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... TIRLE.ACH PAPERS. ! rR'M TIHE NIESRAGEM DlS CHANIRES OF DEC. 31.] PARIs. Vac :1.1-The A'urttberg Courie of Peaceand Witr c ntnns a letter from Bucharest of an ( Id date, for it is of the WtI)ce,inhjer, lutitglvtssome particularsanftbeforeptulished:- 'There lre fresh syniptomes of the plague in the hospitals fl Didtscbi ; there are 32 persons attacked rith it, and 50 ?? a isupt C ld. ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1128 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .- MARCH 6F MIND!i 7 . : TFo: mny years past E, Iand m readers and the pnbl ic,4lave been~disgusted and shocked at the ddci 6ines held forth by ?? feelg~ ?? respecting mansthgs, and 'oe of those thfings has belen tie propriety and necessity which they.havepreaehed up of permitting the-violationof the tomb il order to favour e- t piirsuits if science. Some fhee have actually ...


... -I IT is with extreme, pleasure that I notice another fit -amoiigst the Rooks : another little lbunch of them has dropped from the perch; a melancholy account: of which. I find, -to my great. amu-sement, recorded in- TIm Mdst141kG; CiioNxiiEs| in the followin& words . Nothidg could exceed. thestate of alarmn and cunffutisn illto ?? was throwu yesterday, hy the reportmthe'Mr..Ste- pheeson,uo ...


... In the Germnan Papers, *it-chl we received yesterday, we find (what is of rire occurrencv) au article of Interest on a judicial Ar retting in Germany-the sentence of a Coturt cif Appeal at SV ,riz'vtr in Bay iris, on a ?? I If Illeged libel. JASSY, DMc 12.-A report is just spread here that on the 30.h of Nvtiniuhr tiere were some severe actions in the elivi- ruos of Varnas, where the T[irk, ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 829 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AL4? T I ?waaidii? iii d ?htrn?t1e1?i? arid 8a?u? ? hate ?t by wc?vd ? ?? ti?y.. J? 7 MI_ - rglfeo ~~ 1 ?? 4.1ft 44 ~ hin-i o~i?i~thi 6, ,~adA3aji flo ,00 91inled -Me to read the evididnoe e( DO'roa Do-s ?? tind, I-folndlhat-in that idence he had recommended,-atidi very strongly recomifiended, gaoncordat, or an agreement to be urged 'pon the PoPF, in order to take conl;etely nut ok! his ...


... - I., - IsI ;: Tha lections -of .Comm~on Council- mnen haie this ear- attracted tbe notice of thepeople,.aod have mnde the car-. rurpfiots notorious. In my next Register, which will be printed on paper made :from the husks of my corn, I intend to put on record s9me seul facts . relative to thesejantos of jobbers*; and, if I find that thehaberdasher ALDE:Rxf ' did really mnake iuse of ...


... ST. JV/JUR'U CHURCH. On Thursday a general Vestry Meeting of the Inhabitants of the parish was held f ,r the purpote et receiving the Report ot the Cburch Rep;airing Cioimmittee, rr in fact to determine, whetber the repairs .f hlik ancient edifice sbould be stopped; or, if 'hev vere to he p. oceeded with, rnd by whom. Toe Report of the Commitleedifferel litle trom the previou, Report, recom- ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 974 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... irday A detachmen~t of the mtitl Regimrent of Foot ts ordered to rtain mrarchr this morning, frosin London foir Brsltol, on route jo :uliar Newry. trade A detachmentcl' the 70:b Regiment of lof niry Lisordered Io le to march this mornrie', lioim London for Brisir I, on rouit to rhker, LBu'tevqvi . y, to A deracirment of the 75:h Regiment r11 Foot I, ordetrel tI ,f his marech this morning. from ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2401 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... E';YPT. NIEMOIR ON LiGYrT, BlY AN AUSTRIAN OFFICEiR I have already s1pokien of E~y~.t and the ?? man who governs that c; untry. Lvr rIollW TExatiilne the nature of her commerce, arnd psiriicu!arly th~at which Sihe carries on with tije Indies. Th~e war with thle ?? inflicted :in uit- ICilelsIl ina- jury upon thet comnmerce ; I before tine',' Ai,li,1 To~s-,irlu of most of the ports Oa the Red ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2373 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... (OBBETT'S TO) THE ED)ITORI{ Ir THlF NNWi N IN6 ( rIII.(\ i 'ti SiR-i see yr'. pilvertisiltg in N. lit V .per N'ew N ?? i varitous kinds; audl I doI nisely thre it 'e'ier t1 iselt oil fone, It ia a mciriib i el ars of miy i' or ' i II w- ?? Cr; 2 Clhrltipiras-irty. from plawn s i:ltidlmiI ill iy iv gIofldiO .1 l\ '115 till. I befo re re Ia ef rhait I 1,a4i ,e, i-ie lil-,t il till'' 4 1 1 'II I~ ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2533 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... GERMA41N PAPERS. We have received the huretriburg Correspondent, whicb has some speculations on tue present state Of parties in Tarkey, but ?? 5 non news thait requires any particular ctmment. FaoaM THE LowVE DAN BE., Dec. 0I-lHl,ver persuaded the Gensju friends of the Turks moy be, that the enurgetic Siltln Mahmoud will employ 11 tile resources of his nail n to lbh object ot retaining ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 727 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE LATE FAILDRE. [FROM TlHP OBSERVNtR Ot- VESTERDAY;J LA'IEST PARlICULARS. SATUPIDAY EVENIN ?? harve 4earrrdes from a most autbentic aeurce, that Stepheruon's apprehensiou may he hourlyenrected. The efforts made iminediarely atter it wam knowr that he t ad disappeared, were ufthe mos prompt and vigorous description No sooner was it ascertaiined that the casb an d secitritier had vau imbd from ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1829
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1518 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News