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THE WHEPSTEAD ESTATE. JOHN PEN TO If MOST respectfully acquaints the Pubh'c lhat the above ESTATE, which was ..

... be SOLD by AUCTION by him at the Dog Inn, Bury, on Wednesday 7thinst. is DISPOSED OFby I'R!VATECONTRA,CT. Great H'aclnetham lIM, Jan. S, 1889. TO THE CLERGY. >nnO BE SOLD, a Quantity of DISS, written by a late I eminent and disdnguihhed Scholar and popular Preacher. They have never been ?? strictly original and or- thodox, and would be InvaluablflKPiy Clergyman who aims at popularity, or whose ...

Published: Wednesday 07 January 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7149 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... from his Friends, which he will continually Si rive to deserve, informs them and the Public that the present Vacation will terminate on MONDAY, January 26, 1829. This being nearly a fortnight later than the re-opening of the generality of Schools, Mr. F. begs to state that it is not the effect of an unusual length of Vacation, but of a propor- tionate postponement of its commencement, from ...

Published: Wednesday 14 January 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5875 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... has been carried on for more than half a century, begs to assure his Friends and the Public that the utmost attention is given to the Medical Treatment of Paiients confided to him, and as Mr. and Mrs. Pedgrift reside in the Asylum, their exertions are incessantly directed to alleviate tbe sufferings and promote the personal comfort of those committed to his care. His Terms are moderate. X&- Mr ...

Published: Wednesday 21 January 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5073 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

ALL Persons to whom Wr%^\H-WING, late of Mildenhall, in the county^WfcJP'lk. Bricklayer, deceased, stood ..

... are re- quested, withirf One Month fn m tl«__WeTfereof, to send the particulars of /heir demands to M*s.^Wg. of Mildenhall aforesaid, Wt/ow ; or to Mr. Secher, of Barton Mills, in Ihe said county, Jtarpenter, the Executrix and Executor of the said William Wing, deceased.— And all Persons who are in- debted to the Estate ofthe said William Wing, deceased, are requested forthwith to pay ...

Published: Wednesday 28 January 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3599 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

CAVENDISH SCHOOL. WANTED by Mr. Seabrook, the Master of Cavendish School, a Person qualified to leach Greek and ..

... might be willing to occupy (rent free) the front and principal part of the spacious School -house opposite Cavendish Green, and who can bring proper testimonials. It is desirable that he thouid bring some Pupils as Boarders with him. Their numbers may eventually be increased by the exertion of diligence and ability. For further particulars apply at the School, and to the Rev. Mr. Castley, or ...

Published: Wednesday 04 February 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5039 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

'JiT.Js MEETING of CLERGY ofthe Diocese of ■ .. Nruich, held at the Sivan Inn, Si. Peter's Mancrof . tn

... the City of Norwich, Feb. 3, 1829, ' THE ItEV. HENRY BATHURST, L L. B. Archdeacon of Norwich, in the Chair, Thejollowing Resolutions were unanimously passed : - RISOLVEn, ■j-— 'Di»t the Petition below inserted having been read and approved by the present Meeting, be adopted, and circu- lated lor signature. -d.— That Clergymen who wish to sign the same be re- quested, and are hereby requested ...

Published: Wednesday 11 February 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5551 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO BE SOLD, A Neat new-erected Dr.NNET GIG, with Lamps, &c. also an excellent HORSE, and HARNESS to the same

... The Harness is nearly new. The above is the pro- perty of a Gentleman who is changing his Residence. For Price, &c. apply to J. Rolfe, Auctioneer, Mill Street Mildenhall, if by letter, postpaid. » I EDWIN CODD, of the Parish of Norton, do hereby declare that I will not be answerable for any Debts that my Wife, MARY ANN CODD, may contract from the date hereof. E CODD February I6tli, 1829. ...

Published: Wednesday 18 February 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3297 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

MONEY. _£? O f\ (\ f\ And various smaller Sums, ready to be *3 \J \J \J advanced on approved

... real Security. Applicai ion to be made to Mr. Quarles, Solicitor, Whiting Street, Bury St Edmund's.— Letters to be postpaid. TO POSTMASTERS, And others subject to the Post-horse Duty. WHEN in the Year 1823 his Majesty's Ministers deter- mined to repeal the Laws relating to the Post-horse Duty, and to replace them by one which, retaining only what was necessary for the protection of the Revenue ...

Published: Wednesday 25 February 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5806 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO BE SOLD. AN entire HORSE, rising 4 Tears old, 16 Hands high, sire Partisan, dam by Mr. Morgan's Whiskey,

... his colour brown —For particulars inquire of James Debenhan:, Ixworth Thorpe, where the Horse may be seen. SHAW'S PARISH-OFFICER'S GUIDE. Just published, in a portable Pocket Volume, price ss. 6d. a New and Practical Work on the Laws relative to Parisii Matters, calculated for general Information, and to furnish alt Persons liable to serve the Office of Churchwarden, Overseer, &c. with full ...

Published: Wednesday 04 March 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4351 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

SUPERIOR MANUSCRIPT SERMONS. This day are published, printed in exact imitation of Manu- script by Lithography, ..

... post paper and alternate page, each done up separately for a case, in three portions of Twenty, price I . 10*. each, which may be had separate, SIXTY ORIGINAL SERMONS, adapted to every Sunday in ihe Year, and the principal Holy-days. By an EMINENT DIVINE ofthe Church of England. 'These Sermons are respectfully submitted to the Clergy, as being perfectly original, and very superior compositions ...

Published: Wednesday 11 March 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6410 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TURNPIKE ROAD From SCOLE BRIDGE to BURY ST. EDMUND's. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of

... the said Road, for the general purposes of the Trust, will be holden by adjournment at the Crown Inn, Botesdale, on Thursday the 19th day of March next, at Twelve o'clock at Noon precisely. — Dated the 21st of February, 1829. By Order, SAM. GOLDIKG, Clerk to the Trustees. BURNT FEN FIRST DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Half-yearly Meeting of the Commissioners of the above ...

Published: Wednesday 18 March 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5611 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED in the Town of Bury St. Edmund's, or within? Miles, a SMALL HOUSE and SHOP. Any Person having one

... to dispose of in the General Line will direct, slating particulars, post paid, to J. S. at 7, New Quebec S-.reet, Portman Square, London. COWS, SWINE, DAIRY UTENSILS, And General In-donr Effects, AT GREETING. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By KING and GARROD, On Monday the 30th of March, 1829, THE excellent Cow Stock, Swine, &c. and sll the House- hold Furniture, Backhouse and Dairy Utensils, and ...

Published: Wednesday 25 March 1829
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10084 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds