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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At TorquaY, on the 5th instat, Viscou tess Sand on ot a son SLI heir. In, the Island of Ceylon, in August last, the Lady of his Excellency Licutenant-General Sir Edward B-rncs. Governor of that colony, was safely delivered of a son. On! the 22d inst. in Cavendish Squarc, the Lady of David l'arclay, Esq. M. ?? of a son. At Mlount Aielville, on the 19th instant, the Right 130n. Lady Catherine ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Virttlr. On the 2(ith ultirno, at Ashburn, Mrs RanKen, of a son. , ()n the 30tb JAuly. at Gibraltar, Grizeldna Alin, LIady oIt' I Alitt-(tlit1 I ellarding, Toyal cnginees, of a son. ( In tile 2,d February, at the Residency, Nagpore, tiet Lady of ?? Wylie, phiysician tothe Embassy at the Court of' his Hlighness the 'it jal of Nagpore, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Jio 22 2 . ' ta i- IBhll'lr.- - tile te 1 7 inst. tue lady of' IN'ti aic1;, Sirgcnn in ltl arla y, c n tri tar. . larriedt at 'lionc n. tliytir, an iLII 7 tire 17.11 curtt. by tile Ro' .Jtil et 4Alilt, tliniorot' il' it vvor ;ceitlinav, Aa~c:xaru attn* r 9 O. g ?? E sq. it t)h-ay.- E Lian advoclte iln Abord'cell to aii it ;ill t ?? of tit l:ev. Ales ''tdcr ?? e'a'' c it .Jioyndio ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IVEDN'ESDAY, Alwil !2. B ?? Sunidaiy the- i2tt. tilt., at St tlary's, tie C ldly of NV. 1i. D0%lo itll~iGTN-, E,.it ia i~le' Al'rie Oil3tsslrh noteoth 1tlitito, by thce IL e.Di Lesolie llloodic, 3Ai~ottt l ai' >, to J'5 Diedl hcre, oin Si.tturday laslt, the 2.9tl nt, Mlr jo It t odozir, aged id2, mucli regratued by his, relaitiv~~l; is AtRu Comely MIink, ott the 2-Ith uildniot, 3fistt It ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At the Col1ege of Glasgow, on the 15th current, Mrs Sandford, t a daughter. At Dysart, ol the 20th inst. Mrs Brotherstor, of a t' At Kirk all, on the 11th instant, Alrs Shirreffs of a daughter. Es. ?? on the 29th ult. the Lady of James Hay, EqofBlon, of a son. A Corberry House, on the Gth inst. the Lady of Co. lonel Turner, of a daughter. On the 18th, at Hlaflield, Ledbury, the Lady of Wil- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;VEI)NES1r;)AY, .illitrch 5. 1t E3l-THr-At Abeli eno, on TuIscday the 4th instant, ti; Lelly of (C'pt. 7i, J1. PUESTL E :, COmn11la-1dinig Depot '.th lfegincilt. of a ?? 53alried, at Elgin, on ?? the 2'0ti nit. by til Rev. %Viilliat Lcslie, thc l1ev. ti Jn WiILSON, Shiu- s ter of l'uemIlay, to JANt, only dtmighter of Provost Ni tht~iiclso Elgint SI triie 0, at liolm. on tie 201 uIltimo, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... her ris lgirtbe. At the Presidency of Madras, the Lady of Captain ux Campbell. !)3 regiment nativc iafitntry. of a daughter. LI) L. A lt Einburgh, onl the 24th ultimo, the Lady of Johl i ed Shiaw Stoewart, Esq. Or a sri. Dtn At Iflamplen .Manse, Jamraira, on the I1th of Scp9 ict temib r, Mlis Blyth, wife of th:e IRev George Blyth, of a ter daughltcr. Lthet Ztarritagco-0 rL At 'Northwood, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hi*es 1nehl'd Pits t.ict, of r lillhin. ]i q. 0111lt.I ,lm ?? Siem'psobn 'lia 0.1 Jbn 11ii, ?? 7. 1o (I1 in 1 adof, Itultcr of'r the Thate thiruty earsil ?? 11r00.o atDiUI'I, lt lilihOrn. on theISL O4the 2od. Il'Unto:.soo:'rtt bltm!~, N. Died, ait Fotre ?? onl tho 21 ; it ('ant u lori. 11 -v1, ~. 31.k't11W1,lae ot, the Gcl,,lot foutr. o-t,, I'le~tatlj~yre-h lo ach l at Elto 1 n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0-YWi WVEDNESIDAY, AIpril 9. t:rrr..ArMolenl, enl ThurlsdLay the 3d. til - Irrcy o a Ma~jor Ti'a:. ta; I, o)f a ulaeIir. coolC Il ?? TillIt!re, nit ?? 3di inst. Mri VIXI. ratI', -,I i. II- cy , Pr., Of a aialr!!t cr.-stieCoC dear!. I'icvrIir-At ira-riron, on thle -salt in-tant tire Ledi' o i-i Lou~t. Arreatir. Dcai iroF' Nortlfiseld. 0. i -m rat lrrIacr-d, on ileI 0211ti ntilr. ?? Liher-cl l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... V EDLI)NESD.r, 2Arcem~e, 19. t, !7i.-At ln1 re1CSS. Oa the 27;;) Ilt. AilrS JOItIN ig Ross of 1Bcrbiie, of at ;On IAlt:ied, tat ,ovItat. ?? tie 13th inst. by ti e Rcv. 11 Akrx. It ul, tKiltlUtMMy, (.upt. JIAatS Is EI TE11 F01I HiSS. lI.( C. S to Al t c i ?? ar, Ci det dua ?? of the late Thius. I Dunucn, Etsq. AdvoLcate, Abelrdeen. MnurieHd, art Puoniae, on the 12th caircnt, aiptaian I- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNEs,3DAY, Jl;id M tiU- o iientrowtrk, Cttc 1112 dith oltrso ir 3 Ris II ia to asi ofLI di f en Laimecir, 111NDiC c.i' I' 2thtirllitt,(nn; 'irra. L A t B'i sitlt t i ?? lautirest dauritree Ut Ju:ii :JsP 111)0ci I N ilsq. o ?? olnlir, lid' l . n DiedCii int itlicurt the , 11c t Xiit. A.v 't Cle 1 1i:I I I yenhc A carcly catlil tad ite :11thtea r ofh ]i'si' ?? lie~l tit croe the Ihants, ofl ...