Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... llhy the real hat n or be iont )Wy_ So- I X11 the tisll tils 'ittt ?? I its tiss, .ety -se rsof Mr. ;ill - Dv- atrt hat to, Itla to not ,m- ght ary S aeym, itt oulr 5005:5. On Thurslay, at Darotry, tre Lady of F. 11, Cartwrights, E sq. of at tosl. On the ltth inst. tie Lady of W. J,. tagstaw, Elsq. of tile Oaks, of R rosu. (irs the 17th ilst. the Lady of the Rev. Steltren Creylke, of a Soil, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DnfTHS. At Llandovery licainge, on ifonday week, the Lady of the Rev. W. Mlorgan, of a still-born son. On Wednesday, at Truro, Nrs. Maw, wife of R. Maw, Esq. Collector of the (ustoms, Truro, of a SOIu. 1VA^RIAGXES. On the 30th ult. at Llanciliati, by the Rev. John Owen, Mr. William Jones, of ltvsdulas, to Mar- gznret, youngest daughter of the late Capt. T. Owen, of Cemnlyn, Anglesey. Yesteiday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SPATH BY STABb1G. - An inquest was held .on Tuesday last, at Ipswich, on view of the, body of Elizabeth Squirrell,'who met with her death in a, amaner most extraordinary. The deceased lived as housekeeper in the service of W. Rodwell, Esq.'solicitor, of Ipswich, and it appeared that on the evening previous to her death she bad quar- relled withlthe butler to the ihmily, naaed ThomasChurchyard, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e I1h31 F~iRTH S. S ( '13 t h o:d current, at 10, Athole Crescent, the Lady of . 1111 3 i\ INN ElxAl, I'SFa. of a son). . O the Qilli current, at Canipbelton, the Lady of Wit- r £5L5A1 `ATiSON, Esq. of a son. 3 ?? RIt lIER D . At Pcrth, oil the 21st cirrenlt, JAulrs RIOt.0, Esq. 59th u regi tnnt, Lo AGI a c, lls lau litcr i' the late Archibald Y lj'v, Esq. of ttee iloiiouibrihle 1>ast India ...