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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ?? _ If - ; ?? t:; ties On tine athl lust, thq Rlght Hon. Lady Lyndihurst, of a claughs-_ ter. - .Ou the' 12th last. (the anniversary of AdmniTral Rodery'S victory over tle sFrenoChtleet),- thc Hen. MIrs. Rotdney, of a atos anrd heir. Bltst2 James's-square, Lady Barbaras lonsoaby, of a son. . ._ S. . . , . A\ On ThuTIday, Mr1-William Walker, of Dten-Head, clothier, to Malry daughterof Mr. ...

On the In lst. at He

... ath, near Wakefield, the Lady of Willia.mi LetaEsqi. of a son. Oat 0On Sunday last, at Louth, the Lady of tiso Rev. John H-orner, P d onl the 25th ult. at Richmond, the Lady of the Rev. H. 1D. H. F. a Worthington, of Grhint of a son. She D, On Tuesday, ait Sheffield, airt. Charles Atkinson, of the firm of r. MAarriott, Son and CO.' manufocturers of fliles, &c. to Elizabetls, - second dlaughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ST era The wife of a poor labouricsqman, in the cmployment of Messra Diwers; and Bedford, near t e Woodman Inn, Dewsbury-road nred was yesterday week safely delivered of three children, two boys the and a girl, who, with the mother, are all doing well. don the $tIlfaLtgb. o, Oh Wednesday, at the Parish Church of lirstall, by the Rev. ,ni W. M. Heald, vicar, Mr. Joseph Ellison, of Birkenshaw, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it On the 11th lost. at Amstcrdam. the Lady of W. Haigh, Esq. of la Grainsby-houise, in the cosinty of Lincoln, of a son anid Ilsir. ?? Onl the 13ihl Inst. at Thorpe, niear Ripon, 31rs. Waddilove, of a son. On thc Iith last. at islangreen Ilall, near Norwich, the Lady of Henry tlirkbeck, Esq. of a daughter. Os, Thursday, nt our Paerls Church, Mr. Robert llowitt, to. bacconist, to Martha, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OnWednosiay lase, the Lady of Godfrey Wenatworth, Esq. of ~ I Wolly P'ark, of a daughter. AtWlta ecoy, ttime county of Leicester, the Lady of tileHal. ald -,V Allujui Hbar, oa ,eOi. es Tule wife of a labourer, namedl Heritage, of Tingewick, Duckus, I It' was delivered lately of forsr children, sdl Thkely to (ID wt.-II. rs It ft. !3t On T hursday, It Poratle frart, the1 It evr Ed ward ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... if them. d 1 On tle. Ine til nt. tho Lady of Richard iletheil, Esq. barrister a, sure .fr~law, ofn daudsghter. M ani andi the .freir talscr tlse giar espeinaded ~ ~ arti that expire, On 'lsatrdeyl y usc cv. Gorge Brber alsyM.A. Fellow thle I expired, ?? OfrH. nI icl' abrr Uiste at idt Id from lat ?? ?? assoil, of Bo0w- s .e notice ?? vosils be (lt'.lirdy ?? Mrs. Stead, bills I i sad5- ?? of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 'rot'qttay, thle Ilidy ?? VISeouiit itatidait, (edest 6oi, of t he S, the Earl (if Ifarrear by) of a Sonl toil heir. Wentii Marao EXTrnAoni N Atiiv-Oa n ftiiay nirht. thle 11th Iltitt. arid ?? th atwteienir tr li i i yiizoif', 'If ?? Illisedtlatiti, e i3ttn tr l'e9TY ayseac delivered iof thii'i' ?? ;ititd i r:,i f'rinate hildien.- laile I They Clot lived ,habot tinl ?? after rheir ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e Sunday we t Lady of J. E3. Blrooke, Esq. of Headlingley, Oil Wenesdayweek, ltsAllorn-place, Searbrol, thle Lady of 1055G Jonlanhr, Esq. Of a soil. Oit the Oth inaL. at,Thirsik, Mrs. Swairbreck, of a daughter. Onthle bitl Tnst. ait l'uabirlid Wells, Latly Jaue.Lawrenen Peel, ofa son, which, Survived only a few slays. Li Sit Onthe 2d Inek, at Hulton Packt, Lancislhlre, the Ld-fWn Y Halton, Esq ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursday, at Rochdale, Mr. Thomas Shaw,. of the firm of Maunsey and Shaw, grocers, Rocrdale, to Ann, niece of John Jones, Esq. of Townhead, Rotchdale. On Wednesday last, at our Parish Church, John Doughty Hep- worth, Esq. of York, to Mary, only daughter of the late George Snosedon,, Esq. of iRlpon. On Wednesday, at Bacup, J. Holt, Esq. of Newrhurch, to Miss Maeon, daughter of Janmeo laden, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ig Hteurgeon, to FIWIANI Mr.~~Paear Y all of Pddaey.lipl fit t 1hsdsa Dewsbsay Mr.4Jilnei Cu~llhwigsvthI. Lnen ,~Wlafwole1rpeNwaalsupnTn, tof w Hlai a, lla ry neralf. be6 On Tisesetay last, at Halifax, by the Rev. C. Rogere Mr. Joh n D: at Child, of Weskefel . to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mar, Alidrew 4. Dusicoas, of St~ictircat, merchant. be On Monday last, at Poswbridge, near 'York, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mapth '22d hintl at ?? serYdthcLldy, of.Henry, ou Hegll siqof at sftasihby Snme siary, et Tifnaresbrousgls Alrlt Henr y Peacock, of Ha~rreglte,si to Mrs. Dloddir s HreyaotLondon. OA OWerilesday naet,'-Mr. .fohrr ?? ?? mnaltster,, of Miri- iml;. o~ris~riargherlf.r. fslrrnduk i.tnwn. ofAinersod- bury. , -6n 9 leiarla tart, At our. I1'arleh Churchr, Mr ists Raopi Brtgga o.flyWokaeild, tri ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wa. ani V ~ ?? tb)f+ Ire On Tuesday weei, at Hague, her Royal Highness tha Princess s of the Netherlands, of a dauglhtcr.w At Dltchley, Oxon, the lIon. Airs. Stanley, of a daughter, his a no a vi gat'I'it8+ , , ?? On Thursday last, nt Doncaster, Mr. W. 0. Booth, of Bilgley, WI Wesleyan preacher, to Miss Rhoda Orton; and Mr. J. V. Allan, Co of Wakefield, to iliss Susan Orton. The ladles are ...