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October 1828
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



London, London, England

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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... ' . ' I Wait a youpg wan from 18 to* 18 nyeats ot age, as a sort of Jhrmi7n and: qqwrdeninqitndAursery-wes+APPREN- TICE. The caseis this: my farm -i8 taken care o by iny only surnving -bro- themr, w .has l been either jardener -or farnier~al1 his 3ite time, andwhQ, thev&h he is only thirteen months older than I ant, if ni able to mnove about so quiekty, 1rom place to place, as is iecessaiy- in ...


... LEO, serwant of tbse sewant of the Lotd, ' to his d4earA, Henry, King- f Eneland, all heaithaudihuppiness.-W; sitin;ig in this HllyqSlavipg, with-mtnredeibera- tios, . hek business with our. bre- threni, do, -wilth their unainimous cosent; 'grait -unto your Majesty, ryour Theiisd ssucc5sorsithe titleof Definderofeie which, we do, by these presents, -owntlr- unto you.; commanding a11 the ...


... ' ?? I 1A On , Luvn, -reciverd thie fllowing letter from Birmingham. It is signed A New---ande&, and,, apparenqy,, it Ooes come. from a good-nalureA Yankee. He evidently knows a great deidl abut: the .raising and .uIsing-ot':'Co ana its TopS. He is, however, incredous as to my success; and fears that, my corn Will not ripen, though Lhave sent ripe ears-to the newspapers, and thouh there are ...


... I 0 '-PEEIIL'S PkOfREOS. . . PEEL, in imitation ef CAwt ma d other such men, seems to be making a tour amongpt. the toad-eaters otf the North, who are feasting him and tat- terig hith regularly as he goes; What a fondness a nan- inust hbae for ugly gapiig, stupid noise, and foul breath, betore he eaan venture on such an ex- pedition! The ereaumres that get round him are all looking fbr ...


... E R I I l . TOE WAy g ;2 J i . TURRS are some men; who still be. lieve, tbat England wl take a vpartin the present war. They know nohi'ng f kar realsituation.; but France, and Russia now- know well what that situa- tion is; and. they know1 that she camit golto twar; that is to say4 that she can- not go to war withoufthose changes at home, which changes, they ?? the goveenmwettiultot -wake; and ...