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... POIT OF HULL SOCIETY. .rulki ML, 11ln %IWIs1 r The Seventh Anniversary Meeting of the Port of lIeul! tSociety for the Religious Instrnctioi) of Seamen, *13 I'eld on Tlmrsday evening, at half-pastsix o'locki, 15 lanl, street Chapel, A. H. Dikes, Esq. Treasnrer in the dlilir. t The audionce was numerous; ,ald takine ilto Consierlt stion the time oceupied by the proceedings S was Un's 'I atcunt ...

Published: Tuesday 21 October 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1780 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 

OUR readers cannot have forgotten that, not with standing the overwhelming force announced to have been brought

... I ' a I ll ic t juaicurev E rULL: X TUrSDAY, OCTOC+I.R 21, 1828. 0- n Rthe eadrs lCannot have forgot ten that, not NY ithstanding thOe ~hlli~f. int) the r I g force announced to have been brought ') tIl feld fr thle Ril P.. r-l--t -A O+ -n int the f-id 'itg force announced to have been brought I r Period u or tlhe subjungation of Turkey, we, at an a thEer E, Contest, expressed our doubts ...

Published: Tuesday 21 October 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5466 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... iISCESCLELIANY. iiSAl. 4AND SRLRCT. SOV PAINTrzNtlB.WX~dithi the ]eet few years annual or Periodical Exhtibitions of Paintings haviboe established in, almost every considerable town Jn the kingdom. During tiere Vaarnt yeac those liase bren oxilbitloaeu of ?? Ittidu or Leedh slaalrlr L~siveooI Ilrr lnisvil and evoeral otlier places. 'rhst at fltlrmingharn. Iso pett at preomnt, and Is Bald tsr ...

Published: Saturday 18 October 1828
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2529 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... . tie --of id TiEm DARDANELLEs.-The Dardanelles, said to be so fo n- formidable, may be easily passed by a fleet, or the castles en he may be beaten down by batteries erected on shore, or by wj fi- sea, from situations where the great artillery cannot bear st; y, on ships. There are on each side the water fourteen great p y- guns, which fire granite balls. These guns are of brass, Si in with ...

Published: Tuesday 21 October 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1590 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I 0 '-PEEIIL'S PkOfREOS. . . PEEL, in imitation ef CAwt ma d other such men, seems to be making a tour amongpt. the toad-eaters otf the North, who are feasting him and tat- terig hith regularly as he goes; What a fondness a nan- inust hbae for ugly gapiig, stupid noise, and foul breath, betore he eaan venture on such an ex- pedition! The ereaumres that get round him are all looking fbr ...

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... I'lgon O alo Wurs'bav'o 'Voote. (ftrom Me Gaxette de France.) BUCHAREST, SEPT. 22, IL the accounts from the Danube and the ?? of Schumla, confitm the retreat of the Russians before the latter place. The main body of the army had already arrived at adjii( on the 15th, and it was supposed that it ,i roeed without delay to Isaktcha. A circum. 3 7eltsltiCk independently of the daily attacks of ...

Published: Monday 20 October 1828
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 242 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

from the London Gazette, of FRIDAY, Oct. 10

... Of Fitl)A Oct. 0.. H~sIS Gastte contaiihs a -Nntiec from the Paymaster- | Geme'iYl's'Oflice that the following Servwta will be in the eoburse of paymeat oTI Fridiiy the 17th instaint, Viz. Haf pay and Miiitary Ajlolvancesi WVidowrs' Pnw.sioIIs, Unattaluscd Pay t6 General OClicers, Royal Bollty, ?? d t ulat ] Pelmli(,ne for* Wmounds, A dlj utlits Of Luc'd Mihue Adimntaiits ?? of Alilitia, ...

Published: Thursday 16 October 1828
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 86 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... CATHOLICITY, PROSELYTISM, 4. EDUCATION, IN CANADA. The Report of the Committee appointed to take under consi- tl deration the state of Civil Government in Canada, has Pe..O pub- h lisbed. Three petitions were laid before them and inquired into -two from Lower Canada, of which the population is chiefly Fenuch, and one from Upper Canada, which is colonized by the r British. We are surprised that ...

Published: Friday 17 October 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1429 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LPONlDON, OCT. 14. The state of the, quarter'srevenue exhibits the indrease, apparently of 117,0001. on the. corresponding quarter of 1827-but acthally of 850,000L. 'It will be recollected, that in consequence of the corn being let out of bond last year, the sum of' 650,0001. was received on that account. Tlie regular Customs then of the last quarter of 1827, in- stead of exceedin'g those of ...

Published: Saturday 18 October 1828
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2846 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE LONDON UNIVnRSITY. .rTbe London University, as it is called, has opened. A large number of students have already been admitted to its medical classes the tide of pupils (as we know by experience) colti- nous to come in a full month after the introductory lectutrst- before the end of October the number will probably he doubtltd, and Its success as a medical school is, In our belief at ...

Published: Thursday 16 October 1828
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2566 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... hty BUCIIAnqSir, SEPT. 20.-The accounts from the theatre J ide of war hecone more and more serious: thosefrom Choumia C rhe are to the 15th September, and those from Sillstria to the St lay, 19th. On the Oth Hussein Bey being informed of the pre- tj us, parations of the Russians to evacuate, made a general ti Mes attack upon their intrenchments. The jiperial troops tI ing displayed the mast ...

Published: Tuesday 21 October 1828
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1262 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... It, A IB6P ?? I :.a~eb~ds have'n aSRI. Corporate bodie armorad0rorupt and profligite than indi- ua ltcsnte~save- moepoe to do .mnschief, andare Lalsieimbk t dlsgmce drpunishmnift. heyb feel neither. enable~l~, gto stue2or oo-will. The niininciple dof teor naturalo O~ireseĀ¶eis extinguishe in ealnivda vAiflra~nenl-IN ?? breasts..ter and notIsin' drsibut'Iow' the untd ettiftewoe(eesd die- ...

Published: Friday 17 October 1828
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1424 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News