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Exeter Flying Post


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Exeter Flying Post

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W: -; EDNES'DAY, 3uLY 2,: 1828.. , . -duAt Hinlton, thed Lady of N Vakhi Oq`Tiqesdayt he24tho ~~ Mrs. - emlArD , obf, adau iHter. , At Heistori, CornwalR the LIiiW .of adeauglht .- i sPeninont, neaFr.- Darke, of a dauhe.A t ,Vaynto, Esq . of a adiug tr. t ' ut. at Tottenham, yt I Evisq. of Lauatec u Yes ?? l~~~hniton, Mk.` WronCied,toMrAnny daugh? Vidgeon S of thw White I-lar on Hoolto, ~At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 18th Iast. et H.eadley ctry, Stry, .tire:Lady of jhe Hon. and Rev. 'Eward Moordf a datahter., At TorqNuti, Visco1mte4ssSan'doui of a irs aird hlrn. ; A Newtod-Roust, 'tho'IaHdy ?? talcke,.Junt Eu4.H 6f A 4,uehter. . OnrirThirsdar last, at BudlelanFd Thsts4intsjothp Ladyof W ,V J.Ctk, Le~q otf- tl; : . - ! sj! ?? On the 21st of July, ati Secvqidetahed thed Lady- of Major Clarke, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1828. ID. N -. -. . . N On atudaylat,.' iiat CIff Ctae iisnh h Lady of4'dajor Lt109Ge f a so On.wdvs ,ii t ?? ~.ctsy ~eal Oi jsito owoihe.i'v~cl On Flday, last at Ulftonn, ?? a lience, Wilans Rowl1and Alder, £Esq. ~to Miis URyAn 'asejjls C0ontjotss o 6li I rueday Jait, [it Woodblury, ?? on.tsse lJohn~ Coliboi'i1±.sq. of' StapWle ?? asl.An ss'ondil daughter Of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 Wv~seme ,il/. Lady M. JI}. ' Se pgj3llew JEsq et4- rel aC qtug Itei y ( 4qXnsopple, zthe Lady 'of,;i-bui~e i;5tp);ei t.;tP Wr Clwu, nT, iiy, Lie ,a . ilvm Oltwib ad i (~Iq ' jojft aoie.ofic j e 'e i' . ?? - f, - ,r w ,, ?? . - ' ! I I5~g ?? IardIsety E, q. ?? aslle Oo~i; X60tofMtp rli i lail C m1Iizlar, e> ?? . ptxe ~te Artiz C ' . ib r ithe . t .. -!a , 1onie . ipi ;: ur *f J ?? > . : rl ga ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 11 I : - . I 11 I ? : .. , . . , c . ? I 1?1 . - ? E x 3 Pi -T, -38 - j .9 ?? ?, ? , 'T - - , : ,DN s A , u , i'2 ?? the jnewvs frowm Portugal sbfi leads us'to ~inticipate n~othing.but a.:civil war -ensuing-;int that dis tractqdd country.t. .-The ?? bonhuaues his tunceablng efteltiesi and. arrests innumerable of those' suspecteld 't6 fa'yb ibe :eonstittioa are ho uifly tiing place in Lisbon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' . ?? At Belgaum, on th r. 16th Nov. the' Lady of Lieut.-Col. Trewrnan, of a datightr.. At Vellore, on the 17th Dec.. the Lady of Geerge Wright, 'Eqs. of the 10th ,ative Iqfanitry-, of a daughter. On Saturday last, at Com-oe'lla RnleighP arsolitge, the Lady of the RIev. Charles Edwarid Hlandi, ?? sos.' At Heaviti'ee, the Lady of ?? Salter, Esq. of a daighbter. The L'tsdy of thit Rev. .J. B N ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;. :E;S.:DAY, :MAY: :2,8, 1828. Saturda se'nni it, at Euston, near Damlisb, thbe Ladjy off Charles Thoins ales, Esq. of a son. : ?? Mre&.E.* Tarner, -ota'son. j On ?? instant, at Blandeston,-Suffolk, he -Lady of Edwa.oiLeathes, 'I isq. ofidaughter. , istO 'Thiklsday the 22d Inst. at Bishops-T; ftoln,. by the' ery , the leaan of yExeter, the Rev. 30hn WbiAtir-tqisleidy , Ijlaan~isolt g.M A. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Saturday last, the Lady of Jtim6es Fraser, Esq. of Baring Crescent, of a son. At Haill the Lady of'R. Chichester, Esq. ofason and'heir. On Thursday, at Torqciay, the Lady of R. J. 'Paget, M.D. of a son. . ; At; 13 ol Hill Cottage, Bideford, the Lady of P. B.'Illbards. Esq. st' a daughter.. .'. -:. On the 4th Jnst. at Ipplepen, the Lady of G. Lang,. Esq. of a daughter - At. Exm aIoth, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDN;TES;AY, JANUAIRY 9, 18238. +3u't. . On Sattli'dlay monrilingt lst, at Cliff's End House, Exriouth, the Ladv if Ciharl's Giftlrd, Esq. of a son. At Ibl-muIlow, the Lady of Capt. Fisk, l7th Lancers, of a dla ilitt',r.`; At i v i'ingham, Bucks, the Lady of James C. Praed, Esq. of at dolditerO. At Md .Ita, Nov. 9, Lady Geooigiana Weolff, of a dauighter. ]?ritlay, in Magdulen-stil'et, Airs. E. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED1NESDAY, Ju:.Y` 16 1828. .O Sunday Inst, tb L dy of Henry .R -Ponnadll, XEi. ta Ebford BartOiln *iP.r this city, of a daughter. * Oil pondrg. MrU d Ma: k ?? , of a son. Last, wreek t Heavitree the Lad of Woo. Thirl,;'DE`q. of' a sop-. ?? r *, This tnorning, at Upton Pvnn Church, by the Rev. S Nortlicote, Mlr. JanmesBaran, of Nelsoni Terrace, City.road, London, to Miss ,Elizalbeth Davim, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,O!n SiiiPd,0WAt oney~in, the Ludyof John1 3uspeh)¢E _. ()ssMo.tlnar M§. W. MV. ClapfnoItbaitelt ofsadabte;r~ * n 00 Witlwisdav' at 1'orkltoii-Heiau, near Creditori, theo Lad~v'of 'Ibulednta Pi'oi. s Lsiilhicitor, of .a son ?? At Hetxin se&'thit~ Idv oif t 11ev. Derwent Vs 0lr0de, 'of a~snn.- , sli1t0te'wlit ,, Capt, J^ohn iitpb~zdealt ae~ison:, Oct. 2isi, U r1 Jn, Tormiss Paynter,. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 0,J 828. . 7 ?? * Wednesday last, at Braddon's hill, Torquay, the Lady of ~Misjr 'GammeUl, o/f~a ati anid: heir,}'. . ?? :in the-l9th ult. at Ilorence, the Lidy of 3L.ieu.-Colonel Shuid(.ham, of aonfiI., ! ?? ?? r.- ' ILateljat Ca'inoeHoo~nsearlIymiotith, the Lady.of.W. * Kingdiu, Esq. otf ulaughter. ?? ?? ,,f On Sundny last, at PlymouthXthe Ladyof Alfred.Johnson, Esq. ...