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London, London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Aug. 23, at Burgbfield Rectury, Berk,, the lady of the IIr' f.J. C. Cherry, of a daughter. Aug. 29, at Hampistead, the lady of Henry Hammond, E54 of Faraival's Inu, of a daugbter. Aug. 28, tbe lady of Lucius H. Robinson. Esq. of a s0'I- Aug. 29, the lady of Gilbert Macmsurdo, Eaq. of Old Draid street, of a son. Feb. 2, at Nagpore, the lady of Dr. Wylhe, of a son. Aug. 27, at IMargate, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRlTHS. On the 21stlast Mrs. Jf W.atdgettts, of Burton-cresc4sto of a daughter. On the 17th inst. the lady of Jasen Reid, M.D,, Chbrlhtf' street, Bloomsbury, of a sun. . - On the 18th inst. st Bury-green, Cbeshunt, the lady of Ge80 Reugemont Bsq. of a son. On the ,9ih inst.oIn Suffolk-lane. the lady of Thos. BrittiS, Esq. of adaughter. On the 5th inst at Hanover, the wife of te Rev. H. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 2d inst. Abel Lewes Gower, Esq. of Loudon, to Elizabetbi TOO, ' daughter.ot Wilianm Logan, Esq..of Clarletorue. rADD Onthe 4th'inst. at H-olbeton, Captain Harris, 16th Lancers, to JaneD youngest daughiter of John Bulted, Esq. of Fleet, Devon. to At Rugeley, Staffordshire, the Rev. Joseph Welb, of Austrey, Georgina, fourth daughter of the )ate Thomas Price, Esq. of Charleemont- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the ltb inst. at St John's, Hackney, Thomas Jones, Esq. eldest son of Griffith Jones, Esq. of Dolgelly, Meriuneth, banker, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Hugh Thomas, Rector of Penegoes, Montgomery. At St George's, Hanover square, Thomas Stackhouse Burton, Esq, to Miss Caroline Seymoour, daughter of the late Jonathan Sadler, Esq ' At St Botolph, BishRpagate, WIn. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th inst., at Highsury-place, Mrs. J. Ni. Hell, of a son. On the 10th inst., Mrs. J. R. Dickinson, Frederik' Pl Old Jewry. of a daughter. On the 5th inst., at Havre, the Lady of Charles Letls3 of a sen. MARRIED. T *1 On the lltb inst., at Oxted, by tbe Rev: ΒΆ d dough' Wm. Helder, Eaq., of Furnival's Ina, to ElZia HoiIrfa of the late Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Hollis, of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARFRIED. At Chigwell, Charles (leurge Christmnas, Eq. of Spring gardens, to Aun Hat. garet, only daulghter of the late Arthur Edwards, EDsq. At Valparaiso, in. April, - Patricktson Esq. to Frances Christopher Nugent White, youngest danghter of Jehn White, Es9- Vice Consul of Valparaiso, ant grand daughter of Philip Reinagle, Esq. R.A. At Sutton Benger, Wilts, George B. Carr, Esq. of Green ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 25th instant, Mrs. George Batty*, of (CamdtiuldeIf Kensington, of a son. On the 21 st inst. at Felbrigg Cottage, the lady of G.T WL5a ham, Esq. of Cromer Hall, Norfolk, of a son. At Northallerten, the wife of Major Bootb, of the 431 Iafa0 try, of a son. MV,. Marcb, of Washington, Durham, of a daughter At Edinburgh, Mrs. Charles H. Terrol, of a daughter. On the 24th inst. In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH IN A WA.TCH-HOUSE, The following Letter, on the subject of a communication under the above head, in The Chronicle of yesterdsy, place the conduct of the Superintepdent of the Watch In a favourable light; but much remains yet to be explained by others:- TO THE EDITOR OF TdE MORNING CHRONICLE. Sma-l feel it but justice to a very deserving and efficient officer-I mean the Superintendent of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. wia Ag. 16, at Ballygiblin, Ireland, the lady of Win. Wrir Becher, Esq. (late Miss O Neil) of a son. D On the 9th inst. at Hadlow-street, the lady of C. tborne, Esq. of a son. On the 6th inst. the lady of Mr. Charles Sheffield, Limehblu ef a son. On the 7th inst. in Tiltey-street1 Lady Harriet Clive, of male twins, one of which survived only a short timne. On the 3d Inst. at Dulwich ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. AtTunbridge Wells, on the 21st instant, the Lady of ArMS Akers, Esq. of a son. On Thurgday morning, Mrs. William Kew, of New Palace' yard, ot a daughter. Prln-lco agtr Mrs. Thomas Kinder, of Portland-place of a daughter On the 24th instant, at Gosport, the Lady of M ord o Bramley, Esq. of his Majesty's Rife Brigade of R s0n. stjll-botfH September 23, the Lady of George Broin, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. HAWLEY. Thie unfortuDate gentleman, whose body was taken out of the Thames some days ago, was interred on Weduesday last at Ken- ningtoD Church-yard, whither tle remains were removed in a hearse, attended by some friends, from his house in the Strand. The circumstances which led to the premature and unhappy deathof Mr. Hawley are now pretty generally understood amongst thosc who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiR'rHS. On the 20th Instant, at Sundriige Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. Dr. D'Oyly,of a s)n. On the 19th instant, at Cribs Lodge, Heabury, near Bristolt the Lady of J. M, Bence, Esq. of a daughter. On the 18th inst., Mrs. George Peskett, of Chichester, of A son. MARRIED. On the 20th instant, at Mary-la-Bonne New Church, Mr. Thomas Lister Forrest, 3m. of Aldershiate-street, to Miss Mary Ann ...