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Morning Chronicle

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PEATH oftdie ARCHBISHOP ~f CANTERBURY. > he Archbishop of Canterbury departed this life yes- terday forenoon about eleven o'clock, at Lambeth Palace. For about a month his Grace had been ailing ; but, as it I,,as only for the last ten days that he was confined to tie house. so speedy a termination of his life was not ex- rccted On the contrary, all alarm on the part of the family was, for the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 28th instants, the Lady of Mr. WVilliam Holt ' Threadneedle-street, of a dauRghter. Aug. 25, at Dorset-place, Clapham, Mrs. L. lID I daughter. Aug. 27, the la ly of R. W. Jennings, Esq., e MtkIt' terrace, Mecklenburgb-isquare, ot a son. On Tuesday, the 26th August, at Brixbam, Rev. H. F. Lyte, Edward Dunsterville Puddicol'be u Furnival's Inn, to Margaret, eldest 4aughter of tt e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF LORD AMUNT SANDFORD. [FROM T55E WINDbOR AND ETON EXPRESS OF SATURDAY.] The untilmiely death of this young Noblemanwhich happened between one ant two o'clock this moruing, considering the peculiarly Melancholy circumstances attending it, must be viewed with feelings of deep regret by every inhabitant of Wind- sir ; whether regard he had to the youth of the deceased-for Lrdl Mount ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. On the 10th instant, Mrs. George Beaman, of Saint Paul *, Covent Garden, of a son. On the 6th inst., at Bath-terrace, Kennington, the wife of Adam Burn, Esq. ofa son. On the 5th inst., at Park. place, North Brixtoun, the lady of Samuel Cohen, jun. Esq. of a daughter. On the 9th inst., Mrs H. Teape, of a daughter. On the 9 i inst., at Black heath, Mrs. Jam. Saundere, of a sor. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At the Glebe House, Ballywillian;, the Lady of Archdeacon Warburton, of a d Eugtter. The Lady of (ffley Shore, E.q, of a daughter. At Bicester, th Lady of William Cole, Esq., of a son. March 14, in Bernard-street, Russell-square, the Lady of W. L. Selater, Esq. of a son. MARRlIED. At Agra, on the 25th of Jnly, - Anson, Erq., 18th Regi- ment Native Infantry, sen of General Sir George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3InTHS. On the 9th inst., Mrs. Wiadus, of Stamford-bill, olf saIO On the 14th inst., at Soutbgate, Mrs. Twiu, af ttdaughtaf. On the 5tb inst., at Taubridge Wells, the Lady Janei1,11' rence Peel, of a son, who survived only a few days. On the ilthinst., Mrs. Mansfield, of Wimpoleostreett ~ef 555. On the loth inst., at Portsmouth, the lady of Major M.Nirs 524 Light Infantry, of a SOD n GA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 23d inst. at the Priory, Downham Market, the Ladl of the Rev. Edward Bellamy, of a son. On Wednraday last, the 23d inst., at Deptford, the lady ci Adam 6ordon, Esq., of a son. On the 234 inst., tbe Lady Alice Peel, of ason. On the 21st instant, at Goldsbro' Hall, the Lady Louisa LaS' celles. of a son. In Uaper Woburn-place, Mro. G. H. King, of a son. Jan. 19, at Mount Melville, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At Forest Hall, Viscountess Chetwynd of a daughter On the l6th inst., Mrs. IV. Spictr, T.wer %Viote \iL 'rower-street, Upper St. Mar-in's latle, of her tourthl fla.f- Olu the 18th inst, in Feachurchl-street, the Lidy (! Tresdale, Esq.,ef a son. On the 15th inst., in Park-place, Is3angton, Mrs. J. E.I1W of a son. Orn the 17th iost., at York-place, Portman-tsquare, tbe LI of John Buxton, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 18th instant, at Merstihaim,, in the county of Silrr.Y the lady of Sir Wn. George H ylton Jollbffe, lart., of a d ,,, On, tile Il'lb instant, at flamstnersolith, the lady of tbtl ty, Francis Thomas Atwood, of a daugi ter. Oa the 18th instant, at ITurret-house, South Lioabetb NIt, W. Heaseltine, of a daughter. - AR- ED . - On Tuesday, the 17th inst,, Mr. Win. 0)awald, of lJewish, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th instant, at Versailles, the lady of H- M. 14Bb'J Esq of Devonshire Castle, Demerara, of a son. f I On the 19th instant, at Norwood, Surrey, the lady of tiewood, E q. of a son and a daughter. On the 29th instant at New Norfolk-street, Park-lnct, lady of Dr Burton, 12th Royal Lancers, of a dsibter. £ On the 17th instant, in Tavisvock-street, the lady ° adore, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 25th inst., in l. rk-streer, Portmansisqltare, the lad1 of Ci-Arle, H C Plowde. Esq , of a o( _ M .RRIED At B-nares, i; tIle ERst lilies, on the evening of the 2)'t June, 1827. by the Rev. J. C. Pr! b, at tlhe hiouse )of Aualitsw'S Nlarlooki, Esq. Senior Judge of the Provincial Court if Appria end Circelit, and in presence of a otizerous party, C ifi. sisting of the Drinicipal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THlE LATE CdLAMITOUS FIRE. Ah>yean )'clock yesterday morning the Jury re-assembled t C e umnittee-room of the Workhouse, In ffray's-lun-lane, tert 'lr. Stirlingr, the Coroner, to contitine the inquest on ele r)irs of Mr. and Mrs. Tingle and their five children, who trI Ciestroyed in the late cotflagration in Redl Lion-street, 1 3r imes of the Jurors having been called over, the Corsner !i- be ...