Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTH. AtClifton, op~ the 2stinst.atb Indyof John Samitel Williams, Esq. late of the'r egiment of Bengal Cavalry, uf a aaughter. aMARRIED.' July 2, at St. John's, Antigua, 1lVr. James Ausustus Parnell, of this city,jto Miss Eliza Grace Anstin, only child of Austin, Esq. attorneiv, of the same place. Aug. 11, at, St. Nicholas's church, MNIr. James Povell, tanner. of iBedmnaster, to Maria, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EWE R. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Gopall, Leicestershire, the Countess At Sawley, in this county, on Monday se'nnight, by the Rev. Senhouse, Mr. John Smith, to Miss Ann Jowett, ;botb of Lng Eaton'; also Mlr. Joseph Kirk, to Miss Mary Elliott, both OD the 7tb instant, at Hartington, in this county, by the Rev. W id Ward, M.A. Alr. Thomas Staley, of Ripley, to Elisabeth, st daughter of Mir. George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BItHS. Aug. 1, at the I'alace; Lichield, the ladv of Wm. Oakeley, Esq. of Ulanvmilliam, Merlonethshire, of a son and heir. July 22, at Chatelelne; near Geneva, the lady ol Charles Julius Berguer, Esq. Ora son.. Aug. 2, at Newherry-hotise; Somerset, the lady of .. N. Paget, Es. of a daughter. Aug. 5,-at 9rehtry.Hti,`se, the seat of John Cave, Esq. the Irdy af Wm. Cave, jun. Esq. of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... le u n he BIRTHS. d n- Oil the 20th inst. the Lady of the Rev. D. Wil. e lianss, of Llandwrog, of a daughter. ay On the 16th inst. at the Blnot, Chester, the s he Lady of J. H. Lloyd, Esq. barrister, of a son. b On the 20th inst. at the Rectory, Dunsby, Lin- n rc cohlshire, the Lady of the Rtev. John 'Bonban,.of lie a daughter. of AtXAGBS. On Sunday lnst, at St. John's Church, Chester s _ by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jf a Marriages and Deaths. MARRIED, On Tuesday, the 12th instant, at Runcorn, Mr. Wm. Mallett fourth son of Mr. James Mallett, of Bolton, to Miss Jane Rigby, youngest daughter of Mr. Rigby, of the former place. On Mnonday, the 18th instant, at London, the Earl of Chichester, to Lady Mary Brudenell, fourth daughter of the Earl of Cardigan. On Tuesday, the 190h instant, at Manchester, the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. the Li4y On the 234 instant, at LambridgH near Bath, Captain J. A. Murray, R.N. of a son, gItr96- On the 27gb instant, Mrs. Henry Young, of E ser a son. On the 24th instant, the Lady of Mr. W. A. Smitl', Ltf pool, of a daughter. So in Dablin, the Lady of Christopher Eiffe, Efq. O .5 At Farehara, Hants, the Lady of Jobn T I~lI11, daughter. H s Tbe Lady of P J. Meyer, Eiq. 13. At St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * Et }by. 1 .. On the.33th ult. at Ditchley, the seat of her fa theri the Viscount Dillon, the Hon. .lAirs. Statley,. .daughter-in-law of Sir Johni Thonias Stanlcey of Alderley Park, of a daughter. Onl the 30th ult. at the Palace, Lielcifijd, the Lady of William Oakley, Esq. of G4hnwilliam; . Nerionethshire, of a soin asd heir. ' . MARRUIAGE:S. On the 5th inist. at Badlow, Kent, by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,. On the 23d ult. at Saudhurst, Lady Harriet Paget, of a son. On the 28th ult. at Dolben Hall, Denhighshire, the Lady of Caltain Caldecot, of a daughter. On the 2.9th tilt. at Nevlands, Hampshire, the Lady of F. R. West, Esq. AM. P. of a son. Oil Suliday morniniig last, at Ty gwyn, near Car narvon, the Lady of Maijor Creighton, of a son. On Tuesday week, the Lady of Dr. W. Salmnon, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'iWqAiRRIED. Captain Temple, second son of Sir Grenville Temple, Bart. to Jane Dorothia, third daughter of John Marshall, Esq. M. P. for Yorkshire.-Charles Geo. Oriel, Esq. of Alfred-place, Bedford- square, to Henrietta Mary, only daughter of the late N. Tarral, Esq.At Rogate Church, Sussex, Win. Augustus Broadhead, Esq. fourth son of the late T. H. B. Broadhead, Esq. M. P. of Berkeley-square ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. August 16, in Turnham-greon, the wife of T.W. ltt, of a daughter. August 22, at Scawby Grove, Lincolnsbire, the itdu cf Berwick, E-q. of a daughter. AugIsat 23, the lady of Richard Godson, Esqo el place, R scssil-sqttare, of a son. D : August 14, a poor woman, named Hannah Rob115i C~ John Robiuson, a cotton spinner, who resides at F-i( aboat two miles beyond Oldham, was safely diivrei ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , . M~~3ittt0* On Wednesday laset, at the Rectery, Gulseley, tre Lady of the Rev. W. Clark, of a daughter. On Tucesday week, the Lady of Major Campbell, 19th Lancers, of a daughter. On tihe ?? ult. at Sandhurst, LAdy Harriet Paget, of a son. w Sante day, at Puotney, Surroy, the Lady of Sir 1P. Graham, Bart. ta nt1 a, Boll. On the-17th tilt. at Blrighton, the Lrdy ef J. lieldden, Esq. of Or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A., ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? WEDNESD91AY, :,AUGSti14 .frt - ss, to 'O val . , o ,, , i without any oppositioll, the Turks hvnp ni. Ha!i hted the Pplace. I Koirna,' +n itulportaic post, Ilait btn- .occupied by the left wiuig of theie~ssitiu A~rmy ;-l id ~i~ihfi ndvcuituaes a~re stateds toX haive b cii bitalixica by t7i Imperi4'. :tr~oopsr, s:.It is;. admitted, lnwieyvor,'ftbsie .the: 'Tu iks ;iwere~ ...