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Morning Chronicle

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 30b uilt. at NesS B1n1-Phice. tvrn-so, 1t1bladlof Lin.t-CJ.nal 1. G. Ross, et Gladfilda, 4Roasbift, Of 3 daugbter. On the 3d inast. in Groseetor-sqUart, the ldy of Jhu Abel Smi Ab, Zsq. of a S* n. O. the 7is inst. tbe lady f 1sac Cohen, E q brotber-iG' of N. M tottischilt. *& f i a cd t On the 4O Ilst. Mis. Zlsrz, Sackville-strett, of a son. Oi1 t -e 4th liost. In Hans place, Mrs. Brnce ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On tihe 24th inst., in Portman. square, the Right Hon. Lady Gtrvagb, of a aghter. on the 260loanOst, Mrs. Aahtonof Berners-street,ofa d .ghter. On the 24th inst., at Pounell-terrace, Kennington, Mrs. J. D. Woods, of a daughter. On the 25th int., at Ealing, the Lady of the RU., Herbert Oakeley, of a 8013. On tlte 26th itst., in Upper Harley-street, the Lady of Bel- janmin GAad, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 9th of August, at fGuanaxuato, Mexico, Mrs. W. C. Jones, of a daughter. At Gosport. on the 21st inst., the lady of Richard WUiliaO Dodgley Flarnsteed, Esq. of a son. MARRtIED. On the 25th inst. at lRichmond, John Embletan, ERq. of Bambrougb, to Eleanora, daughter of the late Da;id Nicoll, Esq. of Nottingham-place, Mary la.Bonne. On the 29th inst. at St. Olave's, Soathwark, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the IStb inst. the lady of Alfred Wigan, Esq., of Chlre House, Emst Mallins. of a daughter. Oa the 19ch inst. Mrs. Wm. Freeman, of Millbank-streer, Of a son. on the 20th jost. Mrs. N. L. Robins, of Salisbury-street, of S daughter. July 24, at the Cape of Good Hope, the lady of Surgeon Ted' lie, of tue 98th Realment, of a son, MARRIED. On the 18th inst. at West Hackney Church, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BERTHS. On the 2d instant, at Bardowie House, Stirlingsbirt, the 101 of Captain Renry Gill, 50th Regiment, of a son. In Bahs, the lady of Captain Sir T. Fellowes, of a dsugltsttr At Pentonville, the lady of Dr. Law, late of Carlisle, Of 5 At Soutbgate, the lIdy of Captain Timothy Smith, Of lt Hon. East India Company's ship London, of a SOn. M a ARIED. On the 11th instant, at Fincbley, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3InTHS. On the 9th inst., Mrs. Wiadus, of Stamford-bill, olf saIO On the 14th inst., at Soutbgate, Mrs. Twiu, af ttdaughtaf. On the 5tb inst., at Taubridge Wells, the Lady Janei1,11' rence Peel, of a son, who survived only a few days. On the ilthinst., Mrs. Mansfield, of Wimpoleostreett ~ef 555. On the loth inst., at Portsmouth, the lady of Major M.Nirs 524 Light Infantry, of a SOD n GA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Tbhrsday, the 9th instant, In Great Cnmberlaod-strs the lady of William J. Law, Esq. of a danghter. Oa theorb inst., at Armadel, tbu lhdy of the Han. and fRil Edward J. Ternaur, of a daughter. On the 8th Inst., in Sloase-sereet, the lady of A. Hall, EsqI. of a son. On the 7th inst., at Helbecks, near Hadleigh, Suffolk, his ladyof Liet.-Col. Raper, of a son. (On the 3d Inst., in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIITHS. On the 25th iist., Mrs. Hinxman, of Great RuisalI*street, Bleomsbury, of a soil, asill-born. At Barawood, near Gloucester, the lady of Godfrey Fosbery, Rsq., of a daughter. At Helston, the lady of the Rev. Derwent Coleridge, of a *on. At the Rectory, Cuxkam, Oxfordshire, the lady of the Rev. Francis Rowden, of a son. At Hanover-terrace, Regent's-park, the lady of Augustus Bosacquer, ...