Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 b @ tt b n Clit WEDNESDAY, d'caruaij 18,, 1829. il crC BiR'ri.- On thle 2d inSt. at Gordon Castle, ?? stat of his sil; Grace the Duke of Gordon, the Lady of D3uat I.S iur, Esq. go of a daughter. in Birth, at Fovcran Manse, on the 15th inst. Mars MaxvEe. vi ( (. olo)tON, of a son. Cen Milrriktc on the 12th instant, at aiarv-la-llonne Church. 'o London, the hottoirable It V S'rt1itttitn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Mrs Arnold, residing at 96 Grub street, Chiswell street, was on Sunday morn- ing delivered of three girs, all living, and likely so tn do. The father is a poor inast, woith ?? a family of seven children. MARRIED. On the leth inst. Thomas Tsvisdess, only son of Thomas Law Hodges, Esq. of Ueisstod place, Kent, to Mary, only daughter of Thomas Chaedless, Esq. late of Dorset square. ?? the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Tues'ay, Herry Wm.Yilliasson ?? of Balshanillouse, Cambridgeshire, to Margarct, youngest daughter at Augustas Browne, 1sq. of Devonshire place. On the 22d inst. at the M'rsecds' Meeting House, Bishopsgate street, Samuel Richardson, of Deonsark hill, to Sarah, only daughter of the late George lthe. ridge, of ilxoton. At Wsllssey, Chester, William Meddowcroft, osq. of Gray's inn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'BRTHS. At No. 8, I-eriot Row, on lridnay ?? the 27th uftf- mo, the Lady ol CHAILJEs iAl, CHltiTri5, Esq. of Durie, of a son. At George's Square, Glasgow, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs FoltEE& MtNXILL, of a daughter. At NMi.' 10, Scotiand Siseet,- on the 530th UiltIo, Aki, WHYTT, of a son. At Inverness, on the 18th ultimr ,'Mrs FnRSER of Aber- tarlf, of a daughiter. ' At the Manse of ColUessie, on ...

BIRTHS On the 5th cu

... rt. at No. Si Drammond Place, Mrs AR- -T V.R CAM1PERLL, oPra-daughter. On the 30th uilt at Geneva, Mrs YOUISOER, junior, of Craigielands, DIrufries-shire, of a daugiter. On the 8th !curt. in Blythswood Place, Glasgow, Mrs is'1GATAS C.AMursT, Of a doaughter. 0tl ?? 28th ult. at Cross Street, Ishington, Lond,)n, Mrs J. G. Sslesow,.ofa ?? ' On the 2!7th FelHarT, at- Bombay,: t~he Lady of GnocaE - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE DOUBLE-HUEDED GIRL. The child with two heads, lately arrived at Paris, from gardinia, and which has excited so much interest in that etropolis contemporaneously with the Siamese youths London, died a few days ago. Thus all the hopes ounded by modern physiology on the observation of the ?? likely to result from this double organization, life had continned longer, are now ...

MARRIED. Fred. IDarw

... all, Esq. of Birmingham1, to Jane, eldest daughter of Johin Pou~ntney, Esq. of Camp-hill.-At Stoke Mlandeville, near Aylesbulry, Dlr. Thomas Ligo W~ebb, to the widow of the late Mr. Claydonl, of Weston Turville.-At Quilon, Lieue. R. R. Gillespie, of his Majesty's Fourth Dragoon Guards, to Sally Mlaria, third daughter of the late C. Blaxland, Esq. surgeon, of MrandswoethjOhfl, eldest son of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ly ar i it On Thursday ia't, at our Yerlsh Church, by the ilev. Richad e Fasett, vicar, Mr. Jackson, of Manchester, to blary,' eldest daughter of Mr. James Walker, Upper Wortley, near this towsu. ,r Same day, Mr. Samuel Patkero joiner, to Miss Ani Wilitakdr, rs both of Halifax. ; Same day, Mr. Joseph Wright, hnnkeeper, to Mrs. Hannah Crab- ie tree, both of Ovenden. r. Samu day, Mr. Josepit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 13th hust. tihe Countess of Shefileld, of a daughter. tC On the 11th Inst. at Branch 11111 Lodge, near London, the Lady C of T. W. Beaumont, Esq. ?? of a son and heir. Same (lay, the Lady Alice Peel, of e son. n Or, Wednesday wreek, the wife of Mr. (eorge Drucksop, of Lit- IL tleiaoor, near Aphover, weas delivered of three fitnd daughters', T they are all tivjig, and with the mother are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, IC at lSirtb0. IncIlor: tre Lady of tile It ght lios. lobeht Peel, of a rdto list, tile t.ndy0 of Sir IV ;lliarn D. Cooke, Dart, of * Dear Doncutre of a son. 'rilaY It. William loster, second soal of Johr Footer, uelt block ?? ttley, of Stlbbiln-louse, near j lst, oA York, 3r. JolI Oison. of Nordvtve, a i1,to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of ir. Nult, of in a]l inatra, John NIlanyaring, jun. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * BliltTII May 20, it Abbot's Leigb, the lady of RoIt Bright, Eq. .off a so.- iMARRIED. May 16, at Collumptotm, Devonn Edward lfanley, iterportid eif of the lotte Ch as. Leighf E~q. of Craddock Villa. to rlarT A'r, only daaghter of the lite Jos. Gatcornbe Bailey, Esq of Nursl Petberton, Somerset. Mav 16, at TIverton, Devon, 1. 0. Patch, Esq. solicitor, to Anne-Scrt frourth daughter of Geo. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * * ' Blll'lH. Dee. 3i, in the Lower Crescentt, .Climon, Xs,. Wm, Bigg, of a4Ot - b ;~t~D AMAIIED. NPV. S0. R- P. Edwards, -Eq. of St.,oohtonbrosss, to Janei eldest dauihter aF Thos. Gilinr, Esq. of Mark. Dec 121,'Mr. Edward Bishop, of Londohi, fo Ann, eldest daughtertof Mr. T. Itohinson, of Haeverfovdwaew. * Dee., 25.r.mW; Shav, li q. of KIentish-towtl; Frances Mary,. widow of ...