Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jiirtl0o, larriaoo0, & Mratf ~WRTH. On the 16th inst. at Jcrsey, the Lady of Herbert John Jones, Esq. of a soi. Onl thc I st inst. M. J. MoJdrgan, Esq. Surgeon, of Corbliam, Wiltshire, to Miss Drewitt, of the same plate. On the 10th tilt. at Alton Abbots, Bucklingham. shire, by the Rev. Mr. Felix, the Rev. J. I. Jones, lniepsttidenit Bl jiister at Cainarvon, to Miss Lines, eldest daiuighter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. js-; At, iBrAead. .nI 01MIII DUCLA, WI Jd1C 1St CLIrret, ?? Let- Captain it. Rt. HLNTri'lR, ofia dnnighcbte. or At Innerwvick BManse, on the 29th-ultitop -Mrs roRMAN,% t iq of a daughter. on At No. 29, Windsor Street, on the VIh current, Mms Ing. _Duscmit.- Orason. - ,for v-.zAt-0Oibrstlmasv. on thq~th~-uisimo.tlie.Laly of Rokstso.'r ize, Dl)iNKonvu, 1sq. of asn 4u t: Westhous ~tvhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH- E,AIchhill, on the 29th ult. the LADY of James Gain- ,Esq. of a son. Osthe 3d mnt. at Ballymoyer, the LaDY of Win. Reed, t a son. -PMAItItIED- fn the 4th inst. by the liev. Mr. Lynch, Mr. HExrtr hac, Falls, to Mrs. Kzxt.,r, Widow of the late .Mr. tij* Kelly, Shalikhill. DD T.ursday last, by the Rev. James Davis, Banbridge, * tbau III?};ssa, Belfost, to EaLsI, third daughter of InMr. P. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F On the 15th inst. the Lady of Sir- STEPHEN daughter. Marcb 9, at Lord Atnesley's, in Palace-ro, Lady Mary McGuire, of a son and heir. MARRIED_ On the 5th inst. by the Rev. Alex McEwen, Mr. . MAXWELL, Granshaw, to Miss LOWRY, datt ?? w JOHN LOWRY, Rureagh, Kirkeibbin. On Thursday, by the Rev. John Watson a her father, Ballygrangey JANE MATILDA, eldest daughter Mr. Nathaniel McQuoid, to Mr. WM ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH At Belturbet, on the 23d instant, the LADY Of tbe Rev. W. E. Hearn, of a son. At Steeple, on the 30th ult. the LADY of George J, Clarke, Esq. of a son- On ther }7th ult. in Crossmaglen, in the County Armagh the LADY of Best Wier, Esq. of a daughter. -MARRIED. At Edinburgh, on the 28th ult, the Rev. ROBT. McGILL Minister of the church at Niagara, Upper Canada, to CATHARINE, youngest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Rockingham, Northamptonshire, William, second son of Sir Richard de Capell Brooke, Bart. of Oakley, to the Hon. Ca- therine Watson, sister of Lord Sondes.-At Shenley, George Anderson, Esq. to Susan Anne, eldest daughter of P. Hadow, Esq. of Colney House, ?? Whitchurch, Bucks, Mr. J. Elliott, of Great Horwood, to Miss Cheshire, of the fonner place. -Mir. Arthur Rolls, third son of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR rns. Yesterday, the 2d iast, the lady of W. H. Alnswazotbi EIq Stlssex-place, Regent's- park, of a dsuguter. On the 25th ut. at B~rr ,ck-lodge, near Carlisle, tbe !it William J~mes, REq. of a son. Oa Sanday, the Ist inst. Mrs. Frederick Temple, ot'134 ' of a son. On tibe 29th ult. in York-terrace, Regent's Park, th e Henry L.,ard, E q. of H son. On the 25th ult. at Millbrook, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE CONVICTS NOW UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH. The first intimation to the unhappy men, Chick, Natban, and Gifford, that there was to hope for thema in this world, was communicated about eleven o'clock on the night of Monday, being the day on which the Council assembled at Windsor to receive the Recorder's Report. The conduct of the prisoners had previously been such as became their imminently ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Nov. 25, at All Saints' church, Mr. James Cook, of this city, to Louisa Ellen, eldest dau. of Mr. G. Frost, of Chewton Keynsham. N,,v. 28, at Llangua, Monmouthshire, Mr. Thomas Sayce, of Ewasharoi(l, to Anne, voun..gest daughter of the late Mr. John Cooke, of Penttwyne, in the above parish Nov. 30, at Stow church, Newport, Monmouthshlre, James Gollidge, Esq, to Elizabeth, eldest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rTZArlXAGE-S. Onthe2Sth ottat Prestiviclh, Ml.Josephlteoyer, Ietter-press-printer. to Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, hatli oftthis tOo% u. Oil the 20th inst. at tile Coli-giate Cirelrci, 11r. William Kinigiht, I farmer, to Miss Mary White, bodll of' Ctoislton. Ol the 22nd inst. at tle salne plec, Mre. ,lol athIvaite, Ann Grcenfield, both oi Sailtodl. On tile 22,1d inst. at the sill e, Mr. George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n ~MARRI AGES. tYesterday, at Sculcoates ch1urch1, AMr. John Jowsey, joiner, of this ,place, to Misa Ann Robhison, of Leeds..: nOn Tuesday last, at Scutnoatec church, Mr. David Dunn, boot and nshoemaker, Scott street, to Elizabethi Ward, about 20 Sears servant .,to the Rev. Ki. Baakets, of the Charter-houae, at this plijee.- :Yesterday weeck, at tile Holy Trinity chucch, Mr. Fcdncij~tovely, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3$irtb, ftarriagt0 anbeaten BIRTH, ir On Saturday last, at Homer Green, near Scphtof, rs liawlinson, gardener, of two girls and a boy, all living. so MARRIED. Re Lately, at St. Nieholss Church, Mr. Wm. DIcklnson, shlpVwrght, hito Miss Agnes Morrison. 7yLately, at St. Nicholas Church, Mr. Job Kennedy, to MISS An ` S Dickinson, Garden-street. At On Monday, the 12th instant, at Manchester, ...