Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1829. Brnrn. .At Untinlv-1en, near Donegpil, on the 12th tilt t the Lady of Licut -Col. ScTEUHTl , of thle Madras Army, of a soin. t ?? here, upon the 20th uIlt. by tlec Rev. D. Simpson, I Air NVILMA1TA.I 11ATSONx, Malauticturer, to JANC. eldest c dauehter of dir John Greig, M1annufacturcr, Trinity Street. a Married, at Red lHall, by the Reverend Mr Leslie of St Andrews ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Decemzber 9, 1S'J9. r Bt ?? PFrkhi]I, on tie 3d inst. the ?? ?? t e GORDON CUJIING Sxni-e, Esq. of Pitlurg and Dyce, of It a daughter. U BIRTH.-At Gibraltar, November 8th, the Lady of RomINisoN DT DcKwon'ri, Esq. of a son. iMavried, at Perth, on the 'i0th ult., MAJni T17cizanmsoN, 1L.1. to Miss ISADEILLA *YOUNG, second daughiter of the p late John Young, Esq. Ardbenny. ti Ilarried, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 M~irtbo. At Loudon, on the 7tb inst., the Countess of Guilford, of a son and heir. On the 12th curt. at Stranraer, the wife of the Rev. William symnington, of a son, On the 15th curt, at Dundee, M1rs Dr Gardner, of a son. t On the 12th curt. at New Scone, Mrs Captain Robertson, of a son. i 49arrfageo. At Leith, on the 12th instant, Ilr Thomas Calder, ship- e master, lto Elizabeth M'Laren, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .At sea, off the ap& of-Goodeope; on the 24th'or Jul, the Lady.:-of CaCtai Pk , of the 26th. regiment, of. a son_. - - - -On th'e 2'th &Sici' at Noj, 20, Annandalie Street, Mrs Oi, thi'4th 6r~f~t.'4'No. 10, 'Charlotte Square, 'Edit- burgh; the. Liftucr iRT; -of- on and heir, -,,At No. Atlial efi.e On th e 24th curt. Mrs J61'. MxaLna, of a daugbtp't . .At .S, Hari Siep' :diEinhirgh; on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I t Johla1,.rtillhie.rgreeve, Ba. to 31iscc BEnguali, dasglt-l ter. e2 Josph~p- .agaall, E sq-, .At Sidmnoutli, Jaimcs Winslee Phillipps, 3sg-. Captntn 7th Mlssars, to Catharine Aurora, only daugh't~e 01' tile late Colone Jllames A. Kirkpatrick, of the lo;). 'ast Inoiaa Coipaiv'sey Servicr.-At Weymnouth, Robt. Hlolden, vlsq. o 4 th ith hiyidl Irish D'ragoon G(uards,o Iliargaret, eldest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oni Snedaybil, at liareowood, the Lady of R. MMeisie, E of doagilter, still born. OlOn the Nth i24 t. 4itaNew 'V Tel rl'ace, near 'orkr, the Lady of e the Rev. Jlames Pasaoo, zof (i glhter. t Qu the l7th alt. the LOdy oR' U. F. Bradthehs, Esq. of 1iao 1 Halil, of a sollE te ?? 11 ult. at thle lD i cof aluerert's, Bailmialauo, Lady Georgina Granviile iT yer, or, so . a _ _ _ t On Thuirsday l2st ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3sirtItt grtiislg, &, On TuesdaV week, the Lady ?? Bassett, Esq. of Welsfi St. Donatt's, of a daughter. WARRaIAGUS. t' Under this head re nerer' insert tihe cesstansssi cations ot anonymous corresposnden as. On ths 19th ult. Mr. William Young, hutcher, to Miss Mary Cartwright, Uoth of atansner. Lately, at Hmnmnersmith, the Rov. J rownley, D. D. (of London, President of the Wesl ! an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Madelra, on 231 October, the lady of Webster Gordon, Esq. of a son. Oa lbe 27d iust. lo Bedford-square, the lady of Widiara Jjua Lysley, E-q Barrister at Law, of H d.uvhtor. O e tit 1(h lmat. at Leanmington Spa, Viscuumnteri Eastr.r, of a daugbter. I)u the 19;h inst. at Westacre, High House, Norfolk, thi lady of A. Hacuond, Esq. of a uta. Ac Llyoy ayneci, the lady of the Rev. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ' I EX T - I., ,; WEDNESDAY, DSCIABER 23,; 182 9. - ?? . . T , I NO At[neeyhust Hohie,. the L1adly of LieutenianWt Colonelba Sir- Diidiey St -LegesHl, df lagti e.R -,i'Ok'Aij,ad'ay~ ia't, at Totthuii,,th~e, Lady of. the' e.R le1'5. ~iiat IBath, the Lad-i of G. C. Turtigwn Evq, or-a son. At 411`4-on r. .'itir atitalatg tia.ry A ?? i'u, theo wake fe' ?? laiiioiis'eymous, of t son5. ,a,~ ' St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LONDON, JANUP.7 ?? a I After the death of RWdama, late king of Madagascar, his mother seized upon the chief power, with the inten- tion of having her young son crowned, to the exclusion of the rightful heir, who, according to the order of suc- cession in that country, was the son of Radama's young- est sister, who was married to Prince Ratefe. The young Ratefe came to the throne as the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED- At Maghera, on the 24th ult. by the Rev. Jas. Spencer Knox, SAMUEL McDOWELL ELLIOTT, Esq. of Belfast, Soli- citor, to JANE, third daughter of the late Robert Paterson, Esq. of Gracefield, county of Londonderry. On the 16th ult. in Strabane, Mr. John GILL, of that town, merchant, to ELLEN, only daughter of the late Mr. John Hamilton, Methodist Missionary, and niece to Mr. William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH- Nov. 5, at Rahasane, County of Galway, th the Right Hon. Lord Clanmorris, of a son. LonY o At Laurel Hill, Coleraine, on the 6th inst. tLA the Rev. William John Knox, of a daughtee.. _MARRlED. Nov. 14, In Aghavea Church, by the Rev. John Hare, WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Esq. M. D. of Landondei to FRANCES, daughter of Hamilton Hare, Esq of Gl rurn. mon. - 1tqo ,At Coleraine, on the 11th inst. ...