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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Digby Neave, Esq. eldest sonlof Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. to the Hon. Mary Arundell, -youngest daughter of the late James Evevard. ninth Lord Aruidell of Wsrdour.-At the Friends' Meeting House, Xelvedon, Essex, Robert Ransom. jun. of Ips- wich, to Sarah, second daughter of the late Charles Coleby, of Clay, Norfolk.-At Aylesbury, Mr. W. Woolhead, of Hardwick, to Obedience Jane, eldest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MWARRIED. The Rev. T. P. Browne, Rector of Gratwich, Staffordshire, to Sophia, third daughter of J. Diddle, Esq..of Monksilver, Somer- ?? Feckenham, the Rev. J. C. Baylis, to Nancy, relict of G. Eades, Esq.-At Edinburgh, the Rev. A. Gentle, Minister of Alves, to Isabella, only daughter of the late Lachlan Bogle, Esq. of Jamaica.-The Rev. Thomas Mitchell, of the Gallow. tree-gate Chapel, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lYEAR RI E ID. AtiSpeldhurst, Rent, James Hannay, Esq. to M~argaret, relict of the late Captain John Barker, of the East India Company's service;.-Mr. C. P. Poole, of Staple Inn, solicitor, to Sarah Louisa, daughter of G. MI. Bird, Esq. of Dartmouth Lodge, near Sydepham, Kent.-DIr. Augustin Creuze, of Southseca, to Sarah, second daughter of Wm. Browne, -Esq. of Camberwell.-John Wn. Paull, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1W All RI ED. On the 4th instant, at Whitchureb), the Rev. David Rodney Murray, nephew of the late Lord Elibank, and Rector of Bramp- ton Brian, Herefordshire, to Frances, third daughter of J. Portal, Esq. of Freefolk House, near Overton, Hants. After the cere- mony the bride and bridegroom proceeded to Shipton, Oxon, the seat of Sir John C. Reade, Bart.-The Rev: J. N. Davidson, of Eart ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' MARRIED. The Rev. G. J. Brookes, Al. A. of Pembroke college, Cam- bridge, to Emma Hyde, youngest daughter of Mark Gregory, Esq. of Wax Chandlers' Hall, London.-The Rev. T. Ilalford, of Piccadilly, and Downing college, Cambridge, to Mary, only daughter of J. B. Creswell, Esq. of New Court, Devon.-At Brornyard, the Rev. George Woodhouse, Vicar of Ledminster, to Ann Sophia, daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E GuLAT sREV DR. N0OLL. The following sketch of the life of this leirned-man atsp peared in a London Paper of yesterday ?? ?? The late Dr. Nicoll was a native of Aberdeenslkire, where his parents maintairtedsn emineiietly resp tabie-ohiiratter In, we believe, a very humble walk of Ife. Tihowever.would. rather,: (in Cowper's phrase) have s pincled themselves blue than refuse the blessings of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. David John Dickson, Esq. Commander in the Royal Navy, to Hester, youngest daughter of the late Rev. W. Rawlins, Rector! of Teversall, Notts.-Henry Bromley flinrick, Esq. of Torring-s top-.square, London, to Eliza Susanna, only daueghter of the late: W. Dent, Esq. of 1allaton. Loicestershire.-S. Cartwright, 1Esq. to Mrs. Parr, widow of the late Dr. Parr, DI. D.-At Bath, W. Prowting ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARIRI ED. George Elwell'Jackson, Esq. of the Crescent, Birmingham, to Frances Anne, youngest daughter of J. M. Ledsam, Esq.-Milr. G. E. Pembertpn, of Birmingham, to Mlary, third daughter of the late W. Dawes, Esq. of that' town-.Mr. John Parkes, wine and spirit merchant, of Birmingham, to Hannah, 2d daughter of Mr. Wim. Keay, of Handsworth Cott'age.-At Kelso, John Biss Ogden, Esq. of ...

At Lavington, Sussex

... , Samuel Wilberforce, Esq. third son of Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. to Emily, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. Sargent.-Captain C. Ramsden, son of Sir John Ramsden, Bart. to Harriet Frances, eldest daughter of Lieut.General Sir John Byng, K. C. B.-Edmund Currey, Esq. to Louisa Lawrence, daughter of Sir James Scarlett, M. P.,James Innes, Esq. of Leyton, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of B. Pead, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... By special license, at St. Mary's, Bryanston-squaIre, the Earl of Chichester to the Lady Mary Brudenell, fourth daughter of the Earl of Cardigan.-At Aylesbury, Win. Lawrence, Esq. of, to Louisa, youngest daughter of James Senior, Esq. of' 3roughton House, near Aylesbury.-Dr. Camell, of Bungapy, to li-lissWalcs, of the sane ?? Windsor, Chas. James Fox, Ih. D. of Margate, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... P/IARRIED. ' At Sutton Benger, Wilts, George B. Carri Esq. of Green Let- tuc-l~e, ondnt~o. 1arriet, youngest daughter of Major-Gen. Bowess othut~nBenger.- TI1omas Wilkinsonl Kershaw, Esq. of BusslsnndGretiwchKent, to Mrs. 'Darwin, of Arundel Cbtage ner befiel.~t Southamlpton,.Owen Lomer, Esq. of the' ¢Ist ,egt. of Bengal Infantry, second son. of J. Lomei, Esq. Mlaor pf Southaampton, to Eliza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MYE ARR[ED. At Ashburnham, Sussex, Henry Reveley Blitford, -of Exbury, lants, Esq. to Lady Georgina, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Ashburnham.-Wim. John l 'Guire, Esq. of Rostown, county Down, Ireland, to Lady Alary Annesley, only child of the Earl of Annesley.-J. H. Caddy, Lieut. Royal Artillery, to G:eoigina, 3d daughter of the late Col. R. Haniilton.-At High Wycombe, M1r. John Morton ...