Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AVEDNESD)AY, Aitgei t2o. lit ?? Fettercs'so Castle, on the 1 li list. .1t Tiit)nAs AUER CItatollY ivt't ., it t soIl. ,married, at Richnin ond llil, near Aher decn. *n thc -l0th ist. Sl i ti'eON )ua ii, Eiiq. M\Ierehant, Lontlon, to :\l oUGA1 : 1.; `lglinghLer of the late Thos. Mi Cotibie, Esl. tit' ,aster Ske ne. il1:tlrie(, at (onmcly PIank, in the 12th instalt, tle it evcetenl .1nt NXViso-. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * ~~~~~~~BIRTHS. ~ be Isd On the 22d instant, in Nonrth-creScnt, Gower-stltrt of jeremiah Dick, Esq. of a dauebter. 'D.itItt) On the 28th instant, Mrs. Philip Goods, of How Fitgroy squiare, of a bon. be lady Of On the 18th instant, Lit Castle Ttgarty, Tippetary, h a!o James Lenigae, Esq., of a dauhttter. _ MARRIED. vidw of On the 29th, S. Cirtuwight, Esq., to irs. Parr,w the late. Dr. Parr, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marriages and Deaths. MARRIED. Lately, at St Michael's Church, James Frederick Dodd, Esq. to Mrs Robert Baxter. Lately, at St. Nicholas's Church, Mr. John Butler. sawyer, of Wexford, to Alice, widow of the late Mr. Robert Hesketh, corn-draler, London-road. On Tuesday the 22nd, at Llandrillo Church, in Rhoes, Denbighshire, Mr. Thos. Foulkes, Ty mawr, Colwyn, of his Majesty's customs. to Mrs. ...

On the In lst. at He

... ath, near Wakefield, the Lady of Willia.mi LetaEsqi. of a son. Oat 0On Sunday last, at Louth, the Lady of tiso Rev. John H-orner, P d onl the 25th ult. at Richmond, the Lady of the Rev. H. 1D. H. F. a Worthington, of Grhint of a son. She D, On Tuesday, ait Sheffield, airt. Charles Atkinson, of the firm of r. MAarriott, Son and CO.' manufocturers of fliles, &c. to Elizabetls, - second dlaughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS. Onl the 2d currint, in F orth Street, Mrs Lyron, of a sori. On the 1et current, in Annandale Street, Mrs '[Hom, of a son. On the Soth ultinmo, 'n Dukze Street, thr Lady of Lieu. ?? lRosg, of a so t. On the 2iith ulniino, ilM CAXn'sELL. of Bowfield, of a 5001. 1AR R i E D. At. GOlnhmiton, on the Sl iiltirnao, by the Very Reverend Princinpmal'YLtrltii, of the Collece of Glasgo-, Joxl It ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIIRTHS. On the 28th ult. at Portsmouth, the Lady of the HII Cu33 Elliott, R.N., of a daughter. On the 3d inst. Mrs. George Allen Aylwio, ot Lawer street, of F son. On tbe 3d inst. Mrs. William Haigh, of ClaphaniC0m on1 ' a son. f r; On the 2d inst. in Cornwall-terrace, the Lady 0 Paternon, Esq. of a daughter. f On the lt inst. at Licbfield, the Lady of WVm. Oaski ยข ot Glanwilliam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? At Beyrout, at the house of the British Consul, on th 15th March, the Rev. J. NICOLAYSON, to JANE; relict of tk late Doctor Dalton. On the 23d inst. by the Rev. James McCullough,New- townards, Mr. ROBERT BOWMAN, of this tow, to MARGA- RET, only daughter of the late Dir. Thomas Patterson, Newtownards. -DIED_ On the morning of the 27th inst. at the residence of b father, in Cromtec-strPeet, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? to On the 9th inst. at psvilheli, the Lady of Thos. ot' a Williams, Esq. Surgeon, of' a daughter. bh i; On the ')th inst; at Standish House, Gloucester ?? St shire, the Iady Emma Pennat of a daughter. Ed On the 1lthi iust. at Malvern Wells, the Ladyaf 1si or M. G. Beason, Esq. of L'atwycbe Hall, Salop, of a or. sn and ?? WI lid t~ d ?? tr Os the 181th inst. at St. Maryle.hone.ChuIchi, j, as ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PEt5RAL Of THE LORD PRIMATE. The removal of the remains of the late distinguished Prelate having been fixed for Tuesday morning, so early as six o'clock many persons had assembled in the vicinity of Lambeth Palace, in order to have a view of the furneral procession. Soon after- wards the bell of St. Mary's, Lanibeth, commenced tolling, and on the steeple was mounted the Union flag, half-mast ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -A 9 1iE E E I D. At Widdiogtons Essex, (. 1. Rieli; Esq. of Sonning, Berks, Captnin in the Xoyal Navy, to Agnes, secdnd daughter of the late Charlcs Hneny Fraser, Esq.-Mr. James Gough to Miss Holliman; both of Aylesbur~y.-Heflry Pester, 3sq. to Georgiana lacleod, daughtet of ,ieut..Geueral Sir John end Lady Emily Mlacleod.- inry-Salkeld, Esq; of Stainburn House, Cumber- land, to Al 1s Jane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !1h11V OF THE LATE ADJUTANT-GENERAL ,SIR HENRY T'URRdEAS. ,sir Henry' Torrens was a native of Ireland, and was born in ,t~r city of Londonderry, in the yeair 1779) His fatherI the j 'rlhirn 'orrens, and his mother, havilng died while hit Was 3'et Sa WIItst be and his three brU thers, were left to thle care. of hi grandtather, the R1ev. Dr. Torrens; and at his d~i, ithfenry was piaced uniter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1Sirtbal. e At Greenhill. near Edinburgh, on the 8th instant,. tie LIdy or (ieorge lorbes, Esq. of a son. c 1X ; l'lacL, london, on the 2fith ult., ?? countess Bangor, of a son. ttn the 3d currcnt, in ?? Street, Edinburgh. the ?? Flonourable lady Elizabeth Thackeray, of a daughter. C85arriageo. a At Calder hlouse, on thc 4th current, by the Rev. Mr Bell of Linlithgow, William Itamsay Rarnsay ...