Advertisements & Notices

... ~IrlsH xiNHI',TIJION, Pall NAI.-T1he S1ta th EHI 1tIO and SALE, of the WORKS .f j, itittg the Pliutres of his late MtajestyIps' sou4 t Eal M an ?? Cliarlotte, stoer the; tt 0fJune*, G9t; Rand Lo.d Nelson Hoarding the San St. Vlllceotrei.ent; eyd byte liritiobt tnetitttion to the Of Gre~enwhl O NdiY, from Ton In the More- inthe Evenfing. Adoinislion is.; eataloeoe to. WMO. BARNARI). Keeper. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A UTOMATA'-NO0WX OPEN, at the HORSE BMISAZAAR. Kfing-street and Raker-street, Portmen-eequare. the nranilcest XHIITIN f MSICL nd ?IIF.CHANICAi. AUTO- MATA copri~ngnealy weny dffeentsubjects. l'sclialing the ~CC Iehetirl luesalLad, Jvenle rtit, tagci in, Rope Pinter. end Walin FgaerSin m~gnfien CasleVase, made by order of Na neon togthe wit a serpntBird, Isect, ed eter ubjects Of riloatd naure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INGs THEATRE.-Under the immediate PA- I(TRONAGE of hia MAJ FSTY.-The Public are respectfully in- jthat TlHRFE RFIPRESENTATIlON-I ot ITALIAN OPERAS rm'i~eee br the Pupils of the Royal Academoy ofMusic, bySub- PORobere Christmias, at thte Groat Room of this Theatre, recently £rpiO .,Ith appropriate Scenery and Decorations, for thits express ?? ?? yirst Representation will take place on Saturdav, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sTLIONDON WATER WORKS.-To %lGlNFRS, &C.-The Offile of RESIDENT ENOINEER and stPERTNTENDANTI of the OUJT-DO01t DEPART- b~aying becomneVACANT Persons duly ?? to appl y at the Company's ~l. Blshopse tr~teet, by letter, Inclosing their O~ ~ nd totlmoIsla, on or before the 14th day of 1e~l;~o~ed aplywho are above 35 yeas? of age, w ho will not norsd ntepromilses, and devote the whole of their time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~YDNY.-OW PEN atthe PANORA M I, r~scetesqar. aVIW f heCAITAL of NEW SOUTH -~oVAL COLLEGE of SURGEONS in LON- FiO1TN -The JOUNTERIAN ORATION will lit delivered by Mir. on C Saturday the 14th Instant,At Four o'clock. No admission EDMP). BELFOUR, See. FIsRtuAatY2, 182. pOYAL MiNTITUTION of GREA I'BRITAIN, AIbeMsnle-stroetL-&r. BRANDE and Mr. FARADAY will corn- meretleirCO~5 Cti~S~o CIEIAl, LF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UFJFOLK-ST ETGALLERY.-SOCIETY of BRITISil ARTISTS. -The SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION foe SAY, of ?? of ART. by LIVING BRITISHI ARTISTS, Is l,,tothepubl~c EVERS DATfrout Nintto Siz.Admlttance is.- 0 rp lal T.C.1HOFLANI),Sec. 4iij, XHIBITION of LODGE'S PORTRAITS T of the ?? PERSONAGES of GREAT BRITAIN, frw h Ca~l0loem of 11* Maiostfr the Nobility, and from Public lio, i OEN taly ro N e tllMtatMens ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAWLIShI, DEVON. rlHE Rev. C. R. ROPER, B. A. (late pf St. John's Collpge, Oxotn) having taiell a IllOSt coWO'- inus holise situated ht the Cliff, proposes to roceive into his $Itilnily, after thie ensuing llidsummtner Va(nation, a limited lonioher of Y ouni Gentlemuen, to prepare eitber for the tiUoi- ~ver-itivs or Paiolic Stehools. liaving beer, exigrrgerl ir, Tuition fil-n a consideraible ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * . ~~~ADNH.uAI.rv. OePiCs, '29th Decembuer, 1828. ,V[IS is to give Notice, That NAXTIANIEL IL VYE LEE, of lLFaAcoiae, in the County of. Devon, Esquire, hath in pursuance *f the Act 46 Geo. 3, cap. 153, given me Notice, dated 23d iuistakt, ot''his intelationto con- struct in the Herb ou of Ilfi'acombo a;UTTY, such Jotty notto project into che said Harbour mnore than Eleven Feet Five Inchtes; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a400 ARE. n oad ready to be lent upon Mvjort. gage; nd 0o will be ready to be ?? thle ],St June nextonMurtgage. Applyto George Bownus,, ,Solicitor, 8, Sandhill, ?? April, 1829. ~j(AN'rED mmediately, upo ?? inthe County ol asubrad W , For further pply, if' by Letter, Post-pail], to ttended aslon, SeofI ~tor, Morpeth.- Appritshi , 1829. .AN E ,by a mhiddle aged Man, E urgery. F,~~-AEHUF It. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - asX xa~t aoods, NcSte..!,'27th October, S9 T'HE Committee t of til Rort thor beg Lao T sforb tobhe Public', that T the OFae ToH CEREMONIES 'BALL e Non64ber eititl,the IL 0'Clfed ck Taesda~,, the 171h of wh!tr>_eh=j g ,. OddityE Asp-1Ly 05 w hibh wrn L AItE ay Ra hi I theiD oors f Apndatatn'e 1)0k recisely. -eik 'Ssl 61. 6lg. Tea i.cluded. TieI8et1st be ?? ELLIS, at the Assembly RoomS m o o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TMLY fIflanR. This Day is published, a NEw EDIIONs, in Two Volumes, Price Ten Shillings, of N APOLEON BUONA&PARTE. Forming Nos. I. & II. of the FAMILY LIBRARY. JOHN MURlRAY, Albemarle Street, L~ondon. The COURT and CAMP of BUONAPAltTlE, iii One Volumne, with Portraits, being No. Vil. of ste FAMILY LAlo a Nrw EDITION of The FAMILY LIBRARY, No. Ill. being The LIFE of ALEXANDER the GREAT. One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUATEd Omere DC9ISTRIC6ET BOIRDM ereay ?? MreETN of the Comte i O MTE feemeoi 12 TEDV STMSeRcrtar 1RIDGETinA of the SOCIE'pY for PROMOTING CfHumSTIANg KNOWLED GE, ivill be heid'in h Vestry Laug onS Ladises ld Gttenn T~ev Chapel, Oi ensay next, the 9th inst.a - - oc. .. a u bie u ?? t , CHRISTOPHELL BIRD, Secretary 2nd December, 1829. DryE 'HE, AN1J~ EAXG ANf. 'i r . . iGeERA Sit ME:T IiNG of ...