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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Rose Lodge, on the Yth instant, the LADY of the Rev- Gorman Gregg, of a daulghter. On tbe 5th Inst, the LADY of Dr. M'CRzADy, Eustace.. itrmet, Dublin, of a daughter. At Florence, on the 7th Jan. the LADY of George Lyon, E'q. of Kirmiichacl, of a son. -AM A RRIED On tbe Ith inst. by the Rev. H. Simpson, of Saintfield, Mr ALEX. McBRIDE, of Belfast, merchant, to Miss MARY, only daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTH.. On the 9th Inst. at Fulford, Yorkshire, the LADY of Captain. Macgregor Skinner, King's dragoon guards, of a daughter. - MARRIED Wednesday, by the Rev. W. Cairns, the Rev. Professor EDGAR, of Belfast, to Susanna, daughter to Thomas Grim- shaw, Esq. White-House. At Dungiven, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Henry Kyd, Robert GAMBLE, Esq. to ELIZABETH, only daughter of Mr. Edward Knox, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH- On the 2d lirst, the LADY of Wm. Trail, Esq. Of iS lough, county of Antrim, of a daughter. ly. .MARRIED. On the 12th inst. in St. George's Church, Dublinby tb, Rev. John Olphert, GEORGE KNOX, Esq eldest oaO of Col- lonel Knox, of Prehen, to ANNA MARIA, eldest dauogtoe of Robert Johnson, of Mountjoy-squarv., and Magherat nagh, county Fermanagh, Esq. iu Waringatown Church, on the 8th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M ARRIED. Oc the 27th if9t. in St. Ann's Church, by the Rev. A. C. M irincy, RoBSeT FORSTER, Esq. to MI&RGARZT, second -titter of tAdam M-Clean, Esq. Belfast. lil tie Cathdral, Armagh, onl the 231 inst. by the Rev, Ri51 ' ciesall, W11. SMirTai, Esq. to Aiss CAROLIN.A SEREs wit, daughter to John George Johinswie, Esq. both of ,.1ee plzace. o, the, 22,1 list. JOHIN Roearotvr ArA1vn,, Es,1. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS On the 21st ult. In Armagh, the Ldy of Mr DUNCAN DA c English-street, of a son. MARRIED- On the 27th ultehe Rev. JORN DILL, Carnmoney to ELIZABETH, eldest dhqghter of the Rev Damuel Dill Donoughmuore, county Donegall. On the 17th ult. in Bellaghy Church, by the Ri. Thomas Spotswood, Rector of Ballyscsllion, Mr H Causfield HASELTON of Dungannon, to ISABELLA ng daughter of thelate Hugh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - I . 5 I'- - ?? my -ater. -BIRTFIH OnL 9th inst. in Donegall-square, Belfast, the LADY of Thomas Ferguson, Esq. of a daughter. Onl the 2.1 inst. at Roneore Patk, County Monaghan, the LADY of the Hon. Richard Westenra, of a daughter. .MARRIED. At the parish Ch ur ch of Turlough, county of Mayo, on the id inst. by tile Rev. W. H. Maxwell, Prebendialry of Balls, HENRY LESLIE PRENTICE, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HlLS AIAJE.STY'S BIRTT11-DAY. Li LONDON, APRIL 2'L-Wednesday (St. George's Day,) b being the day appointed by his Majesty for the celebration, d of his birth-day, the usus)k demonstrations of respect were observed throrrghlre1 thhq mfropolis. The bells of the parish n. Churches continuc ng merry peals during the day. a The standlard o' Ergignad . %Clrrsted at tne public buildings o and at thc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'BIRTH. On the 4th inst. at Garvagh, the LAIDE of the Rev. Jas. Smith, of a daugliht. ' MARRIED On Thursday the 15th inst. by the Rev. Win. Brown Mr. EDWIN BLOW,; to MARGARET, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. Miller, of Belfast. On the 14th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bellis, Mr. THOMAS HART, Printer, to Miss ELIZABETH GRAHAM, both of this town. On the 8th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bellis, Mr. Hugh KIRKPATRICK ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... __BIRTH__ On Saturday, 5th lost. the LADY of Thomas S. Magee, Esq. of a son. __MARRIED__ On the 3d inst. In Mary's Church, Dublin, Mr. William Aicken. of this town, surgeon and licentiate apothecary, to Miss Thompson, daughter of the late William Thompson, Esq of that city. On the 6th iuut. in St. Anne's Church, by the Rev. A. C. Macarthy, Mr. WILLIAM HOWARD to Miss Elizabeth Shebridge, both ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH-. On Tuesday, at Parkmount, the LADY of John McNeill, Esq. of a son. At Armagh, on the 28th utt. the LADY of ibe Rev. Wm. Maclean, of a daughter.- ;: M~hcrARRIED.,_ ; On Wednesday mornlig, the 6th ust. in St Aunps Church, Belfast, by the Rev. T. Hincks, Mr. Arthur Moore, of Longside, near Craurlin, to Jane, daughter of Mr. Joy Davis, Belfast. On the 30th July, In the Parish Church of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED- At Ballyeastle, in the Parish Church of Ramoan, by the Rev. Chas. Hill, Lieut. Col. P. SAVAGE, late 24th ligbt dra- goons, to CHARLOTTE, youngest daughter of the late Ed- ward Miller, of Coagh, co. Tyrone, Esq. In St. Ann's Church, on the 6th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Hineks, Mr. ALEXANDER CLENDININ, to Miss ANN KELLY, both of the county Monaghan. After the ceremony, the happy pair ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 241th Inst. by the Rev. .James Morgan, CaptaiN WILLIAM PHILIPS, of the brig Reliance, to ISABELLA, relict of the late Mr. Thos. Turney, of this town. On the 18th inst. by the Rev. John Dougherty, Park- gate, Mr. FRANCIS WILSON Rathmore, to Miss MaRY, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Wallace, Newmill. On the 13th inst. WILLIAM SMYTH, of Wellbrook, Esq. to ANNE, eldest daughter of the ...