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Advertisements & Notices

... Cl0oo -R WA R D. . ;rlE , S. on the Wight qf Monday the 3dcinst. some 0' Vl-diposed persol or persons PriljdL17y aid ?? T Stacks of Barley, and O;e &ach qf Oats, the dfre to IPATRIcK and FELIX CURR Y; of' the' Yrlty dia C70ntca ?? of Tynan, and County of I'i 1heaby thje sonnze was entirely consinned. p[ ttenr. to pnazish the perpetrators of sach wicked andI, ril alnd to prerent in 1Itire a P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'eWiV 7Wuxoo1le), Warehouse, ;Ve iv 117e -STREET. -1 -. J KlWTTR1CA has relc hf;S PYRING ASSOR'rTMENt; Of GOODS, erI r CLOT aIdHS and CASS5Sf - a'S. dyc.~.A W'rAISTCOA4TINGS and iN,7K i;rl.N'.7)KEROIII[EFS o tle newe.t a7 d me ?? ioflalO Patter's, DOZENof Sl Ka EAVER HATS, *b~edl purchased by himself 1IN EssGtAND, on the I ,,Ineg t seu termafoc Ca,!, he is enabled to offer at ,redsced priCes. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM. NTOTICE is hereby given, that the last d(ays for N giving in APPLICATIONS to the CLERK of the PEACE, to REGISTER FREEHOLDS atthei ensuing REGISTRY SESSION, wvill be as follows, viz:- For the Registry at Belftst, Saturday the 2d of May. ?? Carrickfergqus, Fridary tlc 8th Mlay ?? Antrim, Tuesday the 12th1 May. ?? . Ballymenal, Saturday thre l6th, May ?? Bautyn2ofey, Friday the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiEETING of the TRUSTEE8.of B m3URN DIVISrQN of the TUR, e fiom LISBURN to MONAGHAN, will he t ltotu Pur;, at TWELVE o'clock, on SATUp el inst. for the purpose of ballotting for tbe TAY the t2th named at the last ieeting. August 13th, 1829. D. C On same day and place, a Mee of tC. r TEES will be held for the purponarer0ovi said TR61 Gate, either to -the place where-lt formerly vtheSb, STOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BIrussels, Kidderminster and Venetiaz CARPETING, &c. & W. GUNNING have just RECEIVE[ Ro SIX BALES NEW SPRING PATTERNS: which,.with their present, comprises a Stock of 7,000 Yards BRUSSELS, and 11,000 Yards KIDDERMINSTER, VENE. Ti4N Ar GRECIAN CARPETINGS, Of the newest London Patterns; HEARTH RUGS, LAP A and URN RUGS OIL CLOTHS, and ;FG' H MATTINGS; SILK TABORETS,VDAJ& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co OF ANTRIM-. r CftFTARY to the GRAN'D JUERY'S OF- Fla, *n te C0osnty Court-House,- CARPJ-GK- FL jiltrymrait open to-receive APP.LICATI]ONS BGItSNfrMENTStill NINE ?? in the Eveninig RSDAY the 11th of JUNE, and for Notices-to Ac- .ah ESpenditure of Public Money, till TWELVE othe Fo~renoon of SATURDAY the .l3tb. C.AL, SESSIONS will be held- at the following1 ¢0d times, to consider all such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ELFAS'r .ACADEMY FOR- DANCING. REYNOLDS, after once -more visiting the W wo; first' Cities- in the world, LONDON and ?? his the bonour of announcing his return to the -,bIitY, Gentry, ahd Inhabitants' of 'elfast, its vicinity, - diifferetownDs, and theirrespectiveneighbourhoods, gil theb a betl; in. the habit of attending, as also those vhicl yet lifavour him with their cowmands, begs leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARVXNG, GELDING, I AndL ookibg (Gla.vs AaV ufaethqo`. SILO (late of the firn of A. e Al. SILO) begs most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gen- try, and Public of the Northl of Ireland, that he has vemovI- ed to NO. !20, ARTHUR-SIQUARE, (Immediately adjoining the Theatre, and opposite Arjthur-Street,)- Where all orders in his line of Business Shall be executed with the greatest care, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIUGTH HIALLIDAY B EGS leave toiinforto hisFriends, that-he is at pre- D selit receiving a large #rrrity of GOODS, pur_ | chased personally in EngLandIM ithin the last three weeks which he can with confideei c(recommend as being the best, value he has ever vet ha.] in his power to offer for' sale. 211) No.-8, WAlRING-STREET-Nov. 27, 182'. Qul;J3IBC CARGOkES, &c. THOMAS CORBITT & CO. A. BE niow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jj~slt .llw'sjasoryl. W*191M AND C-AART rSpECTFULLY acquaiatitheir Friends and the Trade, that ?? copstantly stlpplied with an ex. sortment of IUSLIN GOODS of their own V ETS, MULLSt, and BOOKS,. TAPE and JA4C CORD CHECKS and STRIPES; which, with a variety of B0ox and VERONA HANDKERCHIEFS. her to Wholesale Purchasers and Shippers on liberal D4 7e Terme.i ly and H. alio manufacture and have now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS. ON SALE, jY J. RIEILLY, SgoP TO TgE NEWS-LETTER OFFICE, BRIDGE-STREET. n of THIS DAT, (Tuesday, Sept. 15,) A andn FourfollOw Evznings, V vahable and extsive COLLECTION of 0gs, in various dtments of Literature, com- ,of tbe most useful and popular Works in the gi' Lsnmggence at Half-past SEVEN ?? each .he SA18 t (256 IRON. J.AMES MARTIN 4 CO. ER RECEIVED a SU PrLY of the above AS ~As ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLADY PRINT-WORKS. P1-TE above Concern will he SOLD by AUCT ION, Ion the Premises, on THURSDAY, the 16th April, ,he Flour of TWELVE o'Clook, vith all the Apparatus, inr Bleaciing and Calico Printinag, together with iS ¢ and 25 Perches of LAND, on which the Works are ,ted. with a Lease of 60 years from ov. 181 1, and One u Lit., at the Yearly Rent of0 4l, I18. Likewise !cres, 2 RXomls, and 25 ...