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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTHS. On the 6th inst., at East Sheen, the Hon. Mrs. Penrhyn, of a son. On the 5th inst., of a son, Mrs. Dumergue, of Albemarle- street. On the 28tb tilt., thc Lady of G. C. Carpenter, Esq. of a son. On the 3d iast, Mrs. Henry Prince, of the Crown Tavern, Clifford's Inn Passage, of a uoin. On the 4th irst., Mrs. R. T. Perkin, of Lower Belgrave. street, Pimilco, of a son. MAKRIEI). May 5, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Ontlbe l3tb it, atWila wtttn, near Partlord, the wife of the Rev. Edward Allen, of a dtauehter. On the 14th inst. the lady of Charles Lane, Esq. of Menta- gue-street, Rusiell square, of a daughter. At Higham Lodge, Walthanistow, on the 14th inst. Mrs. Gil. lespie, of a daughter. Ou the 12th inst. Mrs. H. Keele, Sloane-street, Cbelsea, of a son. MAKRRIED. On the 15th inst. William Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jjI~ LTrI MR. 7WLLMIM. J.A.lEs. 1 i jcljllnts will ie footid an uaccount of tule ' s me ego for the widow of the late ' .if'e aIo lairilmed wi!h such uiexapitpled elssi- :, ote :me time FO so-ccesefoi;v, to viid icaic 'ie ' %,it Navy to thiir hlatd-earned faime. Mr. !i tt,;,^ hi': t inthe cailst of his country, and : ,;, I ' yeai r with the cruel disaippointruent it trIlits of is toil io thit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At St. Omers, on the 4rh iost. the Lady of Captain Clifford, of the Hom' Company's ship Lady Melville, of a son. On the 11th inst. at Amnsterdam, the Lady of Wm. Haigb, Esq. of a son and heir. Bay 19, at Eastbourne, Sussex, the Lady of Jolin Graham, Esq. of a 0 Un. n1, the 18th init. at ftflield, Ledbury, the Lady of William Gordon, Esq. of a a;n. M AltRIED. Tntesday, at St. George's, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL uF LORD FORESTER. The remains of this Nobleman were remioved Irm li tl! dence in BaIgrave-street, Pililico, yesterday ulciriog f-t purpose of being conveyed to the cemetery of the nailf, Browsley, Salop. Shortly before nine o'clock the tuioitL procession was formed, end the coffin (Which was cover, ' crimson velvet),airntaiuing the corpse ot thedeceated5;ldtii was placed in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In the 2d inst., in Portugal-street, Grosvenor-square, the lady ot Hasrry Dent Goring, Esq of a soD. On the 2J inst., at the Bridge House, Southwark, the lady of John Newman, Esq. of a son. On tue 21 inst., tbe lady of Walter La rence Lawrence, E~q , of S~nlwell l'ark, Gloucestershire, of a daughter. I ti, the 2d inst., at Brighton, tbe lady of James Ward, Esq., of Willey-place, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BITRTEHS. On Friday the 30th cf May, in Mount street, Grosvenor square, the lady of M. Blood, Esq. of a daughter. Wednesday morning, inr Portrnansqua.Te, the Duchess of Richmond, of a daughter. At Hampton Court green, the lady of Henry Shakspeare, Esq. Bengal Civil Service, of a son. At Brighton, the lady of James Ward, Esq. of Willey place, of a son. Os Taesday, May.20th, Susannah Bloxham, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF LORD AMUNT SANDFORD. [FROM T55E WINDbOR AND ETON EXPRESS OF SATURDAY.] The untilmiely death of this young Noblemanwhich happened between one ant two o'clock this moruing, considering the peculiarly Melancholy circumstances attending it, must be viewed with feelings of deep regret by every inhabitant of Wind- sir ; whether regard he had to the youth of the deceased-for Lrdl Mount ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 18th instant, at Merstihaim,, in the county of Silrr.Y the lady of Sir Wn. George H ylton Jollbffe, lart., of a d ,,, On, tile Il'lb instant, at flamstnersolith, the lady of tbtl ty, Francis Thomas Atwood, of a daugi ter. Oa the 18th instant, at ITurret-house, South Lioabetb NIt, W. Heaseltine, of a daughter. - AR- ED . - On Tuesday, the 17th inst,, Mr. Win. 0)awald, of lJewish, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THlE LATE CdLAMITOUS FIRE. Ah>yean )'clock yesterday morning the Jury re-assembled t C e umnittee-room of the Workhouse, In ffray's-lun-lane, tert 'lr. Stirlingr, the Coroner, to contitine the inquest on ele r)irs of Mr. and Mrs. Tingle and their five children, who trI Ciestroyed in the late cotflagration in Redl Lion-street, 1 3r imes of the Jurors having been called over, the Corsner !i- be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRIHS. On the 6th inst., at Esher, the lady of Major-General Grug Cooksen, of a daughter. July 7, In Upper Ginucester-place, Dorget-square, the la of Dinmcn Campbell, Esq., f a son. July 7, the lady of W. Kinogden, Esq., surgeon, of S,, Baukhbuildings, of a son. On the 5tih tust. at Hastings, the lady of the Rev. Jobn Ui,,t tt a daughter. On the 7th inst. in Grosvenor-place, the HOn. Mrs. G ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tbe l6th irlst., at Barirampron-house, in the coun!y ti Wilts, the lady om the late Henry Moody, Rsq.,ot a dalluger. On Fridaytbe 18thi iust., at Eiton, near Stockton-upo0.Tn, 1 the lady of George William Sutton, Esq., of a son and heir. On Saturday, the 19tb inst., at Beaulieu Lodge, Winclarmort* bill, the lady of Frederick Case, of Little Grove, East BnLr1C, Esq., of a son. On the ...