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Lothian, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At Tayfield, onl the 27ti current, Mlrs BEsrmr, of a daugh- ter. On the 26th current. at Auchinleck, Ayrshire, the Lady of Sir WXrLIAMt FIA;s:CIS EItieveof Stobs and Wells, Bart. of a daughter. At Motrutose, on the 231 current, Lady RAMSAY of Bal- main, nt a son, AIt S-rringwood Park, onl the 22d current, the Lady of Sir JOHS aCOTT DoeUeAS, Bart. of a daughter. IA ItIlE I). At Edinburgh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B jf-7 S. At No. SS, Or-eat '-'inlr SiEeet, on the 1tlht current, MIrs SrtF!rcF, oft ia -'etc At lelw:s- ?? rithe current, the Lady of Capt. AZCtIiIIIsi.D LFU t's':-0i N O:a son. (OI the 1itit curretit, AIxrt. DoUGuss, Albany Street, of a daniterf At r oifec of si -i!:0ow, on te:c 15th current, Mlris ?? Orfa l,-!1r At 'N-r~icei-'if iise, P1ilmnont, on the 12th tiurrent MIrs fiit., A . C itt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl the 3d instant, Mrs ABaEcROMBIE, York Place, of a dangihter. - , tlhe 25th ultinno, the Lady of Czi&Rtzs KINLOCtS, Esq. ,of Gsnurdie, nfa son. r At Pernick, o1 the 27th ultimtn, DMlrs Baow-T, wife ofthe Rev. J. It. Brown, of a Son. At Gliazipore, on the 17th September 1827, the Lady of D. BuTTP.r, Esq. of a daughter. At C(alcunta, oil 2Sd November, the Ladv of G. CHIrSTErt, Esq. of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI h'll'71S. At London, on tile 13,th etitrent the l7a-'y of tihe Right 1-XI(ii STRATFIX n yn ,i . ai dil -liter . 11 ?? 17th cit rent, i ( ?? tSquare, the Ladyofthe Righllt Ilon. I tie LoRin JtCsn'tr r ( i 9riic, o sin. Onl the 18th corretit, lilrs Bsur,-zTr, ?? Street, oF a daughti r. At B1a'vie, on the ?? cit ront, ?lrs Ar~s. JoHiNSTOtN, oF Bly thsootl Sqtar. of' al l st glr. At Naples, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 111 PT!!. At 1], Forth Street, Mrs ORR, Ofa daughter. AtEinburl; gh, on the 6th instant, the Countess of MO-. TON, a d s t teIer. At Gloucester Place, Mrs FoTRINaeSsAMII SCRE1eSOtRE, Of a daughter. At Mill Hill, Slusselburgh, on the-2Sthultimo, the Lady of Mansl Dl)s, of a son. At Greenock.on the 3d instant, 'Mrs WILLICA LEITCH, O a daughter. F '1 A RRlED. At Hoboart'- Towi, Vn i Dic n e;'s ...