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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. ns This upright Statesman, and truly good man, expired on Tlhlursday last, at his residence at Conibe Wood, near 'LtLn don. es His lordship had been much in his usual state-no - syptoms of speedy dissolution had been perceived. But .- soon after breakfast he was attacked with spasnms and on convulsions. The Countess of Liverpool and his bro- ther, the Hon. Cecil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? tiilf~ -r 3 At No. 28' Queen Street, Edinburgh, on the 2d inst. . lirs BortliWiCk. ofa daughtcr. ; le ( t th ult. IPLdy Ellenborougli, of a son to I Sloabne Street, ILondon, on the 2d inst. tile Lady a-, ,, Zleut.Coluonl :lacdonald, late of the lbth regiment, of a s0t). r At the Admiralty, London, Mrs Keith Douglas, ofa daughtr. At Port-Glasgow, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs Dr Mar- lt shall, oia ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Bombay, on the 9thMic ay last, the Lady of J. Forbes, Esq. civil service, of a daughter. At No. Ill. Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, on the inst. Airs Hunter, of a daughter.' On the 26th ult. Mrs Mylne, of Mylnefield, of a son. On the 4th, inst. thc Lady of' Henry -lyndman, Eq. SNo. 22,lMludyer Street, Westminster, of a daughter. On the &h inst. at No. 12, Coates Crescent, Edinburgh5 the Lady ...

Births On the 24th u

... lt. at Carnbo House, ?? of Sir v David Erskine of Cambo, Bart. of a son. Parrteagc. a At Edinburgh, on the 23d ult. Andrew Alurray, jun. E vocatc, cldest son of John Murray, Esa. of ILUplaw, to Mary, eldest daughter of tle late Charles Stewart, Esq. commander of the Hon. the East India Y Compauy's ship Airly Castle. Onl the 22' ult. at the Dlanse of Gladsmuir, by tht Rev. Dr George Hamilton, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1I'd~i 'VIVEDNESI')DAY, lelirssory 20. lk~il have itrti'l-lir Iolanc of, Dyce, on the lilti instant, Mrs buor It ' di.-A en Cotta ye, on thle INthI instant, Airs t ' C tt r. in E's I, ol' I Ede n, o 'ii a dagtei, ItLr.I Mar irt i-, atlb 1ci a, oE 6atulrdaly 'tue 11th curt, by the Rev'. AI-.c. Idallier, of' El1gin, Roi~witr IMrN, EsCq. 5or; t13r, to- i EL;: N , younigest daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... re WEDNESDAY, Fesruary 27. Ci Y. B3111ItI-At Blombay. the 23d: of September Jest, the th Lady of iaiet.WiLe.Lxas BuictErT, of tle rd lEuroi- pr plt p eal 10gimnclt, ofas e ?? ; ?? Cork, on the 15th February, the Lady m of ?? 0 M'(3 1WuGir, 7(tih Regiment, of a sonn. lb 'rixt.-ln Berkeley Square, London, on the l3th f inst. Lady GORDON (UU IxoNG, of a daughter. f ?? Montrose. on the 25th inst.. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 1st inst. at Camden Hill, Kensington, the Countess of Glasgow, of a daughter. At Melville House, on the 8th inst., the Countess of Leven and Melville, of a daughter. At Bellary, Madras on the 13th of February last the Lady of William Bremner, Esq. fort-adjutant. of a son. At Edinburgh, on the 1st instant, Mr Alexander Scott, No. 17, Archibald Place, to Margaret, daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4-t ,unfvt' -en. be 117FDEI)NSDAY, RvxeplndwJlo'I. Brrrus.-At Durnavold House, Athol on thel of ilt. the ?? of ?? ltt o ti , s5tirgeo, RN.. of a son. | i C ?? are sorry to ai'iasnce tliL ?? of her Grace 1t SUoAX., Duchess of lManechster, dlaughtcr Of tic late c and sister of the present Dflae of (Gordon. -ler tirace i has left tvo sons and live tiaughiters. Diet, at &a 31ill ('Cottiae, \Veac ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in, ?? 'j ?? t I ! i ' ' .'wi ?? contributions i , 81' .t ~ ?? i ' ?? To:, ir. ;'pc .ir Robotnson, :l I : 11 i 1 ttl, !1r ALex. Thomison til,) sq. I U l A l tdy, per t Atolev. .Jnncs Foote, I I O 0 A I, ly per )c llie Robet l'oot, - 0 ti v, Alol pL; BaiilhiiRoburt l'v;onti . 10 t1 - -_1 ?? i 4 i I 11, !? ! t: . _ ? I Kvilhock, ;-n :?'l uk- (lic 1 of I ' q, ?? , ?? x ?, : 1? .: ?: ( , ;: c ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEI)NESDAY, J1['ltc t26. r Biw ?? A chiry, all the 20th instant, Mrs Joii:y Yt Cei'liil of a oil. I Mlarricd at Arbroath, on Mtonday, the 24th instant. by the Rev. (;corgc (leig, tilhe lc;. ANmlit ie CtO_ te oiAit, to Miss P ?? only daughter of Georgc uz Phtilip, los. Arbroath. ])ied at Aberdeen, on tihe ] Ith M-arch, JAMEs Goit- lDON, Esqc of l.irtet~bila. I)ied, at her house, St. ,Jarnes's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - -. ?? .. .- - . ?? .. 0 r, y li tri rb - r At Oldfield, on the l!th ultimo, Mrs IlE DEnsO-r, 3, a o latglter. At Ailiramichi, on the 28th of Dec. Mrs Archibn1 l, Durncan, of a son. ,o nld ;. @?v~~~Oi~rriags,@ .: At ?? on the 20th oft. Alex. Wilson, E.q. lda Batk, in Giallawater, to 01iss Ann Dunlop, second t d1u1htei otf' iltian 1)unlop, IESd1. Bowerh aig11. At Craiglockhart, on the thil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, January 9. Birtb-.On the 4th inst. the Lady of the Hon. IV. FontiES of lrux, of a son. Il1arried, at Stemnster, courty of Caithness, on Friday the *Lth irSt. CitART.FS CrAT.rIaEtS, Esq. Advocate, Aberideen, tonMAtRY, the s-cordn ?? I1 cnderson, Esq . of Stantrter. Mlrarried, Lit Dllrldco, JotrN YoueTrr , Esq. S. S. C. to M'lArrAEtttE's, eltest drtuglhter of John CricIhton, Esq. ...