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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ALt Whitchuirch ,theev David RorIney,, MuIrray, ne.- Aeto ,itlhe ?? Eibanati Recto r of Brampton 'lian, in the county of Hereford, to Frances, third daugh.- ter of John Portal, Esq. of Freefolk House, in the coun- hlarried, at Inverkeilor, on the 10th inst. by the Rev. George Gleig, the Rev. JOxsr IKtRE, nminister of the gospe at arry to CRIST~w GTHI ,only daugh.. ter of the Rev. Alex. larnegi ...

*EDNESDAY, December

... 10. B]3trr._-At KnoLkespock, on the 8th instant, Mrs GORDON, of a daughter. Bin' ?? 23, Fettes Row, Edinburgh, on the 5th inst. IMrs SHAND, of a daughter. f Bhtn'T.-On2d inst. the Lady of Jonsi MACKENZIE, f Esq. Ageut of the Bank of Scotland at Inverness, was t safely delivered of a daughter, MSIarried, on the 17th October, at St. Holiers, by the Very R1ev. the Dcean of Jersey, JOHr ALEX. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ailit 1'11. At No. 23, Fettea u 'Low, an thi th current, Mrs SUAND, of a da.ughter. RRIF D. At Atio'srid J'lace, cii the di currIent, Alr' Ro3r22T SIrr- s- *, tii -,vis F-tiex 1:7:1 ( ,Lv r; Sv-';:ti I it. ?? !VI l litrCxn-l'!'c, the- fti Cvt-rend( i AtxviI; LiOI'LN ?? nl;il,-- or, the I tde i,I i)il,k, 21 nd IPcr'ol lwii Brnp- tli'l oiM111, 1!1 tl.! cfl)te if ( i-reinri, to F:ZANCeS, third I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %btcbeno WEDNESDAY, DecenLher 3. BeRnt.-At Pittrichje House, on the 27thi Nov. Mrs M'1KE~zYE,Pittr~ichie, ofa dauneb1ter. Birth-At Parkhill, on the '2ilh ult. the Lady of WILLIAMs GoitloN Cbnlliwo, ?? Esq. of Pit- Iurg and Dycc, of a Son. -ied. at Rotterdam;t on the 7th November, and buried On tile fi rst anniversary of' hear bi rth, .1 it~ ,d augliter of' Ricliard Smith, Esq. AI erchant there ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Z~irtit0. At Edinburgh, on the 13th inst. irs ?? WeAestme. cott, of a daughter. i At Cockenzie, on the 16th instant, Mras 1. I?. Cade~l, . of a daughter. At Dumfries, on the 81th curt. the Lady of Dr. Cfiarh, r P hysician to the Forces at Chatham, of a daughter. I At Craigside, on the 14th inst. Mrs Robert Alextanmler, . of a son. Vatrfageo. At Edinburgh, on the 10th inst. John I E say Es. ...

BIRTHS. On the 15th

... current, at No. 17, Royal Circus, Mrs PEAR- ?? a son. At Edinbulgh, on the 13th current, Mrs -HENRY WEST- MACOTT, of a daughter. At Cockenzie, on the 16th current, Mrs H. F. CADELL, of a daughter. At Drutmfries, on the 8th current, the Lady of Doctor CLAn1ac, Physician to the Forces at Chatham, of a daugh- ter. At Cawnpore, on the 12th of July, the Lady of Captain THOMAS LUMSDEN, of the Bengal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. ns This upright Statesman, and truly good man, expired on Tlhlursday last, at his residence at Conibe Wood, near 'LtLn don. es His lordship had been much in his usual state-no - syptoms of speedy dissolution had been perceived. But .- soon after breakfast he was attacked with spasnms and on convulsions. The Countess of Liverpool and his bro- ther, the Hon. Cecil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, December' 31; M Married, at Aberdeen, on the 18th curt., by the Rev. Wm. Alason, rlor JA31ES PATErrSON, merchant, Dcjn- burn Terrace, to CIsAReLOTTE, ldcst (laugihter of l,icut. Francis Naclean, RN. Died here, on the 18th inst. Aliss JEAN RFr.I, daugh- ter of the deceased ALEX. REID, minister of the gospel at Kemnaly, aged 71. Died, in the parish of M1Iidmar. on the 18th instant, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pft131 Rfit'S.r At 13.!If'i l ont tale ')29th 1 tinclo, thle la.lly oF WILIAMI Go-i-,6:s v t::. f_ tii;E:;, Eq. oF Pistolrg lind DyCe, of a A\t C) tie.! nit -e S;it tiItimo, the L;,(lv *if Lieute- t-.^o Si.g i t.\, Di95 reg 'ilenelt of ltghlaniders, of A B' i hie Eliis-, on the 27th ultimo, Mirs M'KENZIr, i',ttrtiti'. oft a 5-i' Itn O;i t!e iS i rn t. ahe Lady of Captain XV. C nILDEBS, ?? le ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - rui- - m v ~ ~ Pca PCa c, 5WEDNESDAY, Deccmber,' 2-. th' le D3i'rt-1.At Castle FI aser, on the 19th instant, iUrs. Slk Ft tRA EIt. It a sonl. ilU v, BlI 'tr'.--Oan Friday morning,, in Hamilton-place, the sh( '4 Countess Gio w Ell, ofa son anl heir. 11a j Blit'rlr ,.-At K i niundy, Dn the 20thii nt t, lI rs InRGtT- wt! 5., sos, of a son. In to At Bleatifort Castle, on the 21st curt. the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... her ris lgirtbe. At the Presidency of Madras, the Lady of Captain ux Campbell. !)3 regiment nativc iafitntry. of a daughter. LI) L. A lt Einburgh, onl the 24th ultimo, the Lady of Johl i ed Shiaw Stoewart, Esq. Or a sri. Dtn At Iflamplen .Manse, Jamraira, on the I1th of Scp9 ict temib r, Mlis Blyth, wife of th:e IRev George Blyth, of a ter daughltcr. Lthet Ztarritagco-0 rL At 'Northwood, on ...