst India College, the Lady of Cap tain Michael, of a son. On the 30th ult. at Largnean, N. B., the lady of G. W, La- I rence, Esq , of tite island of Jamaica, nf a son. MARRIED. On Thursday, at Kensington,, hb the Rev. William VAt1', David Gray, Esy, ot Bordeaux, to Emma Jane, fourth dalig1' ter of Jonathan B5ell, Esq. January 1, Henry William Mason, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Aug. 23, at Burgbfield Rectury, Berk,, the lady of the IIr' f.J. C. Cherry, of a daughter. Aug. 29, at Hampistead, the lady of Henry Hammond, E54 of Faraival's Inu, of a daugbter. Aug. 28, tbe lady of Lucius H. Robinson. Esq. of a s0'I- Aug. 29, the lady of Gilbert Macmsurdo, Eaq. of Old Draid street, of a son. Feb. 2, at Nagpore, the lady of Dr. Wylhe, of a son. Aug. 27, at IMargate, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 15-b inst., at Harrow, the Lady of the Rev. J. W, Cuinninliamn, a dau, iter. MARRIE-. On the 14th inst., at Lyminster, Susser, Mr. Edward Black- more, of GrAy's-inn, to Mary, only daughter sf ,Jeremiah Lear, Esq. of Lyminster. (On the 9i inst., at Eccles, near Manchester, Lieut.-Colonel Taylor, of the 9th Infantry, to Sophia, second daughter of John Barton, Esq. of Swirton. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF J. C. CURWEN, ESQ. M.P. This event, for some time past expected, but not so suddenly, took pla'e at Workington Hall on Thursday last, Ilth Decem- ber, 1828, at one o'clock, P ut., and caused a vacancy in the Par- liasmanary representation of the county. Mr. Curwen was born in July, 1756$, consequently he was In his 73d year. Active and lemperate frota youth, and strongly attached to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Tuesday, the 15th instant, Lady Lyadlhurst, of a daughter. On Sunday, the 20th instant, at Lavender-hill, the lady of James Norris, Esq. of a daughter. At Edinburgh, on the 14th instant, Mary Anne, the wife of Walter Campbell, of Sundvrland, of a daughter. On the 15th instant, at Crowiond, Wilts, the lady of J. R. Seymiour, E.q. ef a dagKhter. At Weymouth, the lady of Col. Mansell, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIIRTHS. On the 28th ult. at Portsmouth, the Lady of the HII Cu33 Elliott, R.N., of a daughter. On the 3d inst. Mrs. George Allen Aylwio, ot Lawer street, of F son. On tbe 3d inst. Mrs. William Haigh, of ClaphaniC0m on1 ' a son. f r; On the 2d inst. in Cornwall-terrace, the Lady 0 Paternon, Esq. of a daughter. f On the lt inst. at Licbfield, the Lady of WVm. Oaski ยข ot Glanwilliam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 30b uilt. at NesS B1n1-Phice. tvrn-so, 1t1bladlof Lin.t-CJ.nal 1. G. Ross, et Gladfilda, 4Roasbift, Of 3 daugbter. On the 3d inast. in Groseetor-sqUart, the ldy of Jhu Abel Smi Ab, Zsq. of a S* n. O. the 7is inst. tbe lady f 1sac Cohen, E q brotber-iG' of N. M tottischilt. *& f i a cd t On the 4O Ilst. Mis. Zlsrz, Sackville-strett, of a son. Oi1 t -e 4th liost. In Hans place, Mrs. Brnce ...