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Advertisements & Notices

... BY .M1R. EYRE. HOLBROOK, NEAR DERa3Y. VE and DEAD FARMING STOCK,eOn ! n'iD-ieincalvedDairyCowvs. faur ir vedeIdfier,, hr ebt 5f Cows, four Stirks, four yearling COW Calves ando.,ne Bull Ca 25 Ewes in lamb, 16 Ewe and 16 Wetber Hogs, two TriCpf Waggon Hloses, Colt and Filly, four fat Pigs, poultr D e 47 Fleeces, Stack of Wheat, Oats, Barley and Hay, lare a ?? of Potatoes, WIaggons, Carts, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEVIL VICTUALWIN* YARD, NEAR GOSPORT, NaOL. 28, 1828. N T'I(C7E is hlerey ?? o0?'1'nlTRS- DAY ?? 13th ?? noex, I shall be ready to receive Iemlederzs in wT'ttilsu, ?? 'Up, ?? treat for the 11 RE of 1ifOl;SIES fin the 7tlaertaentioned ser- vires, for oai ycarfrot tlelst deqf Jansary next, viz. '1ltnsrs lhrl/cistioty and (Gr tdttiggAilalt, and Rais. ing l'olls, in the Brrewhouse, at per tun of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SiL Slpeon atiach cii ton a Itib Ii c I ~tistitition, _ianud also having an el crnive P'rivate Prtuiicc, hi.t n oay a vactncy far aA well td'cated ioung tentleman IB - 11 JUSIE, or OtJT 01 DOORl'UPuil as may bc e determine Ofpon by his ?? advantages ot Lhis si toation are nunneioun. a For addrcs nnd( other particulare sppily pereoeally ?? if by letter, to lir. J. LEaTe, Druggist,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST SUSSEX, EAST HXMPS'HIRE, & CHIICHESTER P INYFIR.MARY AND DISPENSARY. N Friday the l9th of December, a 0J ;13Q3LL will take place at the Council Chain- ber, Chichester, under the patronage of Nine Lady e Patronesses, with the assistance of LielSt Stewards. in aid of the FUNDS of the above iNSTITUTION. . -1 The Ball will commence at Nine o'Clock. Tickets, 7s. 6d. each,jmay be had of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Capital 'limber and Undervood. O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, I Byy Mr. STEVENS, On Tuesday next the 30th of December, at One o'clock, at the Swan Inn, Sutton Courtney,_124 fine MAIDlfN and 53 useful POLLARD ELM5 and ASH TIMBER TREES, standing at Appleford; and 52 fine MAIDEN ELMIS, and 4&.ACIZES of valuable UNDERWOOD, standing at Milton, near Abingdon, Borks; with their Lop and Top. The above Timber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1T \F AI)EY, Somerset House -Notice is 0 , the Memit~lle,, aitt Stitidents, that JTO$TFH !.'otht-i t'r-ttvi'or o1 Anatomy will dieliver fli. Vl_:dtiE iOr~tlkOW FV'F.ING. at Fight oclock HENRY HOWARD, R.A. See. Ap ~,MITSF2MENTS.-The following s 'gil '!ION,; are NO T (Pl'tN every Day, ;it tliv tIhtsbonohie Aeaortim', fA *e f every de- Otn, ivw Tre' where ther iondon'.atlyonSl C it 64N.1 h1 i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : UIGHGGATE PARK PESTALOZZIAN AND CHRE STOMATHIC SCHOOL, '4EAR LONDOZN. DUNCAN respectfully announces to the public, he has introduced into his Establishment the PESTA.' LOZAN and UHRESTOMATHIC SY STEM of EDU- CATION, the merits of whichi consist in developing the faculties and fixinjg the attention of the Pupils, in strength- I0niing and enlarging their minds, and imparting knowledge ffd the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR NEW-YORK, MN The fine A. 1. Ship' K FOSTE:R,. (348 Tons Register,) ROBE11r BENNrT.r Master; _ Succeeds the DAPPER, and-will sail (wind and weathei permitting) on the Sth of Jaunary, 1829. rft Hras excellent accoinsnoiltion far Passengert. A aldf, Dec. 17, 1828. JOHN HOLLIN;GWORTH, r FOR LIVERPOOL, j -,fTH E COLU M B U S, T W-eI NESBITT, Master; Will sail about the latter end of Jasiuary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ublti £tmtnwtrmtnt¾s THEATRE itOYSL, LIVERPOOL. ISS BROTHERS mrost respectfully announces to her -IA FSIriedsaniEteRSpublic Of Liverpool, that her BENEFIT will~ take place TilS EVECNING (.FfRIDAY)the 19th instant, when vill be performed the Comedy of the HONTEY MOO0NY- jtkqmiO r VN~~lclopFlI bulina- - ?? B5OTRERS olrhe corsecof the Eeing a variety of Songs, by Mbr. RAY3foD, Mr. WV S. HAMMOND, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIDOCQ. Tomorrow, royal itmo. price Gs. in boards, ?? IOIRS of VIDOCQ. Written by HIMsELF. Vol. I. At a-f. Videcq will be enrolled in the memoirs of all time as one of the most ratroerdinary characters of his age. Napoleon and Vidorq must go down to casrity together; and the history of his life will take its rank among those ptandard works which, by the charm of style, the force of truth, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN1l 0Y NA TO0OTH PO DLR AND 1) LOHO N. a ' HF DR)IUL irhui whi~h die A ~iBOY NA POAIDI) t~ atid ;. ILOTION %are prep;,red, passesses peculiar efficacj hil eleausitig ava ?? find p-eaerving 'he iee ih fruom dcsY. Thtre ib no foit i ower iiI i'prese li da v whlich inilliiailis 51o cxtni vUSW a at deand a die mboyIII, it was originally psrepared by all emineint St lie Orist, vod1t' I1 n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S nis taculties utni within a tew nmontils Oi nis aeait.l.: 3 BOROUGH OF PORTESAMOUTH. tl jN pursuance ofan Act of Parliament -rr iade t , and Passed in the 4th year of the Reign .e f his c present Al ajesty, respecting certain Gaols and . ouses a of Correction in Englanud and Wales, N01ice is hereby ?? at the next e isuing General Sessions of the Peace for the 8iid Pi rough I the Justices ...