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Caledonian Mercury



Lothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MLONTIILjy MILITARY OBITUARY. Geneal Rss.Colonel of--the 59:h regiment, aill vernor of Fort'iGeorge, New IBrualwick, London. r LIEUTNANT CoL'oNE'Ls-Miltte, 19511 foot.; Wylly,95, i1 foot, Malta. : -M j R amsav, 47th foot, In(i lt 20th foot, Canterbttry; Worth. 541th fout.;-Poptsam, - foot. Cephalonia ; Kitto, Ist West India regitneit, o' 0 GoIrnad IutsMoore, royal ?? ae received at Nsv arinco ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h m134Rlis. At Melville House, onl the Sibt rurelt, tite Countess of LEVEN and 115I.1.11, sil a da*Il-htL-. a At N ilford. House, neir. Notinghamn; on the 6th current, the Lady LUcY' Smirit, Ofa dauhier. On the oth current, Mrs Ca.RLve LELrr, No. 7, Rovai Circus, of a daughter. At Bellaly, MIadras, on the 13tIh of February last, the Lady of WILLIAM BIREMNIER, Esq. Fort Adjutant, of a son. S At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Psi rr ris. On the 4th current, Si1ri BI-Irln lato;, ES, GCCere Street, of a daughter. At Aladeiri, on the 22d SlaV, the Lady of WEBSTER GOR- Do N, Esr. of a son. On [il tie 21tt ultimio, STrs Ro0n-cF ]iTPaz11eSTrit, of a ?? ter. On the 1st current, at No. 87. Great King Strect, the LIade oF A rEX. 2IAC;;ENzIE, Esq. ofa son. .At No. 5, Architiald Place, onl ?? siti ulltimo, Mrs Wir-. :LlANSON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Casnpore, on the 12th August last, the Lady of Cap- tain SASNDERSON, Bengal cavalrv, ofa son. At Chathamn, on the 19th current, the Lady' of WV. H. BUIRsELLtX, 4M. D. ofthie redical staff, of a son. At Florence,.on the '7th current, the Lady of Gsowae LYON. Esq. of Kirkmiclicael, of a son. At St llelenaiop ?? 131h November last, the Lady of Dr JAMEs ARNo's'T, superintending surgeon, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS. Onl the 2d currint, in F orth Street, Mrs Lyron, of a sori. On the 1et current, in Annandale Street, Mrs '[Hom, of a son. On the Soth ultinmo, 'n Dukze Street, thr Lady of Lieu. ?? lRosg, of a so t. On the 2iith ulniino, ilM CAXn'sELL. of Bowfield, of a 5001. 1AR R i E D. At. GOlnhmiton, on the Sl iiltirnao, by the Very Reverend Princinpmal'YLtrltii, of the Collece of Glasgo-, Joxl It ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At Tayfield, onl the 27ti current, Mlrs BEsrmr, of a daugh- ter. On the 26th current. at Auchinleck, Ayrshire, the Lady of Sir WXrLIAMt FIA;s:CIS EItieveof Stobs and Wells, Bart. of a daughter. At Motrutose, on the 231 current, Lady RAMSAY of Bal- main, nt a son, AIt S-rringwood Park, onl the 22d current, the Lady of Sir JOHS aCOTT DoeUeAS, Bart. of a daughter. IA ItIlE I). At Edinburgh ...

BIRTHS. On th>ii'h t

... llii:n.e, at h- rkto:il, -Irs JOHN TULLOH, of a son On; thu Sth vurro.nt, it .Ic7;ect:in, the Lady of GEORGE BAILLIE Esq., jun of Jerriswoode of a son On the 14th instant at Ruchlaw House, the Lady of JOHN BUCHAN SYDSERFF, Esq of Ruchlaw of a daughter On the 10th at Foxbar, the Lady of ,O:S c lcl 5:C 'OA ?? E q. of line Il-sw, of a dauglh- tec'. liil the li di cu nt, a! _-:i7 r, 'lrs MATHEW ...

BIRTHS. At Elthan2,

... on the 16th current, the Lady of Captain II. WV. Goitrnos, of the royal artillery, of a daughter. At I1, St JohnStreet, onl the 23d1 current, Mrs YULE, of a daughter. At Anniandale S-reet, on the 21st current, Mrs A. B. BL.ACKIr, Of a son). At 29, Castle Street, on the 19th current, Mrs WILLIAM -, ofadtiglhter. (Oli the 19th -C rt'.t, at S9, I)omina ick Street, Dublin, the Right Hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At Inverness. on the 27th ultimno, Mirs JOnN Ross of Berbice. of a sou. IMA RRIED. At Cotton l Idee, on the 20th current, by the Reverend !Ir Cotrdilier of' St PaAl's, :\L.EXANDRls ROBE~nRTSoN, Esq. of the Colleg!, 1'.:gin, to i-i KNtLIETtT.x BOU tSGUIS, daughter of ?? Womcl1ss, :-c1. o)f CS~zip'aiall. At Hlojpe i'ark Sntret, ],eish WValk, on the 90th current, G.oizr.E o f HAM taN ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B! 1RTH S. On the 1st current, the lady of Colonel VANS AGNctW, C. B. of B3arribarroch, of a son. At No. 33, flome Szreet, on the 15th current, 1Mri Ro- itEaTsoN, of'a diuglhter. At Inverleith Road, on the 11th current, Mrs NM'BrBs, of a daughter. At Londlon,on the 3d current, Mrs DANIFsa. MAcLEoD, o. a daughter. At Dundee, on the 11 th current, Mrs DAVID JoasoN, Ju- nior, of a son. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IRT HS. At No. 2(J, York Place, on the 12th instant, the Lady of GEonma Mitttcitit, Esq. of Gorthy and Dryden, of a son. On the 10th instant, at No. 3, Circus Place, Mrs FINLAY, of a son. At No. 8, Gseat King Street, on the 9th current, Mrs LUMNISDON, of a daughter. On the 9th instant, at St Andrew's, Mrs HAY, of a son. M A RRIED. II St John's Chapel, Edinburgh, on the 13th instant, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1 IR ?? Oil tfle 17t h cturrent, at 2.i, i;i.::hl 1'l3.te,T he s Ci tonGE 1itiwNZ, of a son. (in tie I7tIt current, at Vi eaedl;:ll l ;d ic, 21 vs J[en:cs ST;teei' or a son. On ?? IGrth current, at No. 21, Clyd Ic Strcct, I1 rs WX. 1I. FlAMMxr.TON, of a dlaughtler. (1n the 12th clvrrent, ?? NO. 9, Newington Piece, Mrs . ?? oia n a danglhter. (Olite idle erretit, at Q0etcitsferrv, then wife ef ...