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... rom the Army List for October. GsrERaAL-Arabin, late 2d life guards. lrEsu.'tsAseT-COLOrsELS-Forsteen, 12th foot, Sir A. Cathcart, Bart. half pay 73d foot ; Preedy, half pay 90th. MAJon-Parker, half pay Nugw-nt's levy. CAPTAINS-Cane, 22d foot-; Enright, late 10th royal ve- teran battalion; M-Donald, Bar rackmaster, Edinburgh Castle; Willis, royal artillery drivers; Fead, half pay 25th; Cow, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' - ' BIrHS. At Erlirburegh, on the 13b current, Mrs Hzrpot of Ra. mornlic wvas sb ly delivered of a daughter. At Garnet Hill, on the 9th current, Mrs ROBERT EGLeSc TON, of a son. M1A RRIED. Oar the 9th ciurient, at All Saints' Church. Newcastle_ ulrnn-ire, by thre ilev. Al r Green, A.A1. Captain .lotrb itrcii ?? t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B11 I'HS. On the 4th current, at IBroolnhall, the Countess of EL- GIV anld XtNcARr5NiE, ola daughter, still-born. 01 the l1i2h ctirrett, at No. 13, Muray Place, Mrs H1UNT of Pittenuri, Ir, of a son. On3 the lith ctirrent, at No. 11, P'itt Street, Mrs DAL- itytel., of a deIntisr. Onl the 12th urrelnt, at Aherdeen, the Lady of Captain ALEx. KYLE, Iliglghill, ot a sol, M A RRIED. At tile house of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IRTH S. e At Fastncloich, on ihb -25t ultirno, the Lady of Joits e STEVWART, Esq. of F'asrincloich, of a daughter. . _ At Largtrean. in the stewartrv of Kirkcuribright, on the _ 0th) ultinro, the Ladi of G W. LAvRENcr. Esq. of a son. At Lierwitk, oitt the 24th, Mrs WILr.L.Iss GRAHAM e Cmtrt, of a daugti gler. At liRthesay, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs SastmrLE, of a i d;lighter. S ¶t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e BIRTHS. At lnnvnirorisonn, on the kst current, Mrs GOANT of Giennionqtom) :mind XIov. of a ssor. At .1etitiurgh, on the 10h current, Mrs JoSn RtorsE, of ai dilttlobter. A tenfrew, on the 7rh current, the Lady of WALTEB. Pe oLoLcO, Esq. oF Canada Park, of ason candjseir. t UMA RRIEID. V I At Albiny Street, North Leith, on the 17th current, by the Reverenti .James IT Schanan, Dsvirs, GL&sSFORr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... as BIRTHS. DOq the 6th cLirrent, at No. I , Coates Crescent, the Lady ! of' .r1oNAs 11ultsv ALLAK, Esq. of a son. 'f On the 6th current, Mrs l.. PAUL, 1I, Lynedock Place, as of a daughter; At No. 18, Abereromby Place, on the Ist current, Mrs HUNTRB, of a daughter. On the 26th ulimo, Mrs MYLNE, of Mylnefield, of a son. Dr At ~WesthouseF, on the 30th ultitno, Mrs WILLIAMtSON, Of s a ditu-hIter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Onl the 31st tultinio, at Heathery-hatlgh1, Dumfries, 3Irs Ton, of a satighter. Onl the 20th iltinno, at Lontdon, the Lady of WILeIAM '1F. THoasroN, Esq. of a daughter. On the 30th Jiiv. at Gi-luitar, GRIZADOA AUST. Lady of Lient.-Colonail Mirding, royal engineers, of a so. Onl the 2(d lebrtmrv, at the Residency, Nagpore, the Lady of l)r WYLIE, ph sicianl to the Embassy at the Court ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Id day Ilitical BIRTHS. ofiea At St Bernard's Cottage, on the 16th current, Mrs Gaso, should of a son. rn that (1O tile 15th ernrrct, at Whitchouse, near Musselburgh, ildeoro M rs WAia.ts, of a sosi. 30 thc At Manse of Petter Cultlr,on thei8thcurrent, Mrs STIR- ennliall t.tN1 i oi'. a SosI. all h;e At Sprl inelsnk, on the 17,th current, Mlrs Ki\cN, widow of ly dir- the late John Kin-g, Esq. R ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I I RT LIS. At 23, Urlion Place. onl the 30th ultimo, Mrs EnwARni flutz, of a daughter. At his Lordship's IHouse, Berkeley Square, London, on the 25th nltinno, tile Countess of JERs5Y, of'a daughter. At Leckie, on the -47th ultimo, Mrs MoiR of Leckie, of a daughtdt MARRIED. At St James' Place,,`eitlhr Links, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Joltn Smatrt, vlr AtrtnLIAMtA F'ORD, merchant, Leith ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RT11iHS. At i3lalbeie hlouse, on the Ist instant, Lady MArcoLae c,'a son anti lhei. On tlhe 31sit nltimo, AMrs \ILr.IA-t BUCUANAN, Brandon Placle, Glasgow, oi' a da-ighter. AlAlt PIED. At Nu. 73, Great Kiing Sireet, on the 31st ultimo, bv the R1ev. Principal isaird, JAm3ES AysswoRrej, of Clan- nlahery, COcl ty (ti' CDvin, to ANNE, second daughter of John :Th Ne`ll, ECri of Collonsay. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i I PIT i-IS. On tire di!' hr til hl i o, at 63, Nor thuraberl:mid Street, Mrs IoBtrrcIr ;'r1 Ir tlC'is, 0f a .I)I1. (On Lr2e -ith II irlltl. 8. ?? itOUSC, Airs 1RLOrG, of (1hr tbi- 262'i bi,!Lirn(, at Ashiburv, MIrs RANsaXy, of a son. O)rr tl'e? 2:1 l' 7i11, nt ierlicowlec, L-sncashire, tile La- cdV ?? JTAMYS Ero''- ?? £stq. youinger of New Larsds, of a :\ A lItlE ID. At Crai czido' ort tie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O' i'i i' 'i'i I So OA tIC I Itsh en the ei -ce ' ?? s SO ?? i, At Wafsfy Hoise 5 11 Li Lij fl:iTOIS, 15t :1 0 501. ' ?? ' i:, 1. At 'a'1ro a I I5515n' s At ?? i luse, on ?? ' ' C L:ii Tlel~i C Ir:? i : Sp ist O a so:]. T : V!1 On ?? 0;th iii'''it, i-s . At onsvai's, Li ii: t 19:1i of iiy, ic £ isilr .ilat;ui i'i, :is p s!:1 iss'f-,si i AXt isil l1' t ]Tfl (, . :1i'S STEWART L?:, R a S. -At ...