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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tl U t!Fwrtile. At No. 10, Atbioll Crcscent, Edinburgh, on the 3d ult. the Lndy of ' Thinih s lKinnear, Es. of a soon. A At 13uccleuoch Place, on the 27th ult.. Mrs. Andreew Muir, of a dlnighter. At .Xere7s. Se Il. Frontera, in Spain, on the 8th dltimio, I~rs :rans-oun. of'a s 01 the lihit lilt. nt Ami Church, DIublin, Major I Stcandib!i tJ'Gr.,xdy, eldest sun of .Loid Chief Baron e 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tii ;'-LJtlii t>}t q i1 al XVI'EI)NES]F)AY.-lntty 1S. t IV Died at Westfidl, nciar A berleen, on the 2 8th Apeil, M .1irs AGNES FlOitNs ?? of the ]ate Jo1iN trIAL- ir mI:s, iisq. oif' NWesthield, sywid 84. D)ied at Cawnpore, in the 0 Hi icr I diee, on thie ILii ?? o November la.t, A LEXANElit tUIN Eli, lEsq, aft e Dic~l, laet Nci vemiler at E'liicithtoe, (apt. ?? std A nteiw, of flis 21 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AV-i) b e rbS t r I. WED)NESDAY, 1j~m/r12. MIlarried, at Spring Gardel, on the I Ith inst., by the 1Rev. Alex. ]Keith, ot St. Cyrus, ?? T'lltttAS Ljl.AI I t. littltjohn Street, to AGNES, daughiter of ALEXS.NILI Ia l)LNuSALL, Etf.t1 1 ilrtie oil Lh 3Jd inst. at St. Janmes's, ClerkenwcUl, Ilandozt, by the l4ev. J. P. Potter, CleAIt PE '0 Tl, I1Sq. of flitltiltg VaLe, ;i the cotunty of D)erby, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LVED NESDAY, Arig / 27. l':in 0rIT-On tla c ,'Fh instalnt, at Berailon's llill- ' Tolii[ly, tieC Laity of Mlrjrlr GA13rE I.1L, of a SOit anll CO -I hel- re] 1i ii i 'IT.-At M1ontrose, on the 17 h inst. thlc wife of 2 d, Li t2tlernt ii:itn v-, otf a oo. t.. j lrrta ?? epri nobi ltl, Jaiiaica, Ott tihe 27th of' P0 Iy ity , tile L a~d Of tLEx. Al ontoiciroX, ]Esq. of a tIllriOLft~i~. fir .idl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'sVEDNEf.SDAY, Fehruuir~y 13. Jdtttnn..-On the ioth la st. at Aonvnusk: Honet., the~ n- I 10Y Of.1ionBET it1 ( I A N-T, i5.of 'I'l Nite( Iri, oi Se~n. l~ At tite Al toe of' lottereiliri, oil the 2d1 instatot, A WIA'tYr2. of a son. Martriedl at Old11 Abetetl-en, onl Thurad-.ay the -Aint nit. by ties Ron'. John Robertson, D~r Axis ltlcw TITON,; phyic'tltia, EIIloll, toi AN-,Isil, . A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WVE)NTESDAY, April1 30. ocr, S. iMarricd, at lia nse of' Miarincb, on thle 26th Cart. h~v tile( Rev. J ames M1ilne, Minister oF Invcrrkvitliny, the' A I ntrV R isul J.1aiF. eI lltoweN, IPrntussr (IF Ciev:,,den 2 -ciistal College, A it rIcen, to OJ t ldest dr. gb Icr tarll of the R1ev. william Sti-ooach, 211 ister of' mtrenoch` stre I'llarriet. noi the 27th illst. by the 'a ev. i r Coed incr, ...

'01bubren, WEDNESDAY

... , Aprl 16. lly - - - lrol le 1311urriT.-At Park House, on the 13th, the Lady of te- 11 Licut.-(olonel Gonn)oe, of a dau hter. Mlardit', at Aberdeen, the 15t~i April, by the Rev. F, .James Foote, East Churchi, St. Nicholas, the Rev. DAVID zaM Ml AcltAE, Pastor of the United Associate Synod of the ao SCCeSSiOn ('liUrch, at Lathones, Fifeslire, to M*RGAILsrr, lU n, daughter of iM r (.ilbert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Julg 2. BIRTTI.-At Careston, on the 20th ult, the Lady of A. llACT} Elt, Resq. of a sots. Married, On the 24th tilt. at St. Lukes.w Chelsea, by the lion, and Ilev (G. V. WeliesleCY, I).D. the Rev. E UrOonGE IAT.hlrtE, ?? and of Parhamn, in the county of SnuseX, to CttARILOTri ELIZAIETlt the lovely and accomplished daughter of Thomas Bonoor, Ii. of Lindlsay Place, Battersea Brilge. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2itcrb,). I3 Portland Place, London, on tile Itith inst. La3' Jane Peel, of twins. At 'I'p1,n Woirt, Bucksi, on the 7th inst. the Ladv uf Tiscounit Kirkwvall, c a son. ( )I the ;th: inst. ?? Lady of Robert Warden of Paellc hill, E1sq. of a dau1ghiter. At aenisferry, on the l6th instant., the wifc of hti B cV. Thomas Dintinl, ola son. ,1,3ar IC, L VCe. At EIdinburgh, oit the 11th instant, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %btcbeno WEDNESDAY, DecenLher 3. BeRnt.-At Pittrichje House, on the 27thi Nov. Mrs M'1KE~zYE,Pittr~ichie, ofa dauneb1ter. Birth-At Parkhill, on the '2ilh ult. the Lady of WILLIAMs GoitloN Cbnlliwo, ?? Esq. of Pit- Iurg and Dycc, of a Son. -ied. at Rotterdam;t on the 7th November, and buried On tile fi rst anniversary of' hear bi rth, .1 it~ ,d augliter of' Ricliard Smith, Esq. AI erchant there ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? zDNE'DAY, O4ioILe a) WVEDNrESDAY, Octolbci 29. Itlivrii.-At BanfYl, on the '22d curt. Mrs IMLACI, V Of ia son. .\larried, at the M51anse of Fettercsso, on the Htil curt. by the Rev. Air Thomn.o, IMir JAMEIS zt5I>uti, sir. * ?? SttonlehlalvCn, to MA11 AGAt t:'r1, secolnd daugilter ot 1 .r i0.-oitai- ?? tIlE, Postmaster tliere. , eMarried, at Edinbttrgh, on the 2::d instant, by the J Rev. Dr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DrtATit OF TilE A:cCl33It91101' 01' CAX:TE1RlUJtY. It is 'stoh regret we announce the ?? ot' his (Grace the Archbishlop or CIee.terborv. Prinate of dl England, who deppotttd this lift oil Moul0ay meroi ri, ait minn. eo'th Palace. llis (irace heel been ailing 4ier about a mlloo thl eill: We' bUii;QV tiat sO a tcrelin0atiolt t was not ?? Di Suo::n tees o lout of tildl. but imposing, ...