Advertisements & Notices

... FOE, CHARLESTON, The fine Coppered Ship Ti-IE VESTAL, Tito-mAs TAYlOR, Master; To sail on the 21st Instant. For Freight, &c. apply to W. W. BOLTON. FISHING SHIP. L / TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, _ By Mr. Tuos. BErTlELL MORLEY, At the Exchange, in fITll, on Wednesday the 21st -Day of January, 1829, at Two in the se fternoon, X ME whole of the good and connplete Fishing, Ship S -fi 1 COMET, burtlien ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11V~j1Yof LOND)ON.-LECTUkES on UTIj, lBIAN LITRIIATIJRi'-The Council herebny give Notice, ?? 5t~Nvs% illII commonrte lii. COURSl~E on Monday, lefati'I'li-.. it, Is ntenided that the Lectucesof tinis Cosesahail th11. ni~flyto ?? of German Poetry, from the begloenpic be rectury is the Present times. The Course will be separatel ob lavt lel~ins tine first comprising the moset dioitingulshed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A UTOMATA'-NO0WX OPEN, at the HORSE BMISAZAAR. Kfing-street and Raker-street, Portmen-eequare. the nranilcest XHIITIN f MSICL nd ?IIF.CHANICAi. AUTO- MATA copri~ngnealy weny dffeentsubjects. l'sclialing the ~CC Iehetirl luesalLad, Jvenle rtit, tagci in, Rope Pinter. end Walin FgaerSin m~gnfien CasleVase, made by order of Na neon togthe wit a serpntBird, Isect, ed eter ubjects Of riloatd naure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * . ~~~ADNH.uAI.rv. OePiCs, '29th Decembuer, 1828. ,V[IS is to give Notice, That NAXTIANIEL IL VYE LEE, of lLFaAcoiae, in the County of. Devon, Esquire, hath in pursuance *f the Act 46 Geo. 3, cap. 153, given me Notice, dated 23d iuistakt, ot''his intelationto con- struct in the Herb ou of Ilfi'acombo a;UTTY, such Jotty notto project into che said Harbour mnore than Eleven Feet Five Inchtes; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .A&A.r PORTRAIT OF THE KING. TOSEPH GALE begs leave to inform his subscrib- *.lers and the public, that the WHOLE LENGTH PORTRAIT OF 1IS MAJESTY GEORGE IV. from the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence, engraved by William Finden, IS NOW PUBLISHED, and a brilliant proof ready for their inspection. To those who are desirous of possessing this valuable portrait of their sovereign, he would suggest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cl0oo -R WA R D. . ;rlE , S. on the Wight qf Monday the 3dcinst. some 0' Vl-diposed persol or persons PriljdL17y aid nudhicionsTy T Stacks of Barley, and O;e &ach qf Oats, the dfre to IPATRIcK and FELIX CURR Y; of' the' Yrlty dia C70ntca iParish of Tynan, and County of I'i 1heaby thje sonnze was entirely consinned. p[ ttenr. to pnazish the perpetrators of sach wicked andI, ril alnd to prerent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCETERS, 'YP `6e Per nptoi'61YOWS , all that c6nt'ent -t :DWELiING-HOUSE, Votsiustlng of a shop, :counting-house, 4itchen, parlo'ur, Orawing-rootn, and 7 1odging-rbtiuasfwith suit'ible offices, and eourtlage, situlate irt ?? the pariah of SS. David, aud in the, occupation of 1Mri'. Foass, Ntreeru anu. The premises are held under the' Truees of- 9t :Jobn' Hospital, for the retidue of a term of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? =- der fhe A.PO0LLO N ICON, a Grand Mlusical lnstrumen (tdeth immediate Patronage of his Majest) invented and 0cnstructed by Flight ?? OranBuilders, is NOW OpEN to EXHIBITION daily, from One Bnd Robson., Organ Buldr, s fr P s Moz rt's Overture to Idumienea, to Four; performing, by its self acting PwefI M t Overure to Idorendeu and Wehes's celebrated Overture to Oberon, which it executes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSETBLY LOOM011S. GE;ORGE STiEET. MAi1 11DAN23 (VATALANL jSH N~g ,orility ;nail (J*nelry are ?? inform- 1 kL t4 i!:S inl c :npli:rce ssith tti'l Wvihes of severali rr Lalile:5 a(cntlemen, 7to t were disapointi-d in prociir. °i ; iqlititti I T'-i-miay evening, 2LA DAm ip CA. . NI ni1 &e PHIll li) C'ONC R'E aT' on UIS 1) A Y E CE N I N G. thle 7th, h~eing nealitioehji the los5T i// e, >ec rn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ANINUAL ETN or THsE e ABERDEEN BIBLE SOCIETY, I f21stJANUeAuyIY 82. pi th ?? JAblESPERGUONofR~inMeldY-,RE~q. ci teVc-Pr.idnt, from whomn a letter was read'to the cl iMeeting. stating his -inability to atitcd, Ax,~x. GE Ch Esri]. Ot MfaYbanK, was clet the Chair. a, % it The Meeting havingr been o~cned with prayer, by the Rev S e Dr KIDD, the Secretar~y read tie Re~pnrt 01 'the Society's pr:o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ll ife Roturance lodeCtp :,C CO 11ATIXLI,, LONDQ.N;. rn MANAGEKS. A in CHAILtLES POLe, E~q. C/1irnflat. tc Frederickl Booih, Esq. Ri. fnn. W. Huskisson, M.P. P nCharle~s l8oulaon-,E~q- - -- § l'elisCalvei4. Ladbroke, Esq. jibe -Hont.. PxileyaeliBuI.verie '1efiry Ladbrwet Esq.. William B'brnie, Esq. 't I Chas. Shaw Lefevte; Eaq. John Cockerell, Esq. 'he Hon. Ilu'h Lindsay, M.1. Thomas 1Ybrrien, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLLONICON, a Grand Musical Instrument, ,1ion~ler tf'e Patron age nt' HI-S lrAJ9TYV, ?? and construtn~ed ky FLIGHT' and RossoN, ereap-buildeirt, Is OPEN to ?? pnity. fro~m OetioFour, performing, by its mechanical powers,. Mozart's Orerture to dldomeneo, and Weler's gravid Overture to Obern. on atirds net, t 'wo 't~ock Mr Prkia will perform no the at' iuac, nt~oduffi-Overtuires, Bar ,loyr (il ...