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Lothian, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS. Onl the 2d currint, in F orth Street, Mrs Lyron, of a sori. On the 1et current, in Annandale Street, Mrs '[Hom, of a son. On the Soth ultinmo, 'n Dukze Street, thr Lady of Lieu. ?? lRosg, of a so t. On the 2iith ulniino, ilM CAXn'sELL. of Bowfield, of a 5001. 1AR R i E D. At. GOlnhmiton, on the Sl iiltirnao, by the Very Reverend Princinpmal'YLtrltii, of the Collece of Glasgo-, Joxl It ...

1IR'l11S. On the Sd

... citrrent, at No. 1, -lLrminiage Place, Mrs MA- TiTESON, oF ii duttghtor. On thu 26th ulitho, in Grosvenor Place, London, the Viscootitess BANGOR, of a Son. MARRIED. At Calder House, on thle Ith current, bv the Reverend 'r Bell of Linlithlgolv, \VrI.LIA.rI ILAMSAY lRAMtAY of Barnton, Esquire, to tilhe Flonourable MARY SANoI LANDS, onoly dauter of th! ltidht Hion ourable Lord Torphicihell. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... III l 1ii S. OIn the 21 t current. ;It ,i Slli Castl-, the Lady of Sir JA ME-i VMOrNeTiDFLY, 1i:Irt. Vi. ?? of a son. On the l7th c-urrent, lit Motztrost, the *ivfe of Lieutenant Pl't.-ns, ot a Siolt. Oil OIe 1 2th. current, -it lond(ono, 1Mrs GEORGE RIDPATIx was dellvered of a still-born son. MA RUI ED. (11 the l)rhl curreilt, ,1r WVILLIA.SS Ton, merchant, Edin. burgh. to IsirIIA Kiaa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iU -tt! Cracur uo 1lom.-JD )rahs LomIrzr. ?? ?? I, lS. O(n the Slh cinrent, at i3re1tllil near Edinburah, the Lady' of Giuo.:;: oi ai5, Esq. of a son. lII the 231 ruii'-'r. ait tee Castle-brae, Aberdeen, the Lady uf Dr uIAIsitCI it. N. of a daughter. MA B1I E D. At No. 21. C'Ge-ge Street, on the 31st ilttimo, by the Re- verend. Dr J'minie'o', 3ir DAVID NVuWvE, tanner, Canon- gate, to ! ...