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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgh, on the I4h !nst., thA Lady of Iajor W dn ir Bertram, Bengal native infantry, of a so. d .; At Dundee,:ron the 14thI.current, lrs James Thorns, of n daughter. Ac Elliston House, Roxburghshire, on tke 30th ul., the it L dy4of Sir Robert Henry Tulloh, Esq. of Elliston, of a s daughter. d At Poonah, on the 18th Miarch, by the Rev.. R.War rd Edmund Montgonerie, Esq. Civil Service, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... v~~~ T'tiTrS. -- . ?? _ At Melville House, Fife,- on the 16th current, the Coun- tess of LEVEN and MEFVIiLY , of a sohwho only survived a few hours. At Gribton, on the ?? current,' the Lady of FRANCIS MAXWELL, Esq. of Gribton, of a daughter. O At tiverpool, on'the IStf current, the Lady of ARCHEBALD _ MAXWELL, Esq. of Kelton, of a son. . -. At Mossley Vale, Lancashire, on the 13th current, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. js-; At, iBrAead. .nI 01MIII DUCLA, WI Jd1C 1St CLIrret, ?? Let- Captain it. Rt. HLNTri'lR, ofia dnnighcbte. or At Innerwvick BManse, on the 29th-ultitop -Mrs roRMAN,% t iq of a daughter. on At No. 29, Windsor Street, on the VIh current, Mms Ing. _Duscmit.- Orason. - ,for v-.zAt-0Oibrstlmasv. on thq~th~-uisimo.tlie.Laly of Rokstso.'r ize, Dl)iNKonvu, 1sq. of asn 4u t: Westhous ~tvhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1829. Brnrn. .At Untinlv-1en, near Donegpil, on the 12th tilt t the Lady of Licut -Col. ScTEUHTl , of thle Madras Army, of a soin. t ?? here, upon the 20th uIlt. by tlec Rev. D. Simpson, I Air NVILMA1TA.I 11ATSONx, Malauticturer, to JANC. eldest c dauehter of dir John Greig, M1annufacturcr, Trinity Street. a Married, at Red lHall, by the Reverend Mr Leslie of St Andrews ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Decemzber 9, 1S'J9. r Bt ?? PFrkhi]I, on tie 3d inst. the ?? ?? t e GORDON CUJIING Sxni-e, Esq. of Pitlurg and Dyce, of It a daughter. U BIRTH.-At Gibraltar, November 8th, the Lady of RomINisoN DT DcKwon'ri, Esq. of a son. iMavried, at Perth, on the 'i0th ult., MAJni T17cizanmsoN, 1L.1. to Miss ISADEILLA *YOUNG, second daughiter of the p late John Young, Esq. Ardbenny. ti Ilarried, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 M~irtbo. At Loudon, on the 7tb inst., the Countess of Guilford, of a son and heir. On the 12th curt. at Stranraer, the wife of the Rev. William symnington, of a son, On the 15th curt, at Dundee, M1rs Dr Gardner, of a son. t On the 12th curt. at New Scone, Mrs Captain Robertson, of a son. i 49arrfageo. At Leith, on the 12th instant, Ilr Thomas Calder, ship- e master, lto Elizabeth M'Laren, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .At sea, off the ap& of-Goodeope; on the 24th'or Jul, the Lady.:-of CaCtai Pk , of the 26th. regiment, of. a son_. - - - -On th'e 2'th &Sici' at Noj, 20, Annandalie Street, Mrs Oi, thi'4th 6r~f~t.'4'No. 10, 'Charlotte Square, 'Edit- burgh; the. Liftucr iRT; -of- on and heir, -,,At No. Atlial efi.e On th e 24th curt. Mrs J61'. MxaLna, of a daugbtp't . .At .S, Hari Siep' :diEinhirgh; on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 b @ tt b n Clit WEDNESDAY, d'caruaij 18,, 1829. il crC BiR'ri.- On thle 2d inSt. at Gordon Castle, ?? stat of his sil; Grace the Duke of Gordon, the Lady of D3uat I.S iur, Esq. go of a daughter. in Birth, at Fovcran Manse, on the 15th inst. Mars MaxvEe. vi ( (. olo)tON, of a son. Cen Milrriktc on the 12th instant, at aiarv-la-llonne Church. 'o London, the hottoirable It V S'rt1itttitn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'BRTHS. At No. 8, I-eriot Row, on lridnay ?? the 27th uftf- mo, the Lady ol CHAILJEs iAl, CHltiTri5, Esq. of Durie, of a son. At George's Square, Glasgow, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs FoltEE& MtNXILL, of a daughter. At NMi.' 10, Scotiand Siseet,- on the 530th UiltIo, Aki, WHYTT, of a son. At Inverness, on the 18th ultimr ,'Mrs FnRSER of Aber- tarlf, of a daughiter. ' At the Manse of ColUessie, on ...

BIRTHS On the 5th cu

... rt. at No. Si Drammond Place, Mrs AR- -T V.R CAM1PERLL, oPra-daughter. On the 30th uilt at Geneva, Mrs YOUISOER, junior, of Craigielands, DIrufries-shire, of a daugiter. On the 8th !curt. in Blythswood Place, Glasgow, Mrs is'1GATAS C.AMursT, Of a doaughter. 0tl ?? 28th ult. at Cross Street, Ishington, Lond,)n, Mrs J. G. Sslesow,.ofa ?? ' On the 2!7th FelHarT, at- Bombay,: t~he Lady of GnocaE - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S t 115trtbt;. At Fettes Row, Edinburgh, on' the 12th curt., Mlrs Wil. liam Allan, of a daughter. At 26, Bath Street, Glasgow, on the 11th curt., the Lady of UWilliarn L. Ewing, Esq. of a daughter. n At Inverleith Road, on the 18th instant, Mlsrs, ABean, of a daughtcr. . On honday the 14th inst,, at Dollar, the Lady of Captain Pinkerton, of a son. i A Edinburgh, on the 18th instant, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ito d WEDNESDAY, Sept ember 523, 1S29. 6 0' BIRTH ?? Union Place, on the lo1th curt., Mers, Wmh. Y ALLARtDYCE, of ason. 5 BIRITH.-At Howard Place, Edinburgh, onl the'17th inst., el Mrs WILLIAvi NAPIiER, of a son. S Married, at Bombay, on thle 211th March last, tw bi ?? s, Esq. 1IU.D. civil surgeon to the Residency at Cutch, a to SOPHIeA, daughter of Major-Geneiral. Sir George Holmes, 01 ir K.C ...