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Morning Chronicle

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MEMOIR OF THE LATE MR. GRAHIM. The following account of this person, who, as our readers 1l00w, lost his life in sadnel in Amertca, is fronm a correspondent oft The Mosa1hry, Magazine. The extended circulation of the Ifacts which it contains will, We imagine, prove useful:- It was just when hostilities were raigotbtenti Yorkntry ]andAeria In 1812, that a vessel bound from New Yor toHoearIx ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In the 2d inst., in Portugal-street, Grosvenor-square, the lady ot Hasrry Dent Goring, Esq of a soD. On the 2J inst., at the Bridge House, Southwark, the lady of John Newman, Esq. of a son. On tue 21 inst., tbe lady of Walter La rence Lawrence, E~q , of S~nlwell l'ark, Gloucestershire, of a daughter. I ti, the 2d inst., at Brighton, tbe lady of James Ward, Esq., of Willey-place, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 19th inst., at Lis house in York-terrace, the lady of John Fairlie, Esq of a eon. On tbe 16th instant, in Duchess-street, Portland-place, Mrs Page, of a daughter. MARRIED. On tbe 26th instant, at St. Mark's, Kennington, by tbe Rev Thomas Price, Mr. George Gray, ol Fleet-atreet, to Carolin Emma Sleath, dauglater of Juhn WillifaoseaEsq.of 0twitt slow-place, North BJriiton. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On thel st inst., at Here-hill, Mrs. Richard Datton, ol Ui dauliter. Ort the 26-h Janouar,', at Sr. Peter's, rear Ranisgate, the lt.dy ) of J3 hib Tippin lD.-well, Esq., o0 a stll. At St. Micliawl's-terrace, Stoke Deron, tbe lady bf CiaPtinil Ciharles Jamites llope Johnstone, ItN , of a dauir ter. The lady of Wmi TDomnison, Enq., of Hew-morthy, of a s0n- On the 27th tilt., at WVrIls, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !1h11V OF THE LATE ADJUTANT-GENERAL ,SIR HENRY T'URRdEAS. ,sir Henry' Torrens was a native of Ireland, and was born in ,t~r city of Londonderry, in the yeair 1779) His fatherI the j 'rlhirn 'orrens, and his mother, havilng died while hit Was 3'et Sa WIItst be and his three brU thers, were left to thle care. of hi grandtather, the R1ev. Dr. Torrens; and at his d~i, ithfenry was piaced uniter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tbe l6th irlst., at Barirampron-house, in the coun!y ti Wilts, the lady om the late Henry Moody, Rsq.,ot a dalluger. On Fridaytbe 18thi iust., at Eiton, near Stockton-upo0.Tn, 1 the lady of George William Sutton, Esq., of a son and heir. On Saturday, the 19tb inst., at Beaulieu Lodge, Winclarmort* bill, the lady of Frederick Case, of Little Grove, East BnLr1C, Esq., of a son. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRlTHS. On the 21stlast Mrs. Jf W.atdgettts, of Burton-cresc4sto of a daughter. On the 17th inst. the lady of Jasen Reid, M.D,, Chbrlhtf' street, Bloomsbury, of a sun. . - On the 18th inst. st Bury-green, Cbeshunt, the lady of Ge80 Reugemont Bsq. of a son. On the ,9ih inst.oIn Suffolk-lane. the lady of Thos. BrittiS, Esq. of adaughter. On the 5th inst at Hanover, the wife of te Rev. H. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Mircb 19, in Reinry-isquire, Brighton, the lady of J. N Wieney, Xq., mf a id(ituger. MtrcL 19,)at Gaytou, near Noithampton, the lady of the Rev. J. E. Gray, *f a daughter. March 21, at Caunberwell, Mrs. James Laytonjun. of a son On tbe 17tl inst., Ft the, Crescent, Bedtord, the Iady of Capt. W. H. Smyth, of the R.N., of a daughter. MARRIED. March 20, atMary-la.bonne New Chsrch, Wm. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ot the 30th tilt., at Ditchily, she lion. Mrs. StanleY, Qf ' daughter. At Antigua, ont the 29th of Junte, Mrs. Joshua lKentisb t1 ' daur bter. Oia the 29th uilt., at Tourts in France, the lady of T. A C~t'tiS Esq.,of a daughter. Onk Tuesday, the 5 h inst., John Barnard By es. Esq ef'l Inner Temple, to Hanoab, youngest daughtrr of Jotu 'Feint, Ess., of iliggleawade. DOl the 2d instant, at West ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tihe 24th inst., in Portman. square, the Right Hon. Lady Gtrvagb, of a aghter. on the 260loanOst, Mrs. Aahtonof Berners-street,ofa d .ghter. On the 24th inst., at Pounell-terrace, Kennington, Mrs. J. D. Woods, of a daughter. On the 25th int., at Ealing, the Lady of the RU., Herbert Oakeley, of a 8013. On tlte 26th itst., in Upper Harley-street, the Lady of Bel- janmin GAad, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Edgware Road, on the Ist .st Mrs. W. J. Bruee, of a O. On the 4th inst. at Hampstead, Mrs. Wm. Pownall, of New Millmnan-street, of a son, Dec. 2, the lady of George Watts, Esq. of Worcester Cot- tage, Clifton, of a son. Dec. 2, at Coborn-place, Mrst Jatnes Sutherland, of Fen- church-street, of a ton. MARRIED. On Thursday, the 4th inst. at Charlbury, by the Right H0D- and Rev, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fRIR HS. On the llth inst., in Guilford-street, Russell-tquare, Alm Charles Winfield, of a daugbher. On the 9th instant, the lady of J. Ireland, Esq. surgeon, Ar- tillery-piee, Finsbury, of a So'. On the 7tb instant, in Bedford-street, the wife of the Ilsi Mnjor J. W'. Durnn, of a snn. On the 7,h instatit, MIrs. tlinsrmau, of Great Russell street; Bloomaloury, of a daughber. M ARRIED. On the ...