Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i .'MAItItIED. No. 5 ?? et S7. jancc's chursch, Mir. Geo. 21rzo SlnomttS, ito sr,. Eliz. Lve. *1 Ihe Ireyhound litm, 13B'adenadi, |2v 2-, I. r . . ?? Yoi ,t, Ii ! s. ?? ine, boith of Neat ih. 2 N , :t C-si Mi; Mr. .Iu>hr~tiu Tholsita, ei's ?? tiii V*.'Ish ?? .lti;:ont, calledi Grealy Be,'.'uiddair, to iirs. Davies, isida iW Cqi.)l EvIlln Davies, .: th sit I II. | Mr. J L. 1reela , to Eli ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 RI R TH * j. ti On Friday oW'ee, SatLittle Woodliose, [s Gott,-Esq. ofdeiughte'r. the lad of W. ! i Ora the 28th ult. at Eloughton, Yorkshire, the lady of c . theiloiou able charles Langdale, of a daughter. M On the 29tb ult. the lady of Capt. W. E. Parry, R. N. S of a daughter. ¶ -Orh Saturday week; in Portland-place, the lady of Sir Ch4adiles Smith, Bart. of-a daughter. On the eveoing of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I I f 8 0 t I i I i I I BIRTH At Newtownhaniltoi, tin !Monday moroning, the 1st inst. the Lady of John Hill, Esiq. (f a daughter. -MARRIED_ On thlt Sth lnSt. hv the Rev. Dr. Hanna, Mr. JAMES Ross to Miss Hessy, third daughter of Mr. Wm. Stormont, North-street, Belfast. by *p chial liei'ttff, on the 3.d ileit. lit the Parish Chist el O, St. Miry-lc-bonoc, London, HENRY MAXWELL, Esq. ?? . ...

*EDNESDAY, December

... 10. B]3trr._-At KnoLkespock, on the 8th instant, Mrs GORDON, of a daughter. Bin' ?? 23, Fettes Row, Edinburgh, on the 5th inst. IMrs SHAND, of a daughter. f Bhtn'T.-On2d inst. the Lady of Jonsi MACKENZIE, f Esq. Ageut of the Bank of Scotland at Inverness, was t safely delivered of a daughter, MSIarried, on the 17th October, at St. Holiers, by the Very R1ev. the Dcean of Jersey, JOHr ALEX. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a 13IRTn8. On Sunday the 30th ult. at Gun ton Park, Norfolk, Lady Suf- C jela was safely delivered of a daughter. g At Ruperra, Glamorganshire, the lady of Charles Morgan, Esq. ii tt ?? and heir, on the 2d of December. ?? EU the 2d inst. of a still-born son, the Lady of Thomas Legh, Eg. M.P. of Lyme Park. r At Alatlock, on the 8th instant, the Lady of Edward Rsedford, f' Sq. of a son. s Cn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. ns This upright Statesman, and truly good man, expired on Tlhlursday last, at his residence at Conibe Wood, near 'LtLn don. es His lordship had been much in his usual state-no - syptoms of speedy dissolution had been perceived. But .- soon after breakfast he was attacked with spasnms and on convulsions. The Countess of Liverpool and his bro- ther, the Hon. Cecil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SD'trtle. At Port Louis, Mauritius, on tbe 10th of AUgus;, ?? L'dy of the lIon. Lieutenant-.Gencral Sir Charcte Col. viski o a daughter. Oil tnhe 2(1 inst. the Lady of Captain W. Childers 42d regiment of a son. At Oimaugh, l1rlanOl, on the 28th ult., the Lady of Thomas Sheddcn, Esq. 91,st regiment, of a son. At T rinhity, on tre 3ad inst., the Lady of Captain R. A. 'Watich, of a datughter. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ailit 1'11. At No. 23, Fettea u 'Low, an thi th current, Mrs SUAND, of a da.ughter. RRIF D. At Atio'srid J'lace, cii the di currIent, Alr' Ro3r22T SIrr- s- *, tii -,vis F-tiex 1:7:1 ( ,Lv r; Sv-';:ti I it. ?? !VI l litrCxn-l'!'c, the- fti Cvt-rend( i AtxviI; LiOI'LN ?? nl;il,-- or, the I tde i,I i)il,k, 21 nd IPcr'ol lwii Brnp- tli'l oiM111, 1!1 tl.! cfl)te if ( i-reinri, to F:ZANCeS, third I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. On the 10th instant, Mrs. George Beaman, of Saint Paul *, Covent Garden, of a son. On the 6th inst., at Bath-terrace, Kennington, the wife of Adam Burn, Esq. ofa son. On the 5th inst., at Park. place, North Brixtoun, the lady of Samuel Cohen, jun. Esq. of a daughter. On the 9th inst., Mrs H. Teape, of a daughter. On the 9 i inst., at Black heath, Mrs. Jam. Saundere, of a sor. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIu'rS. r On the Sth inst. in this city, the Lady of the Hon. F. C. Annesley of a daughtcr. On Wcdslesday se'nrighlt, at Lower Sletty, near s Swansea, the Ladly of Capt. Charles Warde,.R. N of a dauQ liter. On the 2d inst. of a still-born son, the Lady of Thos. Leigh, Esq. M. P. of LymroPari, Cheshire, I - flMARRIAGES. ' Lately, at Maliwyd, .MIontgonervshire, by the t Rev. Will. Pu-he, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATII OF THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. Tie Earl of of Liverpool expired on Thursday, at his residene 4t cotiubeolood. Thelon- illnuess under wliicbha chas en ll~e ir hals rndorod thiis vent the less usexpectci, alili i'.rhaps thc less to be da pioril. Notliglss hwev;, cal fully exthiguilil the sorros wiith whicihc1 po)ssessor of''qc'alities likc those by wisich Lanrd f ?? was distii : islied will be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 8th inst. in Frederick's-place, the lady of E. A. Lloyd, Esq., of a son. on the 8th inst. In Queen-square, the lady of Henry William Mason, Esq., of a son. opn the 8ts inst. Mrs. B. Hepkiason, of Red Lion-square, of a daughter. MARREI). Oa Wednesday, the 10th Deceomber, at Stratfieldsaye Churcb, by the Rev. Samuel Briscall, John Forbes, Etq. M.P., eldest son of Sir Charles ...