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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Psi rr ris. On the 4th current, Si1ri BI-Irln lato;, ES, GCCere Street, of a daughter. At Aladeiri, on the 22d SlaV, the Lady of WEBSTER GOR- Do N, Esr. of a son. On [il tie 21tt ultimio, STrs Ro0n-cF ]iTPaz11eSTrit, of a ?? ter. On the 1st current, at No. 87. Great King Strect, the LIade oF A rEX. 2IAC;;ENzIE, Esq. ofa son. .At No. 5, Architiald Place, onl ?? siti ulltimo, Mrs Wir-. :LlANSON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MLONTIILjy MILITARY OBITUARY. Geneal Rss.Colonel of--the 59:h regiment, aill vernor of Fort'iGeorge, New IBrualwick, London. r LIEUTNANT CoL'oNE'Ls-Miltte, 19511 foot.; Wylly,95, i1 foot, Malta. : -M j R amsav, 47th foot, In(i lt 20th foot, Canterbttry; Worth. 541th fout.;-Poptsam, - foot. Cephalonia ; Kitto, Ist West India regitneit, o' 0 GoIrnad IutsMoore, royal ?? ae received at Nsv arinco ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h m134Rlis. At Melville House, onl the Sibt rurelt, tite Countess of LEVEN and 115I.1.11, sil a da*Il-htL-. a At N ilford. House, neir. Notinghamn; on the 6th current, the Lady LUcY' Smirit, Ofa dauhier. On the oth current, Mrs Ca.RLve LELrr, No. 7, Rovai Circus, of a daughter. At Bellaly, MIadras, on the 13tIh of February last, the Lady of WILLIAM BIREMNIER, Esq. Fort Adjutant, of a son. S At ...

BIRTHS. At Elthan2,

... on the 16th current, the Lady of Captain II. WV. Goitrnos, of the royal artillery, of a daughter. At I1, St JohnStreet, onl the 23d1 current, Mrs YULE, of a daughter. At Anniandale S-reet, on the 21st current, Mrs A. B. BL.ACKIr, Of a son). At 29, Castle Street, on the 19th current, Mrs WILLIAM -, ofadtiglhter. (Oli the 19th -C rt'.t, at S9, I)omina ick Street, Dublin, the Right Hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Casnpore, on the 12th August last, the Lady of Cap- tain SASNDERSON, Bengal cavalrv, ofa son. At Chathamn, on the 19th current, the Lady' of WV. H. BUIRsELLtX, 4M. D. ofthie redical staff, of a son. At Florence,.on the '7th current, the Lady of Gsowae LYON. Esq. of Kirkmiclicael, of a son. At St llelenaiop ?? 131h November last, the Lady of Dr JAMEs ARNo's'T, superintending surgeon, ...

BIRTHS. On th>ii'h t

... llii:n.e, at h- rkto:il, -Irs JOHN TULLOH, of a son On; thu Sth vurro.nt, it .Ic7;ect:in, the Lady of GEORGE BAILLIE Esq., jun of Jerriswoode of a son On the 14th instant at Ruchlaw House, the Lady of JOHN BUCHAN SYDSERFF, Esq of Ruchlaw of a daughter On the 10th at Foxbar, the Lady of ,O:S c lcl 5:C 'OA ?? E q. of line Il-sw, of a dauglh- tec'. liil the li di cu nt, a! _-:i7 r, 'lrs MATHEW ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At Tayfield, onl the 27ti current, Mlrs BEsrmr, of a daugh- ter. On the 26th current. at Auchinleck, Ayrshire, the Lady of Sir WXrLIAMt FIA;s:CIS EItieveof Stobs and Wells, Bart. of a daughter. At Motrutose, on the 231 current, Lady RAMSAY of Bal- main, nt a son, AIt S-rringwood Park, onl the 22d current, the Lady of Sir JOHS aCOTT DoeUeAS, Bart. of a daughter. IA ItIlE I). At Edinburgh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS. Onl the 2d currint, in F orth Street, Mrs Lyron, of a sori. On the 1et current, in Annandale Street, Mrs '[Hom, of a son. On the Soth ultinmo, 'n Dukze Street, thr Lady of Lieu. ?? lRosg, of a so t. On the 2iith ulniino, ilM CAXn'sELL. of Bowfield, of a 5001. 1AR R i E D. At. GOlnhmiton, on the Sl iiltirnao, by the Very Reverend Princinpmal'YLtrltii, of the Collece of Glasgo-, Joxl It ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At Inverness. on the 27th ultimno, Mirs JOnN Ross of Berbice. of a sou. IMA RRIED. At Cotton l Idee, on the 20th current, by the Reverend !Ir Cotrdilier of' St PaAl's, :\L.EXANDRls ROBE~nRTSoN, Esq. of the Colleg!, 1'.:gin, to i-i KNtLIETtT.x BOU tSGUIS, daughter of ?? Womcl1ss, :-c1. o)f CS~zip'aiall. At Hlojpe i'ark Sntret, ],eish WValk, on the 90th current, G.oizr.E o f HAM taN ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B! 1RTH S. On the 1st current, the lady of Colonel VANS AGNctW, C. B. of B3arribarroch, of a son. At No. 33, flome Szreet, on the 15th current, 1Mri Ro- itEaTsoN, of'a diuglhter. At Inverleith Road, on the 11th current, Mrs NM'BrBs, of a daughter. At Londlon,on the 3d current, Mrs DANIFsa. MAcLEoD, o. a daughter. At Dundee, on the 11 th current, Mrs DAVID JoasoN, Ju- nior, of a son. At ...

1IR'l11S. On the Sd

... citrrent, at No. 1, -lLrminiage Place, Mrs MA- TiTESON, oF ii duttghtor. On thu 26th ulitho, in Grosvenor Place, London, the Viscootitess BANGOR, of a Son. MARRIED. At Calder House, on thle Ith current, bv the Reverend 'r Bell of Linlithlgolv, \VrI.LIA.rI ILAMSAY lRAMtAY of Barnton, Esquire, to tilhe Flonourable MARY SANoI LANDS, onoly dauter of th! ltidht Hion ourable Lord Torphicihell. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ailit 1'11. At No. 23, Fettea u 'Low, an thi th current, Mrs SUAND, of a da.ughter. RRIF D. At Atio'srid J'lace, cii the di currIent, Alr' Ro3r22T SIrr- s- *, tii -,vis F-tiex 1:7:1 ( ,Lv r; Sv-';:ti I it. ?? !VI l litrCxn-l'!'c, the- fti Cvt-rend( i AtxviI; LiOI'LN ?? nl;il,-- or, the I tde i,I i)il,k, 21 nd IPcr'ol lwii Brnp- tli'l oiM111, 1!1 tl.! cfl)te if ( i-reinri, to F:ZANCeS, third I ...