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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... * 43~j=2ZZE4t&. fW E SECOND ASSENBLY for the Season *ill tale T place in the Public Rooms, on TdURSDAY the 7th ol Januaryr. Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and refreshments, as usual. Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s, Gid each. Aberdeen, 22d Dec. 182P. The Se.rvrdos wifll meet, in MhC Card Room.#, on the 7/Ic Cf Janyllw-y, al 2 o'clock, P.m5. to make ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AREEN ASSEMBLIES,' PUBLIC ROOMS. HE FOURTH ASSEMBLY for the Season will take T place in the PunsLic Rooms, on Thursday the 26th of Fcbruary curt. Dancing to commence at Eight.-Tea at Ten o'clock. Cards and RfJrfeslhments, as Usual. CT Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. 6id. each Aberdeen, Feb. 10, '1829. COOKE'S INDIA CONDIMENTS. C OOKE & CO. of 99, HATTON GiRDE-;, LONDON, T bave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8FA& FURNISH FITSTING UPG VP, &. &C.. R RETTIE cannot omit tee present opportunity of re. R . turning his sincere thanks to his numnerous Friends and the Public, for the very liberal sapport he has eaperienced SUice. he comnmenced butsiness on his own accoant; and that ]br the greater convenieihce of those rsho call ipon him in the way of j'miness, heintends RIt fMO INGtol) 13, UNION STRUET ...

An T011N PIRIE, in e

... xpressing thanks for the very liberal aJ share of patronage which he has received since he coin. menced business, takes leave to inform his customers and the public, that in addition to the usual branches of Blacksmith 'ork, he has lately begun the Manufacturing and fitting up of GAS APPARATUS. He would Patticularly direct the public attention to his MALLEABLE WELDED IRON e TUBES, Manufactured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , EDUCATIĀ¢ON SEMINARY, LONG.ACRE. n rESSRS. D. & J. GRANT mostxrespectfully intimate, 17L that their SPRING CLASSES will commence on )ThOXDAY the 9th February; after which the regulax Hours of Teaching will be as follows:- Et ,rrl ~Reading, Grammar, Camposition, and ?? 10 to 12, A. 3. & 3 tS,. Prennarship, Plain, ()ruaniental, and Current. hand ?? 7 to 9, ?? & 12 to 1, P.M. AitftImetic and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JONES ILLUSTRATIONS OF GREAT BRITMAN, -WALES, & IRELAND, In a serr es of Vsieus, Engraved upon Steel, in the first style of the art, each No. containing 4 Views, with 1listoricel, Topographical, and Critical Illustrations. Price, Is.; India paper Proofs, 2s 1' MIETROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENTS; O-t, 21.o- DONx I Tt'}E NINETEENT11 CENTURY, in 40 ?? 3 are publislhed bi MO0DERN ATHENS, OR, Eimnu11nncir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :: ?? ERb:E:N FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AN) ANNUITY COMPANY. Ait We Third Annual General Coirt of Proprietors, hlvd within the 'onepany's Hease, in Union Street, on Fri- day the 20tc da, of Febrviary, 1829 ; Liei.t. Gen. WIILIAI\1 BURNETT of Banchory Lodge, (i the absence of Lon- FORBES, the Governor of rise Company, and of Mlr ll'INNEs, the Chairman of she Ordinary Directors,) in the Chair. A N ...